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bennett's pov.

Once Razor left, I walked back to Chongyun and Xingqiu. "So.." I began to talk, but Xingqiu cut me off.

"No. What was that? I thought you said you were just bros?" He put his hands on my shoulders, shaking me. "Soon you'll be kissing 'bro' goodnight!" He teased, as Chongyun nodded.

"I mean.. that wouldn't be so bad." I knew where this was going.

"See love, he's definitely crushing on Razor." Chongyun added, "And my assumption was right."

"Okay! Well what if I do like Razor." I admitted.

Xingqiu fan-girl squealed. To be honest, it was kind of cringy, but I ignored it. He then hugged me. It was like a mother hugging her child after they got straight A+'s, and I liked the comfort. "What was that for?" I questioned.

"I'm so proud of you! Razor has never shown interest in anyone, and now you're going on a coffee date with him!?" He smiled widely, Chongyun doing the same.

"It is not a date!" I paused, "I wish it was, though.." I mumbled.

Chongyun took a deep breath, "Listen, 'Benny'. Razor totally likes you. I mean, why else would he ask who your interested in? and then get excited when you said what you said?!"

"You heard that part? How long were you guys there!" I then paused, "And hey, only Razor can call me that!" I crossed my arms.

Xingqiu and Chongyun know now, how long until Razor finds out? Does he just see me as his best friend? I mean.. he winked at me. That says something, right! No. Stop, Razor is just my best friend, Razor is just my best-

"Helloo! Loverboy, you there?" Xingqiu waved his hand infront of my face.

"Huh? Oh, yep! Uh, you guys should get going. It's getting late and I'm going for coffee with Razor tomorrow." I stated, as if they didn't know.

"Wow.. are you kicking us out?" Xingqiu teased.

"Yes, I am. I don't want to walk in here and see you two making out again." I rolled my eyes.

Chongyun laughed, "Hm, alright Bennett. Enjoy your date tomorrow." They walked out the front door.

It is not a- oh who am I kidding. It is most definitely a date. I'll probably get stood up tomorrow and feel all glum about something I knew would happen.

Is Razor still awake? Will he respond if I text him now?

Razor!! 😊

hey, raz. uh, sorry for making you nervous today! I understand if you don't want to have coffee tomorrow.

of course I want to have coffee, you think I would leave you waiting?
and you didn't me nervous,
you're fine :)
coffee is great, and hanging
out with you is better, so why
would i say no?

okay! then i'll make sure to find a fancy one!

you're really funny, benny. now I should get to bed, you should too. see you tomorrow.

okay! see you tomorrow!


Even though Razor didn't come off as the affectionate type, he definitely acted like it with me. Does that mean something? Maybe Razor does like me. Maybe Xingqiu and Chongyun were right.
Maybe.. I can confess? No. Not yet, to soon. I'll wait for him to show signs.

Now I really need to sleep, once I found my bed i threw myself into the covers. I still have this silly little wolf plush Razor bought me a while back. Though he probably thought I threw it away or something. I don't want him to know I still have it, because that's really embarrassing! We actually have matching ones, I wonder if he still has his? Or did he forget about it? He probably did, it's no big deal. Gosh, now I really need to sleep.

(A/N) i can't think of what to say i want them to kiss 🙇‍♀️ but we're only 4 chapters in lol! as you can tell i don't know how to do slow burn 😭

𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐔𝐄𝐃 . electric love ⚡︎ - rannett modern auWhere stories live. Discover now