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Sidney was the first person in the house to wake up. She was used to being awake at odd hours due to her job. The crisis hotline didn't sleep, so there had to be people awake and alert at all hours. Including her.

But that meant she was ready for the day and very much alert when she heard you scream. It was brief, but she heard it.

William was the second person awake. His neck and back were stiff from falling asleep in a fucking chair, but he was alive. And it was honestly one of the more comfortable places he had been since killing the people who considered him a friend and living a life on the run from police, knowing he would be hunted no matter where he went.

But unlike Sidney, he didn't wake up to an internal body clock or something natural. You screaming was probably the worst alarm clock he ever had.

You woke up around the same time as William. You weren't fully conscious yet when the scream leapt from your throat with all the grace of a ballerina with two broken legs. But when a hand clamped down over your mouth to muffle the sound, you woke right up.

"Shut up, everyone's favorite girlscout is downstairs," Stu mumbled.

You see, what woke you up wasn't only the fact that Stu had gotten in bed with you. If that were the case, you wouldn't have even gotten five minutes of sleep. It was the fact that he had rolled over and one of his arms wound up draped around you. An arm wrapping around your waist when you were supposed to be alone was horrifying.

Anthony was the last one awake, and he was screaming bloody murder. So, now Sidney was nervous. There were two killers out to get you, and if things were going down like Windsor, maybe more. And now you and the infant were both shouting. Not good.

"(y/n)," she hesitantly called.

But she got no reply. Stu's hand was still covering your mouth.

When she got no answer, Sidney panicked. This wasn't good. She quickly made her way upstairs and down the hall, planning to try and check your bedroom. There were killers on the loose, she had to take desperate measures!

But when she jiggled the doorknob, she was horrified to find that the door was locked.

"(y/n)?! (y/n), are you okay in there," she shouted.

"I'm fine," you quickly responded. "Just had a bad dream!"

But you were not fine. And you had been forced to reply by Stu. You'd already be telling her to call the police. But turns out, the killer slept with a hunting knife on him, which was now pressed against your neck in a very threatening manner.

Sidney didn't believe the excuse for one second, but there wasn't much she could do thanks to the lock. So she was forced to shrug it off and go back downstairs. But as she walked by the other bedroom, there wasn't any crying.

She could have sworn that the baby you brought up yesterday was sobbing.

Now, Billy was never one for kids. He hated them. But Stu fucking loved this kid the moment he laid eyes on it, so he realized he'd just have to live with it. You had tried to fight him on it, only to realize that it was a fool's errand. So now you were forced to suffer a toddler as well.

But one reason Billy hated kids: they were so fucking loud and annoying.

So he would suffocate Anthony if it weren't for the fact that Stu would probably put him six feet under.

So he tried the next best thing.

He sat up and cracked his back and neck, and attempted to hold Tony. It was very awkward considering he had no clue what the hell he was doing. But he managed to not drop Stu's child, so he had to be doing something right.

He sat back down in the chair, and just tried to get the kid to shut up. And somehow, by some miracle, he was able to calm the baby down. In fact: the baby fell asleep.

"You know, you're not all that bad when you're quiet," he mumbled.

Then he heard the voice of the bitch who pined after him for years. When the hell did she get here? Why was she here? Where was Stu?!

He heard someone walk past the room, but they went down the stairs before coming in the room. He was safe for now.

He looked at the kiddo, and began to think. They'd need to forge documents. Tom wasn't in charge of this kid anymore, they were. So they'd need a date of birth.

"You know, you feel like an October baby," Billy murmered. "Yeah. October 23rd."

And thus, little Anthony was given his birthday.

Stu, on the other hand, refused to release you. Once Sidney was gone, he just slipped the knife back in his pocket, and snuggled up close to you. You, of course, tried to worm your way out of his grip. But alas, he was stronger than you.

"Stop moving so much," Stu whined.

"No! Let me go," you demanded.

"No dice. And don't be so loud, you wouldn't want Sidney to think something was up~"

"What do you even want you sack of horse shit?!"

"I want you to calm down."

And with that, he was cuddling up real close to you. He was getting the longest hug of his life! And it was from you! This was probably the best day of his life! He had his soulmates, he had a kid, and everything was right in the world. To Stu, at least.

You... you were still seething and trying to escape.

That was when the front door opened.

"(Y/N), I'M BACK," Randy screeched. "AND I BROUGHT DARRY!! Oh, hey Sidney."

"Hi Randy," she said, quickly pulling him into a hug.

While Randy introduced Darry and Sid, Stu finally released you so you could try and make sure the two visitors didn't try to come upstairs. Because now that they were comfortable, like hell the two killers were leaving.

A/n: I said something about a potential spider verse fic, and someone made some character suggestions that I fucking love, and I'm literally planning to start that story in the next few days. Plus the Nick Jones reboot.

And apologies to the people who saw the chapter release early. I was at work and was writing this on my phone (since I haven't learned the lesson about writing this shit when my boss is around), and I was trying to check an email when I accidentally hit publish. So yeah. The fuck up's on me for once.

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