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razor's pov.

I skated around with Bennett, the coldness starting to get to my face. Or maybe it was me blushing, who knows? I stared at Bennett's face, admiring him. His smile was so pretty. I loved it so much, when he smiles, I sometimes have to look away, because he basically shined.

"Bennett." I snapped myself out of my own thoughts, realizing I said his name. It's now or never, I guess.

He looked up to me, "Hmm?"

"I- I um.." I gulped, "I like.. your smile, a lot." I looked up, mumbling. "Sorry! That was weird."

I watched as his eyes widened, then he squeezed my hands. I forgot we were holding hands.. even though he's getting better at skating now, he won't let go.

"Thank you Razor, lots." He smiled warmly, and I swear I saw him wink.

Xingqiu walked up to us, laying a hand on Bennett's shoulder. "Bennett! Can I talk to you for a minute?" He looked up at me, "..Sorry Razor, maybe you can go hang out with Chongyun!" He smiled before walking off with Bennett.

"Wait what-" Before I could say anything else Chongyun came to my side.

"Razor, we never really talk alone, what's up?" He waved his hands, signaling to follow him.

I realized he was going to sit next to Xingqiu and Bennett. I thought they wanted to talk alone? whatever..

Even though I couldn't hear much while we sat down, I could hear Bennett mention a kiss. What kiss? Oh wait.. where I kissed him on the cheek, or something else?

"Tell him to do it again! I want to see." I heard Xingqiu whisper, and I couldn't help but smirk slightly.

Bennett waved his hands infront of his face, "No way, that's weird!"

"Razor, you there? Are you listening?" Chongyun snapped his fingers infront of me.

I sighed, then chuckled, "Give me a second Chongyun, I need to do something."

My heartbeat was fast. Was I really about to do this? It felt as if my body was moving by itself. I sat closer next to Bennett, watching his face turn red. I locked eyes with him, holding his chin and kissing him lightly on the cheek.

Even though me and Bennett had a strong friendship, I couldn't help but feel that it was slightly more then that.

"You could of just asked, you know." I got up, sitting back next to Chongyun, not looking to see Bennett's reaction.

I heard Chongyun gasp slightly, and I cleared my throat, "So? What's up?"

"..Why'd you do that?"

I raised a brow, "Do what?"

"You kissed Bennett's cheek." Chongyun looked at me, and I could tell he was joking around.

I hummed, "Yep. I mean, I've done it before? What's wrong?"

"Do you like Bennett.. as more then a best friend?"

I scoffed, looking around to realize Bennett and Xingqiu were no longer next to us. "Duh. I mean- sorry."

"So you do! I knew it."

Now that Bennett wasn't near, I felt like I could be more open about this.

"I mean.. it's pretty obvious, yes? But Bennett's to dense to realize." I looked over at him laughing, "What's so funny?"

"Sorry.. nothing, nothing." Chongyun raised his hands, calling over Xingqiu.
"Love.. can we go now, I'm tired."

Xingqiu smirked, "Ah, YunYun. Just like a child, hm?"

I watched Bennett walk over, and when he locked eyes with me, he immediately looked away. Oh.

I sighed, patting Chongyun on the shoulder. "Okay, see you guys later.. Benny, are you ready to go?" I smiled to myself at the nickname, and I saw Bennett smile too.

"Oh.. sorry Razor, I was going to hang out with Fischl later. She said she'd pick me up from here.. so don't worry about me."
I frowned, then laughing and putting it off.

I looked over to Xingqiu and Chongyun, and they looked to be laughing about something. I wonder what?
"Okay.. no problem. I'll see you later, then?" I smiled warmly, waving at Bennett.

"Yea! Okay, see you later!"


I arrived home- well, at Bennett's house. I couldn't stop thinking about what he said. Hanging out with Fischl? I mean.. It's not like I was jealous, but I wanted to show him a cool movie I found. Either way, I'm not jealous at all. And last time Fischl visited, she said she met someone, so why should I be jealous anyway? Damn it, what am I doing to myself.

Maybe I can text Fischl.. nope. Not doing that. I'm going to be responsible and not think about it.

I sighed, walking over to the couch, basically falling onto it. I brought my knees up to my chest, lost in my thoughts, before I heard a knock at the door. I jumped up, looking out the little hole in the door.
It was Kaeya.. and Albedo? What are they doing here? Oh wait. They're Bennett's adopted fathers,
right? They're here for Bennett..

I opened the door slowly, "Um- Hi, Bennett's dads, right? I'm sorry, Bennett isn't here right now.."

"Oh, are you Razor? Bennett talks about you all the time. Are you two finally dating?" Kaeya spoke up, Albedo sending him a stern look.

I cleared my throat, opening the door more, "No.. We're not, sorry.." I mumbled, "Oh! What are you guys here for?"

"Ah, well we were here for Bennett. We apologize." Albedo said, kicking Kaeya's foot.
I wanted more info.. but that's good enough.

"Ouch- Uh, yes.. We apologize. Please say hello to Bennett for us when he arrives." Kaeya smirked slightly, turning around and waving.

Albedo followed close behind him, and I closed the door.

I sat on the ground, collecting my thoughts. I need to tell him. I need to do it.

I pulled out my phone, then putting it back in my pocket. A text is to simple. I need to tell him once he gets back.

I really hope.. this goes well.


𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐔𝐄𝐃 . electric love ⚡︎ - rannett modern auWhere stories live. Discover now