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You made it down and out of the fake building, Dewey wasn't the only one crowding around the panicking Sidney. The police and investigators on set were trying to get her to answer questions as well.

Suddenly, Sidney pointed at you and started shouting.

"There! They're the killer! It's (y/n), I know it! They just tried to kill me!"

"I didn't try to do anything," you sighed.

So much for trying to be polite to her.

"(y/n), can you tell me what happened," Dewey asked.

"I was in the building with her, I'll admit. But I wasn't anywhere near her. I followed her upstairs and locked myself-"

"You locked yourself in a room to put on the mask! Or you're working with the killer and knew they were going to attack, so you locked yourself in a room for safety," Sidney rambled.

"No. The room with... you know, the crime scene," you said, trying to signal to Dewey which room you meant.

He nodded, so you decided to continue.

"I felt like she wouldn't want to see it, but the door only locks from the inside. So I figured I'd wait until she left to come out, that way it didn't bring up any unwanted memories."

Sidney continued to rant about her suspicion towards you and preach your guilt, while the detectives began interviewing you and confirmed your innocence. Then they moved their sights to an actress who was found nearby with the literal Ghostface mask.

She'd have known the set, she had the god forsaken mask, but Sidney was still convinced you were to blame.

Why did Randy like her? What did he see in her that was in any way redeemable?!

You - as advised by Dewey and the police - left to go home. You honestly couldn't wait to just lay down in bed (without a murderer getting up close and personal with you while you were unconscious), and do nothing.

But when you got in your car, you damn near had a heart attack. Guess who was sitting in the passenger's seat like he wasn't on the run?

"Took you long enough," William sassed.

"Shut up. You shouldn't be here. What the hell were you thinking?"

"Aw, it almost sounds like you were worried about me," he snickered.

"Shut it. I'm in deep shit right now, and I'm not in the mood," you groaned.

"Look, I heard something. Someone was hiding on the bottom floor, and you passed right by them."

"What?! Where were they, I have to alert-"

"You can't tell anyone, or else it comes out that I was involved. And my money's on the closet under the stairs as the hiding place."

"So Angela's innocent," you muttered.

"Who the fuck is Angela?"

"She's the girl playing Sidney in the movie. She was found nearby with a mask, but she wasn't under the stairs. If what you're saying is true, then she was innocent."

"Good for her then."

"But, now that you're stuck with me the whole car ride home..."

"I can still jump out," he retorted.

"You still have to give me a real reason to avoid Roman," you stated.

"Why don't you just trust me?"

"Hell no."

"Come on, I proved myself pretty trustworthy at college."

"What makes you say that? Name one thing you did," you implored.

"I didn't let my mother kill you," William replied.

"Actually, you let her shoot at me and Stu. If he hadn't dived out of the way, I'd be dead. And Cotton was the one who killed her, not you."

"I stopped Mickey."

"You temporarily distracted him, and Stu did most of the work by asking about the motive. And your mother was the one that killed him."

"Okay, so maybe I'm not the most trustworthy guy! But just stay away from Roman."

"No can do."

The rest of the drive was completely silent. You were both too stubborn to bother continuing the discussion. Billy didn't want to admit you were right in your distrust towards him. Stu's outlook of that golden retriever type of affection towards you was starting to rub off on him. And you didn't want to see anything bad with Roman.

He was nice to you. He was a good guy. He thought you were talented. Why wouldn't you want to spend time with him? And now the guy that took away your college years and your new life in Woodsboro was trying to take this away too.

When you finally pulled into the driveway of your small home with Randy, you were relieved to see that Darry wasn't here. You couldn't get out of that car fast enough.

Inside, Randy was at the table pouring over what looked like a makeshift police board, trying to work out a suspect. Stu was sitting on the floor, watching as Tony crawled around and played with some toys.

When Randy heard the door open, he could tell you were upset. But he had found something.

"(y/n)! You really need to see this," he told you.

You made your way into the kitchen, and saw a photo of a file. Rina's file.

"I found Mrs. Prescott's file in the archives. Check out these movies she was in," Randy demanded.

"'Amazombies,' 'Space Psycho'... what the hell," you questioned.

"Horror movies from when Milton was directing. And I've seen 'Amazombies.' So I of all people would know that these are all pornos," Randy explained.

"That lines up with what Milton told me this morning," you stated. "He said that she was... taken advantage of."

"Jesus. Anything suspect wise?"

"Milton is iffy, but it's not looking like he's a killer. Just a grade A duche. And Angela's in the clear. But now Sidney swears I'm the killer," you told him.

"Wait, what?"

"Long story, but she hates me more now."

"Well fuck."

"So nothing good today, huh," you said sarcastically.

"Actually, Roman invited us to his place tonight. Birthday / Official Movie Sendoff sort of thing. Might be your chance to make a move~"

Randy started wiggling his eyebrows, and you shoved his shoulder.

"He doesn't like me dude. How many times do I have to say it?"

"He does. Everyone but you sees it. Either way I think we should go. You could use some time away from Sidney."

"I couldn't agree more."

A/n: back out of state again, right before school. But my brother did a few things that really messed me up.

My revenge? Dennis Rafkin. My brother had to walk out halfway through the movie. It's the way I can get back at him.

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