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The minute Billy heard you scream, he jumped out of the car and came running.  He saw you hiding and found a place to duck down himself, trying to stay out of view.  He watched as you visibly relaxed a little, and decided to finish approaching you.

"(y/n)," he called quietly.

Your head whipped around to face him, your finger covering your lips to silently tell him 'shut the fuck up'.  He crept towards you as quietly as possible, peering into the glass doors, seeing the same harrowing sight you did.

Sidney saw him look in.  Her eyes went wide as the tape covering her mouth muffled a scream of her own.  The man she pined after through the majority of her childhood, the man who almost killed her... he was standing right next to you, but didn't have that murderous glint in his eyes.

And that, to her, confirmed her theory.  She felt she was vindicated in her belief that you were teaming up with him and Stu.  You three were soulmates, the universe paired you together for a reason!  Maybe you had been working with them all along.  After you showed up in Woodsboro was when all the major murders came about.  Maybe if you had just sucked it up and lived the last few months of high school alone, Tatum would still be with her and Dewey today.

Billy crept over to the backdoor, and slid it open as quietly as possible before tip toeing inside.  You quickly followed.  Randy was by far the calmest of the trapped victims, seeing as he'd been living with the killer for the past [undisclosed amount of time because the author forgot and is too lazy to go back and look].

And on the other end of that spectrum was Sidney, who was violently thrashing around trying to free herself from her bindings in an attempt to flee.

Billy took one look at her, scoffed, and began making his way towards her.

"Shut the fuck up.  I've got half a mind to just strangle you and get this all over with..." he whispered loudly.

"Hey, no killing anyone," you told him quietly.

"Come on, her stupidity is going to get the rest of us killed!"

"Ever heard the phrase 'Don't fight stupid with stupid'?!"

Dewey and Gale were highly concerned by this whole interaction.  You were talking to the man who had killed Dewey's baby sister like he was your old friend.  And he was responding non violently?  Maybe Sidney hadn't been too far off... and why was Randy so damn calm?!

But then, the sound of a floorboard groaning out a deep crackling noise was heard from a hallway nearby.  Not from under you, Billy, or the still flailing and hysterical Sidney.  You and Billy looked at each other, the two of you knowing what that meant. 

Whoever taped everyone up like this - and who was most likely the newest copycat - was approaching.

"Shit, again," you muttered, annoyed.

"Fuckin hell..." he trailed off quietly.

"Should we run?"

"Probably smart."

"God dammit."

And with that, you both took off running in the opposite direction of the floor noise, trying to stay as quiet as possible.

But then a thought struck you.

"Sidney might give it away," you told him.  "She's panicking worse than when we came in!"

"Well what do you want me to do, go back and grab her?!"

The look you gave him response told him all he needed to know.  He groaned as he watched you go back to where all the hostages were, but got confused when you ran towards Randy, not Sid.

You ran right around the back of the chair, and started ripping off some of his bindings.

"Hold still," you demanded quietly.  "Just sit tight, I have an idea."

Then you grabbed the shreds of what pieces you had managed to rip off, and started littering them around the chair Sidney had been in.  Then you looked at Billy, and pointed at the hysterical woman.

He gave you a nod and slung her over his shoulder, and the two of you (three if you considered Ms. Prescott in sound enough mind to even be considered a sane human at this point) took off down the hallway once more, trying to evade your killer(s).

When Gale looked at the shreds of Randal's bondage on the ground, she thought you'd finally cracked.  Maybe she could touch on that on whatever she wrote regarding this current killing spree.  Be it a book or a news article, your declining mental stability could be a good header.  Really would grab eyes.

But when the foreboding white mask covering the face of their captor entered the room, the copycat made their way right to where Sidney had been.  They bent down and began to pick up and inspect the shreds of tape and string.  They couldn't see it had come from Randy, because he was sitting still as instructed, and the chair hid where you had removed the materials.

"She got away..." the copycat muttered.

They were pissed off.  Final girl loved by the masses who always seemed to survive and get the happy ending had managed to break free. 

This was bound to bite them in the ass.

And Gale... she had recognized the voice of the copycat.  They hadn't been using any fancy voice gimmicks, and she knew who it was.

"Now that is going to be a good headline," she whispered to herself.

A/n: had over 12 inches worth of stitches post surgery, and had medical glue on top to reduce scarring.


Also, the 2018 Grinch while high on Oxycodone and allergy meds is an experience.

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