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The studio loomed overhead like a symbol of impending doom. You could feel a sense of dread settling in your gut, but you couldn't quite put together why.

"You okay," Sidney asked.

"Yep," you replied.

Sid had decided to come with you to the studio. While Randy was going to look for possible connections to Maureen, you decided to try and talk to Milton and/or Roman. Maybe see if they knew anything, considering they were the ones spearheading the supposedly cursed movie.

You made your way inside, and Sidney hesitantly followed you. Dewey, you, and Randy were the only people she knew in the city, and the other two were busy. And not wanting to be alone, she decided to tail you for a bit.

You made your way into the studio's main building, and you navigated the way to Milton's office. And you heard a heated conversation coming from inside.

"There'll be other movies Roman," you heard Milton try to say.

"Yeah?! Well, not only did they kill my movie, they're also killing my cast," Roman argued. "Now Variety is calling me a pariah. I don't even know what a pariah is! Why couldn't they have killed the cast from 'Stab 1' or 'Stab 2', huh? John, what did we do wrong?!"

So Milton's first name was John. You had been working here a few months now, how did you not know that?

"Hollywood is full of criminals whose careers are flourishing," Milton told Roman.

"I'm not a criminal! I was questioned! That's good for your mystique, but it won't help me get work."

It was at that time you realized this was probably going to continue for hours, so you decided to make your grand appearance. You gently knocked on the door and made your way inside, and Sidney continued to follow you.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I have a few questions I would like to ask Milton," you stated.

"Alright then. Goodbye Roman, and happy birthday," Milton said.

"As if life couldn't get any more tragic," Roman muttered on his way out.

"(y/n), and guest. Please, sit down. To what do I owe the pleasure," Milton asked.

As you and Sidney went to sit, you felt your phone buzz in your pocket. Taking a sneaky glance, you saw a message from Randy. One that came at the perfect time for you to use with this impromptu questionnaire.

'Maureen was an actress who worked with Milton using the name Rina Reynolds. I'll tell you more at home.'

And now you had a starting point.

"Can you tell me what you know about Rina Reynolds," you interrogated.

"I'm sorry," Milton questioned, seemingly concerned.

"Rina Reynolds. She's worked for you in the past. I need to know a few things about her and I was hoping you could help me."

Sidney was staring at you like you were insane. But she didn't read the text you got. She didn't know what was fully going on.

"Do you know how many actors have worked for me," Milton asked. "Hundreds. Thousands!"

Then Sid caught on to a smaller detail.

"We never told you she was an actress," Sidney pointed out.

"So? What's the point," Milton smirked.

"There is no point. Now, if you could excuse us, I have to call the detective working on the studio right now," you said starting to get up.

"Ah, I remember," Milton suddenly told you. "She was a bit player in a few of my movies. A nobody."

"But you seem to really enjoy the money rolling in from selling her demise as entertainment," you stated. "You know she's Maureen, don't you?"

Now Sidney had been thrown for a loop. While she was still listening to the conversation, she was internally having an existential crisis. Her mom? An actress?! No way. It wasn't possible.

"The studio approached me with the first 'Stab' script, and I decided to produce the movie," Milton began. "I make horror movies. It's what I do. I realized I had known Maureen Prescott before as Rina, but I couldn't tell anyone. Can you imagine the press?"

"And now there's been a murder on your set," you deadpanned. "And right now, you're the biggest suspect. I need you to tell me what happened. What do you know about Rina?"

Milton sighed before answering. He remembered Rina better than anyone would expect.

"It was the '70s. Things were different back then," Milton explained. "I was well known for my parties, and Rina knew what they were. It was for girls like her to meet men that could get them the right part... if they made a good impression. Nothing happened to her that she didn't invite, despite what she said before or after."

"Are you saying-" Sid began, only for Milton to cut her off.

"I'm saying things got out of hand. Maybe they did take advantage of her. But maybe the sad truth is: this isn't a city for innocence. You wanna get ahead, you gotta play the game," Milton finished.

And with that, the man turned and began to shoo you out of his office. While he knew he had no right withholding further information, he didn't feel like you deserved the rest. Believe it or not, he knew Rina well. He honestly thought that he knew her better than anyone else in the world.

But all that was in the past. Now all he had left of Rina Reynolds was the old movie tapes, and the photos of her face appearing at crime scenes.

As you exited the building, Sidney was still reeling.

"My mom was an actress," she mumbled to herself.

"Or so Randy told me," you stated. "But I feel like we should be more worried about what Milton told us."

"You're right, there's still a killer on the loose."

"What I meant was that if you need to unpack realizing that your mother may have been taken advantage of and it getting brushed off," you said, a dumbfounded expression on your face.

Yes, there was a killer on the loose. But being told something like that by someone you've never met while sitting next to someone you despise can't be good. And yet Sidney just brushed it off like it was nothing.

"Well, everyone's got skeletons in their closet. I just wish my mom would've told me about hers," Sidney told you. "Now, any other ideas how to find the killer?"

"I was planning to snoop around set. See if I could find any clues."

A/n: there is going to be an a/n posted after this due to some people double checking I'm alive, and me wanting to get a few things explained. See you there, I guess.

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