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You and Randy were at work, and you were stuck waiting on Roman.  Roman was arguing with Milton over the cancelation of the film production.  And it wasn't looking good for Roman.

"Hire more security!  Hire the national guard!  Just don't kill the movie," Roman pleaded loudly.

"Violence in cinema is a big deal right now Roman," Milton shouted back.  "That's not the kind of news this studio is after!"

"So if we stop making scary movies, all the psychos will just retire?!  Is that right?!"

"I've been making scary movies for 30 god damn years, and I've never had a psycho problem!"

"He was your god damn idea!  All right?!  An ex-con with a trashy talk show?!  He must've pissed people off every day!  There's no reason to presume that Cotton's death had anything to do with the movie!"

"He was in a movie called 'Stab!'  And he was stabbed!"

Surprisingly, other people who were working on the movie were just as upset about the movie ending.  And the main actors were discussing who might've killed Cotton.

"Probably some psycho fan pissed off they killed Randy in 'Stab 2'," one stated.

"Well Tyson, that'd make you next, wouldn't it," another joked.

"I am not a Randy substitute, I am my own character," Tyson argued.

"Named 'Ricky.'  Who works at a video store," the first one deadpanned.

"It's an homage," Tyson shouted.

"Hey!  What if the killer's Sidney Prescott," the first guy suggested.  "I mean, what the hell ever happened to her?  She's probably off living in the woods like some fuck bomb, man."

"Should you be cursing in front of your kid, Tom," one of the ladies asked.

"I don't give a shit.  They've heard me say worse."

Yep.  The man was swearing left and right, and yet there was an infant in his arms.  He was holding it rather carelessly considering it had mushy baby bones, and the women around him were highly upset by his behavior.

"If it's such a big deal for you to bring your baby to work, why not just get a babysitter," one of the ladies suggested.

Tom looked up, and then he saw you.  You didn't fit his view on masculinity, and that made you perfect babysitter material!  So the man quickly stood up and decided to take the chick's advice.  He strutted right up to you like he owned the damn studio (and like you weren't his boss), and handed his kid over.

You were stuck watching Randy team up with Roman to try and save the movie.  Suddenly, the actor for Dewey confidently walked over to you, and shoved a newborn into your arms before disappearing again.

You looked at the baby in your arms, confused as hell.  You didn't know it's name, gender, age, allergies, anything.  And you didn't know it's father's name.  This couldn't get any worse.  At least the baby wasn't crying.

"Hey (y/n), when you'd become a parent," Randy asked.

You looked over and saw that Milton had disappeared.  Roman was now pleading his case on keeping the movie alive to the detectives investigating Cotton's murder.  And now Randy was staring at you, bewildered as to how you had acquired a fucking child.

"Uh, the guy who plays Dewey just handed it off to me," you replied.

"Jesus, Tom chose his boss as his new babysitter?  You're kidding," Randy muttered.

"Nope.  I'm not entirely sure what to do," you admitted.

"Tom'll probably throw a hissy fit if we try to give it back... maybe we should hand it over to the police for abandonment," Randy suggested.

"What?  We can't do that, you hear the horror stories about the adoption system," you argued.

"Oh crud," Roman muttered.  "Tom's making you watch his kid?"

"Yep.  Any chance you know it's name," you asked.

"No clue.  I don't even think Tom knows their name," Roman answered.  "I can take them till Tom trys to get them back."

"If you don't mind.  I'm not all that experienced with infants," you stated.

Roman gave a curt nod before removing the small child from your arms, quickly cradling it and getting it to sleep.  He walked off to finish his work in his office where he could have some quiet.  He didn't want to put the infant to sleep just for them to immediately wake back up.  You and Randy were left standing there, dumbfounded by Tom's behavior.

"Alright.  I'm giving that piece of shit a new rule," Randy said angrily.  "He can't keep bringing his crotch fruit to work.  If he doesn't like it, he should'a just remembered to use a rubber, or he should just put the dick down."

"I'm sorry, did you just call it a 'crotch fruit'," you repeated.

"It's the unwanted fruit made from the labor of his cock.  It is literally a crotch fruit.  All kids are," Randy shrugged.

"Where the hell did you pick up something like that," you asked.

"I heard some kid say it on a show."

"I'm cancelling the cable."

"It's my house too, you can't just make choices like that!  I get to have a say!  I pay half of everything!"

"Crotch.  Fruit.  You cannot change my mind."

"Alright, tell me, am I wrong?!  Fruit of his cock labor.  Crotch fruit."

"Okay, stop saying crotch fruit, and stop saying cock," you demanded.  "I'm not used to hearing this type of shit out of your mouth, and I'm not ready for you to start."

"This is who I truly am (y/n).  I'm like a show for little girls.  I'm proud of who I am, and you should be too," Randy joked.

"I'll be proud of you when you find a better phrase than crotch fruit.  I will never be able to unhear that.  Or get this argument back.  You're ruining my life one shitty TV quote at a time!"

"If I was really ruining your life, would you be able to put up with being my roommate for three years?"

"Honestly, I'm surprised I haven't torn your head off by now," you deadpanned.

"Well, it's because to some degree, you like me.  Again, am I wrong," he asked.

"You're a piece of shit."

"Thank you, but I am undeserving of such a high title."

"I said you're a piece of shit, not a crap ton of holy shit.  Pull yourself together man, I don't know how you're gonna save the movie if you're missing shit like that."

"Well, it doesn't matter anymore.  We don't have jobs.  The movie got cancelled," Randy told you.

You looked at him for a moment, shocked.  So it was all over?  Just like that?  It couldn't be...

"Milton, of all people, was able to see reason.  Then the detectives came in and shut everything down.  They still need a few of us here the next few days for further questioning, and that includes us.  And now Milton is pissed and planning to just shut down the entire 'Stab' franchise so we can't try and restart once the whole murder thing blows over," Randy explained.

Huh.  I guess it could be.

A/n: okay, my brother and my friend are mad at me over the TF2 thing now.  My friend is mad I only just discovered it when it's been out for over a decade.  I still don't know why my brother is mad though.

Also, I found two songs I want to use as like a series thing, and I want to use the song Light and Night by Chonny Jash (because his music fucking slaps).  So that's two things I need love interests for.  

And I just finished 'Scary Movie,' when I've only ever watched 4-6.  And it was hilarious.  Not to mention, I called the plot twist.  Like a damn boss.  So I might try something out with the scary movie franchise as well.  But who knows?  Like hell I do.

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