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When you got home, you made the two killers put everything together.  If Stu wanted to say that you were the only one not wearing pants in the relationship, then by god were you gonna use it against him.

They got to do the hard manual labor while you just sat around with Anthony, talking to Randy on the phone.

"Yeah, it doesn't seem like Tom has any family around," Randy told you.  "And I think it's safe to assume the mom's out of the picture."

"So is there anything I should do legally," you questioned.

"Honestly?  I don't think that's a good idea.  The law would probably throw the kid in a foster home, and I don't like all those horror stories coming out about CPS," Randy replied.

"But what about doctors appointments and other stuff where I'd need official paperwork?  What then," you interrogated.

"Well, pick a date.  This kid can't be a year old.  I'm sure I can pull a few strings with Dewey and my amazing computer skills."

"Please, you couldn't even get your laptop open the other day."

"I forgot my password, okay?!  One time thing since it was new!  But seriously, don't try anything legal with the kid."

"So what do you intend to do?"

"Well, I'd need any kind of information possible.  A birthdate, full name, stuff like that.  Then I can do my thing, then get Dewey to make it official.  Then the kid is yours to keep," Randy explained.

"Alright.  Thank you."

"Quick question though: why the sudden change of heart?  I thought you hated small kids."

"Honestly," you began.  "My soulmates are murderers wanted by every form of law enforcement, and I don't have any family left other than you.  But I don't want to hold you and Darry back.  And Tony... he's so innocent.  I don't want to put him through CPS.  he deserves better."

"So you're scared of being lonely, and you don't wanna break the kid.  Cool.  And you aren't holding me back.  You're my right hand man, remember?"

"What about your boyfriend?"

"He can't be my hand, he'll be sitting on my lap."

"Okay, gross.  I'm hanging up now."

And with that, you had the answer to some of your problems.  You quickly looked at Anthony, who had drifted off to sleep in your arms.  A full legal name, a birthdate, and someone to sign as a father for the birth certificate.  That's what you needed.  Randy and Dewey would be able to handle the rest.  But the father signature thing... that was going to be hard.

"Hey (y/n), we finished up with everything upstairs.  Aw, our baby boy's sleeping," Stu gushed.  "I wanna hold him!"

And with that, Stuart pulled Tony away from you.  You were honestly still shooketh by how well he handled kids.  You know, creepy murderer who also happened to slaughter a bunch of kids back in high school, and having a drinking issue.  And yet he managed to have some of the best maternal instincts you had seen.  His excitement towards the baby was shocking too.

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