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Two days had passed and you and Randy were constantly in and out of the studio.  You had hardly seen Roman anywhere, and Milton was constantly hanging around.  You and Randy were stuck sitting around waiting for a detective when you heard it.

"Gale Weathers!  Oh my god," Jennifer cheered.

You and Randy turned to look, and saw the face of the devil herself.  Next to her was the woman who was constantly pretending to be her when she wasn't behaving like a toddler.  Gale ignored Jennifer, and continued power walking her way through the studio like she owned the place.  

But that did not deter Jennifer.

"I- listen, I know we've never met..." Jennifer trailed off.  "And I don't mind you never returning any of my calls, but I have to tell you: after two films, I feel like I am in your mind!"

"Well, that would explain my constant headaches," Gale quipped.

"You know, I'm sorry things didn't work out on 60 minutes.  But 'Total Entertainment', that's a pretty good fallback!"

"Thanks.  I'm sorry things didn't work out with Brad Pitt, but being single's a pretty good fallback," Gale sassed.

"Gives me more time for my work," Jennifer stated, brushing off the insult.  "After all, Gale Weathers!  You're such a complex character!"

"And I'm sure she's glad to be played by an actress of such depth and range," you quickly cut in.  "But I need to borrow Ms. Weathers for a moment.  Randal needs her."

And with that, you grabbed Gale's arm and dragged her back over to where Randy was standing, still waiting for a detective.  He had been displeased by the thought of being near the woman who monetized your constant tragedies and made herself out to be the main character, but you had managed to persuade him.  Everyone needed Jennifer to shut up sometimes.

But before you could fully help Gale to escape (and potentially end up on her good side), someone else had to step in.  Because at this point in time, as her body guard, wherever Jennifer went Deputy Riley was contractually obligated to follow.

"Jennifer, Markus said you wanted to... Gale," he greeted with a nod and a scowl.

"Dewey," Ms. Weathers replied in a far more chippy tone.

"Well surprise surprise, somebody died and Gale comes running," Dewey stated angrily.

The two began to bicker back and forth about Jennifer's character, and Gale's general disposition.  You looked over to Randy with a silent plea for help, yet he just smirked at you.  He was quietly mocking you from where he stood.  You could practically hear him screaming at you 'I told you so.'

You'd kick his ass for it later.

But for now, you had to focus on getting away from the two adults who couldn't even hold a civil conversation with one another.  And the universe thought they'd be good together for eternity... they could hardly handle each other for 30 seconds!  Although, you were stuck with two raging psychopaths who constantly threatened to kill you and all the people around you, so maybe the system was a bit flawed...

You finally made it back to Randy, when he pointed back over at Gale.

"Right when I thought there was enough drama for today," he muttered.

Looking at where he was pointing, you saw Tom walking straight up towards you both, the little infant in his arms.  Apparently Randy hadn't had a chance to tell him about the 'no more bringing a baby to set' rule.  He was cursing out Gale as he shoved the kid into your arms, before composing himself and marching right over to the news anchor.

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