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It was odd to see the set so devoid of life. It felt like a scary movie ghost town sort of thing. Where you used to see countless people bustling around to pull off this big crazy project, now there was no one.

"Holy shit, that's Stu's house," Sidney said.

Yep. The front door to the Macher's old residence was perfectly replicated through movie magic in the small building. On the other side of the room was a replica of Sidney's old house. And when she spotted it, her eyes lit up as fond memories flashed through her mind.

"It's... the same. They didn't... they didn't miss a thing," she muttered.

"Yeah. Randy and Roman wanted accuracy," you told her.

"It's... amazing," Sidney breathed.

And with that, she began to march towards the recreation of her childhood home. You turned to look at the Macher house, before deciding to follow Sidney. There were two reasons you figured this was the best option (even though she despised you):

• You may not watch scary movies, but even you know that you should never split up

• If anything Ghostface related happens, maybe the fact that she could see you had nothing to do with it would prove your innocence

Yes, you were still a bit peeved that she partially blamed you for Windsor. Hallie and Mickey were some of your best friends. Now both of them were dead and in the ground, and Mickey's name had been dragged through the dirt as his murder spree was revealed. But it felt like the whole world forgot Ms. Loomis.

It really hurt that the one person you could care less about was ignored, while your dead friends were constantly brought up in conversation about scary movie killers. Damn you 'Stab 2', you weren't even an interesting movie.

Making your way into the recreation of Sidney's childhood, Sid couldn't help but look around and admire everything.

"It's... perfect. How- how did they do this," Sidney asked.

The set was like a time machine. Every small detail was just as it was back in the 80s and 90s.

"Randy helped the design team," you answered. "Roman aimed for realism."

Sidney then saw the staircase, and began to ascend. She wanted to see if they got her room right too. It was her childhood wrapped up to be shipped out as entertainment despite how tragic the real events were.

You quickly ran up the staircase, wanting to block off the parents room. You'd heard from a birdie that Sidney was the one who'd found her mother dead. And you didn't want her to have to go through that again.

But as you made it to the door, someone flung the door opened and pulled you in, then closed and locked the door so you were trapped inside.

But where was Sidney?

Ogling her room. Or, the set version. The posters and stuffed toys littered about weren't exactly what she had, but they were pretty damn close. And sitting on the desk was a written love letter to Billy Loomis, but the handwriting was scarily similar to her own.

And being so wrapped up in nostalgia, she hadn't noticed your kidnapping.

The person who had grabbed you wrapped and hand around your waist and covered your mouth so that you couldn't scream, making the closing and locking of the door seem like magic.

But having been in situations with murderers before, you refused to partake in a distressed victim stereotype. So you bit down onto your attacker's hand as hard as you could.

Your assailant yelped out in pain, and you managed to push yourself away from them in their moment of weakness. You whipped around to fave them, ready to throw hands, only to see William fucking Loomis cradling his hand.

"Jesus, what the fuck," he whisper yelled. "What was that for?!"

"Why did you grab me like that asshole," you responded quietly. "And why are we whispering?!"

"Look, is Bridger around," the murder man asked.

"Bridger? Do you mean-"

"Roman Bridger, the director. Randy came home early and started talking about him and a party. Is Bridger here?!"

"No! But why the fuck does it matter," you interrogated. "Roman's a nice guy, treats his workers well, and is generally a better person than you."

"Yeah, that's not all that accurate. Come on, we gotta get out of here."

William grabbed your arm and began dragging you towards the door, when you quickly ripped away and stopped.

"Why do you think Roman's so terrible? And even if he is bad, we can't just leave Sidney," you pointed out.

"We can, and will," William replied. "Now come on, we have to go."

"Not until you give me a valid reason," you countered.

"I know Bridger," William stated. "He's not a nice guy."

"And now you sound more like a jealous boyfriend back in high school. You have to give me something to work with here."

William groaned, and then you both heard a scream rip through the set. You both raced to the window that overlooked most of the empty set, and showed some of the remade Macher home. Balancing on the roof a few feet away from you was Sidney.

"Hide," you demanded.

William dove under the large bed, and you flung the window open.

"Sidney! Are you okay," you shouted.


"Sidney, what's going on?! Is everything alright," you tried to ask.


"Sidney, I have been locked in here so that you didn't see this part of the set! I haven't been anywhere near you! What happened?!"

Sidney looked at you, and peeked into the room behind you. She saw the locked door and the bloody bed, and decided not to believe you. So she jumped off of the roof ledge down to the ground. You clambered out of the window to make sure she was alright, and you could hear Dewey shouting off in the distance.

You clambered back into the room and unlocked the door, wanting to make sure Sidney wasn't injured. Once you were gone, William waited under the bed. It was going to take a while for enough people to leave that he could slip out undetected.

A/n: BACK TO THE CLASSICS!! And I thought I was done with new stuff for a while, but that might change.

Someone was making theories that Randy was a killer in this series too, and now I'm getting ideas. And I'm liking some. So who knows.

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