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(A/N) hi! sorry, i would of made another chapter yesterday but i was pretty tired.

bennett's pov.

Once I arrived home, I realized Razor was already there, leaning against the wall waiting for me. I jumped out of my car as quick as possible and ran up to him. "Razor! Sorry, were you waiting? I drive slow.." I smiled as I watched his face light up when he saw me.

"Oh, I wasn't waiting long. I'm actually glad.. I was able to get the boxes out of the car before you arrived. I don't have keys yet, so-"

I cut him off, "Actually, now you do!" I threw him a key. It was purple, with little red stripes over it. "And it matches mine!" I held up my key, which was red with purple stripes.

He chuckled, "Hm.. Thank you, Bennett." He grabbed his keychain, connecting the key to it. "Perfect." He smiled, to which I did back.

"Oh! I'll lead you to the room." Razor followed behind me, holding the boxes.

I walked into a room, it wasn't small but it wasn't huge either, perfect size. I flicked on the light switch, moving out of the way for Razor to place down the boxes. "Let's go get the mattress!" I grinned, and he walked back outside.

We both pulled out the mattress together, holding both sides. Even though Razor insisted to do it himself, I wanted to help.

We plopped the mattress into the bed frame, and I smiled proudly, "It fits perfectly! It's like this room was made for you." I gave him a thumps up.

"Awesome." Razor gave me a high-five, to which I blushed slightly. "I'm going to start setting up my room. Thanks for everything, Benny." He smiled, and I watched him take out his airpods and connect them to his phone. He was probably going to listen to music. I wonder what genre he's into? Whatever. I won't bother him.

"No problem! I'll make some food for us!" I walked out of his room, walking to the kitchen. Razor has said he really likes meat.. maybe I can make him some chicken skewers?


After I finished the food, I placed it on the table. I don't want to bother him, so I'll wait until he comes out.
I heard him open his door, probably trying to find out where the good smell was coming from. I watched as he looked at the food on the table, then to me.

"Razor, hi! I made some food for you, I hope you like it. Chongyun and Xingqiu taught me how to cook a little better, or the house would be burned down by now." I joked, as I saw him smile warmly.

He walked over and sat down at the table, next to me. Not close enough for it to be awkward, but still close. He still has his airpods in, I noticed.

He took a bite of the meat, his eyes widening. "Bennett, this is pretty good." He looked at me, after he swallowed his food.

He smiled large, and I've never noticed how pretty his smile was. He had sharp teeth at front, and little dimples when he smiled. I tried not to stare for to long, but it seemed he noticed.

"O-oh. Sorry," He stopped smiling, covering his mouth.

I frowned, "What's wrong? I like your smile!" I blurted out.

I saw his cheeks turn red. "Oh.. Thank you, Benny. I really appreciate it." He stopped talking, then finished his food.

"I'm almost done with my room. I can show you when after." He got up from the table, walking back to his room.

I smiled, "Okay! I'll be waiting in my room." I picked up my phone, walking to my room.


Once I entered my room, I jumped onto my bed. Covering myself in blankets, I brought out my phone. I texted Razor, I really wanted to know what he was listening to. Just a simple text would work: Hey Raz! I know you're busy with your room, but I really wanna know what you're listening to! What genre are you into? I noticed your airpods. That was my text, I sent it, staring at my ceiling until I heard a ding on my phone. I picked it up quickly, Razor said nothing, though he did send a Spotify link. I guess that was his way of telling me what he was listening to. I pressed the link, and it took me to a playlist, made by him. The title of the playlist read, 'love songs.'

Wow, I never would have guessed he liked love songs. I pressed shuffle, and the first song to come on was 'Ultimately' by khai dreams. I closed my eyes, listening to the song. It had a really nice melody, and the person's voice was relaxing to listen to. I listened to the lyrics, and I noticed they reminded me of Razor and I. Once the song was over, I added his playlist to my library. I decided to keep listening to his playlist, humming some of the songs. I heard a knock on my door after about 10 minutes.

I quickly got out of bed, opening the door. "Hi! Are you done with your room?" I smiled, until I realized how Razor looked. His hair was in a high ponytail, and he had my hoodie around his waist. He was wearing a black shirt, with some sweatpants. He looked.. really attractive. Not like he wasn't already. Gosh, what am I thinking? Stop being weird.

I snapped out of it when he cleared his throat, "I finished, come." He grabbed my hand, he looked excited to show me.

We arrived at his room, and I saw he had his led lights on. There were posters on the wall, like in his studio. His bed was on the side of the room, with a purple comforter. He had a desk, which had little figures of anime characters, one boy with spiky green hair and a green outfit, the other with white hair, with a white shirt, and a blue undershirt. There was also the little picture of him and I on it. His computer was also there, I think he was watching an anime. It looked like Hunter x Hunter. His dresser was on the other side of his room, with a bean bag in the corner. There was also a black fluffy rug on the ground, and his electric guitar was next to his bed.

I smiled, "This looks awesome! You definitely changed up this room, now it's yours." I nudged his shoulder, to which he laughed lightly.

I was about to strike a conversation, when I heard my phone ding. It was..Fischl? Why is she texting me..

I was still friends with Fischl I guess, but not really. After she confessed to liking me, which I didn't like her back, it became really awkward.

(A/N) CLIFFHANGER MWHAHAHAH. dw I would never do fischl dirty 😋 (pls come home Fischl 🙏)

𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐔𝐄𝐃 . electric love ⚡︎ - rannett modern auWhere stories live. Discover now