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You were sitting at a desk in the office of a man whom everyone called Milton.  He offered out his hand for you to shake, and you gladly took it.  He slowly slid you a contract, and you began to review the terms.  Like hell you were getting screwed over by the fine print.  But it looked good to you.  It even offered you the opportunity to bail if you so needed.

It had been three years since what happened at college.  You managed to make it through the rest of the year, and then you moved.  You and Randy wound up moving to LA together, where you could work in the ever so wonderful film industry.  It was what Randy always wanted, and something you were willing to settle with.  The two of you actually ended up as roommates in the same house.

And once you moved, the notes from two specific killers stopped showing up.  Thank the fucking lord.  They had been showing up around your apartment up until the day you moved away.  But, they replaced any voice modulated phone calls.  And notes were far easier to throw away and forget about.

Except for the last one.  The one that swore to find you, because as stated previously, you were stuck with them forever.

But you had two or so years of freedom, and your future was now looking especially bright.

Randy had gotten a job working on the next 'Stab' movie.  The sequel where all the characters went off to college and got attacked by their friends.  And the money kept rolling in, along with a demand for a third movie.  So they decided to make one not based on anything related to you and your tragic past.

That's where Randy comes in.  He gets offered a job as a writer/assistant director, and once Milton realized who he was, he convinced Randy to get you on board as a writer as well.  Since Randy had known the people in Woodsboro since childhood, he could give proper pointers on their characters.  And you had been awake throughout the entirety of the Woodsboro massacre, and could properly explain what happened.  So you two were quite the duo to have on board for this film.

And now, you had officially signed Milton's dotted line.  And that paycheck.  That paycheck.  Milton was potentially getting you and Randy a new house.  'Cause goddamn.  It was enough to put you through all four years at a high end college if you ever wanted to go back.

But you weren't going back.  The happy times with Hallie and Sid were forever overshadowed by what Mickey had done.  Randy was stuck with a limp, Deputy Riley had been attacked and couldn't raise his arms the full length anymore, and Gale had the chance to write another book if she so wanted.  

Milton happily grabbed the contract back, and sent you off on your way.  Waiting in the hallway outside the office was Randy.

"So... you helping me out," he asked.

"Call me an assistant to the assistant director," you replied with a smile.

Randy's face lit up as he offered you a hand.  He began to lead you outside to his car, talking about the Chinese food he had promised you.  Because whether you joined the crew or not, you deserved a reward for talking to someone new.  Your trust issues from Woodsboro?  Oh yeah, Mickey brought them right back.  Any progress Hallie helped you to make went right out the window after Windsor.

But, that was one of the great things about the movie business.  You'd work with people, act cordial for a few months, then you'd never see them again.  And you always stayed behind camera, so you never had to worry about press or paparazzi.  Maybe it was a good thing Randy got you to join him in this industry...

"I can already see people fighting to get your name on board," Randy ranted.  "(y/n) (l/n), writer extraordinaire!  Assistant to Randy Meeks, the next Wes Craven!"

"Who's Wes Craven," you asked.

"Horror director.  You don't wanna know," Randy answered.  "But either way... just think!  We're going places (n/n), big places!"

You hopped in the car, and he began to play a AC/DC CD.  He sang along, perfectly nailing each word, but screwing up the pitch.  You were amused by his attempts.  The celebration dinner restaurant was coming into view, and you felt a smile stretch across your face.  God you loved it here.  It was like a home away from home.

"So, working under Milton... just a few warnings," Randy began as he escorted you inside.  "He's a sexist pig.  But if you see him pickin' on any ladies, it'll do ya some good to just leave him be.  There's no reasoning with that man."

"I'm just going to pretend you didn't say that," you muttered.

"No, trust me on this!  I tried!  He threated to take away my job, and then hit me hard enough it put Billy to shame!  Number two, he will hit anyone and everyone hard enough to put Billy Loomis to shame.  Number three, that man is a force to be reckoned with.  Avoid him at all costs."

"Gladly," you stated.  "He sounds like a real ray o' sunshine."

"Oh, he is."

Randy led you to a table, where the two of you sat down and quickly ordered.  He continued to warn you about the people he had worked with before, and tried to find out if you already knew anyone working on this film.  He also debriefed you on the plot, where you found out 'Stab 3' was just a fancy redo of 'Stab.'  That's why they needed you around to help out with your knowledge of the Woodsboro Massacre.

You were a little nervous to be revisiting such a painful time in your life, but you had grown so much as a person since both Woodsboro and Windsor.  You could easily work through this.  And Randy was going to be with you, so it wasn't like you were going through this alone.  You would have some help.

You could do this.  You've faced off seven killers, what's a little writing job?

"Oh, and I forgot to mention, they're trying to get Dewey on board too," Randy told you.

"Really?  I know you two are close, so that'll be nice," you responded.

In all honesty, you were glad to have another friendly face around.  You still weren't all that close with Deputy Riley, but you would take what you could get.  Especially someone who knew how to hold their own against a serial killer or two.

Because, let's be honest.  You only brought tragedy where you went.  You could never have a happy ending.

So who's to say that this little writing job wouldn't end horribly as well?  You knew you were just paranoid, but you had your reasons.  You were attacked countless times.  And now you had both Randy and Deputy Riley to help you out.

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