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Well, things were a mess. The day you and Randy were finally able to bring Marshmallow, things were a mess. People were running around, and there were police officers all around. Randy quickly disappeared to try and find Markus, knowing he'd have some information.

You were holding Marshmallow's leash, and he was very excited by all the action around, and how much attention the staff was giving him.

But one person who came to visit him... he was the guy who would probably have some answers.

"Hey (y/n)! Who's this," Roman asked, ducking down to pet Marshmallow.

"This is Marshmallow," you introduced. "Is there any chance you know why everything's so crazy around here?"

"You know Cotton Weary, the host of '100% Cotton?'"

"Yeah? He really helped me out a few years ago."

"Well, he was..." Roman hesitated. "He was killed. His girlfriend too. And there was a photo of Maureen Prescott at the crime scene. And since we're doing a movie about her murder and he was supposed to make a cameo..."

"So we're all suspicious as hell."

"Yep," Roman confirmed.

Shit. It was happening again.

You wondered if it was the killers you had gotten used to running away from were behind it once more.

"Are there any suspects," you quickly questioned.

"Not really," Roman answered. "Anyone who worked closely with Cotton whenever he was or was supposed to be on set is getting questioned, but that's about it."

Jesus fuck, why did this always happen to you? You had a career, a future, and it was all going down the drain again.

As much as you wanted to say that you weren't related to this, you knew better. Whenever there was a murder, you were caught in the middle. And the phrase isn't 'fourth time's the charm,' it was all about the third. And Mickey fucked that up for ya real good.

Plus, there was a photo of Maureen Prescott. Maureen was the first victim to fall at the hands of Billy and Stu. Then the Maureen that was killed at the movie in Windsor, having the name likeness. Now it was a photo at a murder scene. There was yet another copycat.

"I should probably go tell Randy," you stated.

"Alright, I'll see you around then."

And with that, you both parted ways. Your journey to meet the other survivor was delayed multiple times when people stopped you to see if they could pet Marshmallow. And of course you said yes, 'cause Marshy was just eating up the attention.

Then you found Randy arguing with someone.

"His name is Chucky! It's the name of the movie for god's sake," a man argued.

"No, it was very clearly stated that it was Charles Lee Ray! Chucky just happened to be his nickname," Randy shouted back.

"Why does everything have to be about his legal name?! Can't you just watch a movie and enjoy it?!"

"Because there's people like you trying to claim the doll is sexy!"

"But how do the names come into that?!"

By now, you had approached. And Randy looked at you, and groaned.

"(n/n), I know you don't like horror, but please tell this guy that he's wrong," Randy pleaded.

Instead, you let go of Marshmallow's leash as the mystery guy began to pet him, and you made your way to your friend. Rather than use words, you simply pointed at the scar on your arm. He knew what was under there, so he knew what you meant. He quickly looked at his chest, envisioning the tattoo on his ribcage. He had been so blinded by geek-y anger that he hadn't even realized what the other dumbass said to him.

"What's your name," Randy suddenly asked him.

"Why, so you can try and get me fired or something," the guy retorted.

"No, I just need to know," Randy demanded.

"Tell me why."

"I think you might be my soulmate."

The man hesitated, looked at his leg like Randy had glanced at his shirt, and the guy's eyes widened. He quickly stood up straighter and stuck out his hand towards Randy.

"I'm Darry," he quickly said. "What's your name?"

"My name's Randy. What's your favorite horror movie?"

"Wait, Randy as in Randy Meeks?"

"Yes, that's me."

"Fuck, I just cursed out and yelled at my boss."

"Speaking of your boss, I hate to ruin the moment, but I need to steal Randy for a moment," you interjected.

Before either could argue, you had grabbed Randy's arm and dragged him off.

"Do you know why all of the cops are around," you asked quietly.

"Not yet, but why does it matter," Randy questioned, annoyed.

"Cotton Weary and his girlfriend were murdered."

"And what does that have to do with us, exactly?"

"There was a photo of Maureen Prescott at the scene. You know who's first victim. It's happening all over again."

Randy stared at you. He didn't want to jump to conclusions, but when he wrote it off in college, he was almost murdered by a copycat. And the photo was suspicious, to say the least. Randy then looked at Darry. He had just met him, and now there were high odds that he was going to die. The geeks always die, and he already cheat death twice. How much longer till his luck ran out?

Randy sighed, and looked at you.

"What can we do," he asked. "Who are the suspects?"

"That's the thing. There are none," you replied.

"Fuck," he groaned.

He quickly made his way back over to Darry, but didn't explain the situation. He wanted to try and get to know this dude. They may only have limited time together, he wanted to make the most of it.

You grabbed Marshmallow and began to wander around, looking to see if anyone needed help (without becoming a babysitter). You knew Dewey was working closely with Jenifer. Did he know the shit that was going down?

That's when it happened.

A hot pink piece of paper fell at your feet. It was folded up into a paper airplane, and meant to land in front of you. You gently picked it up and unfolded it, and saw a message scrawled out in blue crayon.

'I may not be 14, but I'm still the 1 4 U

It didn't take a genius to figure out who that was from.

You were being watched.

And you now had a suspect.

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