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You just stood there, watching this home video in awe. Questioning how and why it was here. But that's when you heard it.

"(y/n)... come here (y/n)..."

You recognized Randy's voice, but you knew it wasn't really him. He should be tied up in the living room, how was he in the room with you?

You quickly began looking around, trying to see what the hell was going on. Then you saw them. The killer. They were standing behind you, watching as you watched the video of Mrs. Prescott.

They pointed at the video like the grim reaper addressing his next victim. They then held a small circular device up to the mask and started talking, now sounding like Sidney.

"She was so pretty, wasn't she? Everybody loved her," 'Sidney' told you.

"What the hell do you want from me," you asked, quickly preparing to be on the defense.

"I miss her. What I would give to hold her one last time..."

You began frantically looking around. For a weapon, makeshift projectile, exit, miracle, anything that could get you out of this situation.

Then the killer spoke again, but the little device didn't copy the voice of anyone you knew. Now, it did the classic Ghostface voice. Fun.

"You're not going anywhere (y/n)," they told you. "It's time for you to come to terms with me and the history around you."

"What the fuck do you want from me," you shouted.

Now you were getting more pissed off than scared. Doesn't matter how many killers you came across, forcing you to sit and listen to evil monologues and playing padantics with getting around to saying anything useful... it'd always be annoying.

"I want you to see past the surface of things," they stated.

"Who even are you?!"

"The other half of Sidney."

"What does that even mean?!"

How the killer stayed calm as your temper kept rising was honestly impressive. Anyone else would've started shouting back by now.

"See, I searched for my mother too," they explained. "An actress named Rina Reynolds. Tried to find her my whole life..."

"So you relate to the victim who's mother was murdered," you asked. "Your metaphor is a bit off."

How many times are we gonna go through this?! Stop saying dumb shit to the person about to kill you!

But once again, luck was on your side seeing as the killer let out a chuckle, as if you were cracking some kind of joke instead of letting out some of your anger.

"Four years ago, I actually tracked her down," they continued. "Knocked on her door thinking she'd welcome me with open arms. But she had a new life, a new family... and a new name. Maureen Prescott."

Then it hit you. The 'Sidney's other half' thing wasn't a metaphor. Whoever was under that mask was Sidney's sibling.

"Sid was the only child she claimed. She shut me out in the cold forever. Her own son."

And thus came time for the faithful unmasking.

But since the author is evil, they chose to direct attention to the hallway with William Loomis and Sidney Prescott. But now that you were gone and they still believed danger was imminent, Sidney suddenly had a new attitude.

She was squirming around, but not in an effort to escape. She was trying to get his attention.

And finally, Billy got so pissed off by her that he ripped the tape right off her mouth.

"What," he hissed angrily.

"Call Kincade," she demanded.


"Grab my phone."

"Where the hell is it?!"

"It's in my pocket."

With a groan, Billy reached into her pocket and fished out her phone. It was an extremely old model, most likely due to her life of solitude.

Sid quickly began listing off numbers, and Billy typed them into the keypad. Then the phone started ringing, and held it up to her face.

When she and the guy on the other end of the line started talking, he remembered something.

You had told him and Stu that Sidney had gotten along well with the detective from the case. A detective Kincade.

Sidney had just called law enforcement for help.

Before he could smash the phone or go apeshit at the thought of getting caught by her dumb move (and the fact that Sid now knew he was still alive and nearby and she could direct police to him), he heard something.

There was shouting coming from inside a wall. Then he heard you scream.

Now all his anger was being taken out on the wall as he tried to use brute force to tear it down himself.

And on the other side... you were confronted by the killer. The face of someone you knew. Because it was always someone you knew.

"Roman Bridger, director... and brother," he told you.

"... why?"

This hurt almost as bad as Mickey. People you were close to. People you thought you could trust. People you leaned on... only to find out they never cared for you in the first place. People who just saw you as death fodder.

"Why? She slammed the door in my face, (y/n). She said I was Rina's child... and Rina was dead. But then it struck me! What a good idea, follow her around."

You turned back to face the projector of Mrs. Prescott and Mr. Weary.

"I made a little home movie," he continued. "Cotton was one thing. But Billy's father... that was the key."

He quickly changed the tape in the projector. When it started rolling again moments later, you saw a new man documented with Mrs. Prescott. Someone you'd never seen before.

"Little Billy boy didn't like seeing his daddy in my film too much. He didn't like it at all," Roman stated.

So he had spoken to Billy back then too...

"But once I supplied him the motivation, all he needed was a few pointers," Roman explained. "Have a person to sell out in case you get caught, find someone to frame... it's like making a movie."

"You're the one who got him to kill people..." you trailed off.

That's why he told you not to trust Roman. But he couldn't just TELL YOU?!

"No. I just direct. I didn't realize they'd make a movie of their own. Too bad they didn't make it out though," he shrugged. "You can't even bury the bodies."

Oh. He didn't realize they survived. Then you got an idea. Lead him out, and find the other experienced killer in the home. The one he wouldn't be expecting since he thought he was dead.

"You make it sound like I'll be sad that they're gone," you said.

"Well, I heard the three of you were... well acquainted."

Then out of nowhere, a fist forced its way through the wall. Then a foot. And then, Billy was climbing through a hole in the wall.

"YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT WE'RE WELL ACQUAINTED," he practically screamed.

Well, so much for your plan. Turns out the other experienced killer came to you. Well, that made your life easier.

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