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Now you didn't know whether to panic or sigh in relief. Now you were stuck in the hidden room with two killers, but one seemed to be on your side. But he was a bit too busy doing a DIY home remodeling as he clawed his way through the wall.

"Well, what a film this turned out to be," Roman practically cheered. "Introducing (y/n) the survivor, Billy the killer, and where's Stu? Poor ol' Stu, died for the story..."

"HE'S SAFE AT HOME, ASSHOLE," Billy screeched.

That threw Roman for a loop. The two both survived? He had directed Billy to find someone to sell out. Not to genuinely team up with! No wonder they were both wanted or presumed dead! He didn't listen to his director, and now his movie had gone off the rails.

"You got what you wanted, the hero sees the villain face to face! Now fuck off," Billy demanded loudly.

He finally crawled through the hole in the wall, and he quickly put himself between you and the copycat. And he was seething with rage. Now you figured was a good time to panic, seeing as you were watching two angry murderers who looked like they were about to go head to head.

"Oh, but I'm not the villain here Billy boy," Roman grinned.

And one glance through the hole in the wall, and he saw Sidney sitting in the hallway. She was still tied up, which was surprising. She hadn't escaped the bindings? Then what the hell was sitting in front of her chair?

Then Roman grinned wider, and pointed right at his sister.

"She is," he stated, matter of factly.

"And what the did she do," you interrogated.

"IF IT WEREN'T FOR HER, I WOULD'VE HAD MY MOTHER," Roman proclaimed. "And now... I'm going to ruin her too."

"You spineless bastard! I didn't do anything to you," Sidney shouted angrily.

"Oh, but you haven't heard the final cut yet," Roman said. "You see, Milton's dead in his office. Living in total isolation, finding out there's another movie being made about you, coming here just to find out Milton was the one who ruined mommy dearest... you just snapped!"

"You want to frame her," you muttered. "That's your master plan."

"It's time she paid for the life she took from me. For the mother, and for the family, and for the stardom, and god dammit, everything you had that should've been mine!"

"Oh, you'll get your fame alright," Billy stated.

Then, he threw a hard punch right to Roman's jaw. Roman practically collapsed after one hit, leading Billy to smirk triumphantly.

"When they broadcast your dead body all over the news!"

Sidney shrieked and jumped behind you for protection, grabbing your shoulders and dragging you back a few feet. Honestly, you were freaked out yourself. What you were watching was fucked.

Pinocchio vs. Geppetto, Frankenstein vs. The Monster, Student vs. The Teacher, whatever you wanna call it!

It was your soulmate, actively grappling with the man who sent him down the murderous path of vengeance. And the woman who hates you putting her full faith in you to keep her safe (or she was simply using you as a human shield, who knows).

The two killers were wrestling on the ground, and you and Sid just watched in horror. Suddenly, a loud gunshot rang out through the room, and everyone froze.

Standing in the hole in the wall was a newly freed Dewey. He had a pistol pointed right at the two murderers. Behind him stood a worried Gale, a pissed off Randy, and a somewhat terrified detective.

Upon seeing detective Kincade, Sidney released you and ran over to him, and he quickly wrapped his arms around her and moved her out of the way. Dewey clambered through the hole and ran over to you, putting himself between you and the two men.

Roman and Billy were frozen, but for two different reasons. Roman was lying on the ground, with a hole on his forehead that was leaking blood like a waterfall. Billy was frozen in fear with his arms up in surrender, trying not to get shot.

But... Dewey was a man for smaller details. He was a cop, for god's sake. And he had noticed a few things.

You weren't scared when you arrived with him. And as a matter of fact, he had helped you moments later when you began trying to help. And when the copycat showed up to terrorize you, he had a chance to kill Sidney because you weren't there to supervise him. And yet Sidney was right over there, very much alive.

And most importantly... he had stepped in to save your life multiple times now.

And so as much as he hated himself for doing so, Dewey did something he prayed his sister wouldn't hate him for.

He lowered his weapon.

Billy then proceeded to jump up and run over to you, grabbing you and moving you behind him. He had seen Sidney treat you like a meat shield, and like hell he was letting you get hurt.

Now everyone was focused on Roman. Beaten and on the ground, barely alive. With his final moments, he reached out threateningly towards Sidney... till his brain finally stopped working. His arm collapsed and his lungs let out their final breath. And then... it was over.

And no jumpscares this time. He was just... gone.

Dewey turned to Billy, raised his gun as if to shoot him, then... didn't. He just lowered it again begrudgingly. The fact was, he had saved you and Sidney tonight, and back in Windsor he had saved practically everyone from Mickey, and he let Cotton shoot his mother protect them.

He deserved some kind of thank you.

"This is a one time thing Loomis," Dewey shouted angrily. "I ever see you again, I'm shooting you point blank! Fuck you! Tatum didn't deserve it!"

Gale quickly grabbed Dewey's shoulder and began pulling him out of the room, pulling him away from the man he so desperately wanted to strangle.

Kincade and Sidney were long gone, and Randy followed Gale and Dewey. So now it was just you and Billy with the corpse.

You weren't terrified, or completely broken up over it. You were just... numb. No matter where you went, you could never be safe. There was always someone out to get you, wasn't there? All because of some stupid fucking tattoos on your arm and chest.

"Hey, come on," Billy said quietly. "Let's go home."

He gently grabbed your arm, and began leading you away from the crime scene.

A/n: I'm sick. And in my sickness, I admitted to having a Wattpad account to a friend.

She was the one I have been watching many Marvel movies with, since many that are staples of my childhood, she has never seen.

SOMEONE EXPLAIN WHY THE HELL SHE WANTS ONE ABOUT THE ANGEL FROM X MEN APOCALYPSE. Like, it's an okay movie, definitely space for weirdos like me to think up over complicated stories from, but HIM?! WHY HIM?!

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