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You were driving along, with a killer in your passengers seat.  You weren't too sure how to feel about this.

You felt you were... too calm about this.  Your two best friends from when you first moved here?  This man killed them.  Sidney's best friend Tatum?  Dead because of him.  Yet here he sat in your car, dangerously close to you... and you were more annoyed than scared.

And you didn't feel too angry from the kills either.  And when you thought about Stu... you felt the same way.  You were more annoyed by his presence rather than scared of him living in your house and angry for the murders.

Maybe Hallie was right.  Maybe the bond the universe forced between the three of you was stronger than your mental fortitude.  Maybe you were finally caving and coming around to enjoying their presence.

And this realization made you want to scream at the top of your lungs and pull your damn hair out.


Yet you didn't mind them being close to you.  How much longer till you wanted them around?  You were terrified by the thought of feeling comforted knowing they were near you.

There wasn't just blood splattered on their hands, it was pouring off like a waterfall at this point.  And the idea of those hands wrapping around you in such an intimate and personal way... disgusting.  Yet the more you thought about it, the more you were warming up to it.  And that terrified you the most.

You wanted to cry and scream and beg whatever god would listen for forgiveness and mercy on you for having such dark and depraved thoughts about the two killers.  Hell, you three were now actively raising a kid together! 

You wanted these thoughts out of your head!  You wanted to take a drill to your temple and pour them out yourself!

Luckily, your phone cut through the silence before your thoughts could get too much darker and self depreciating.  Billy reached for it and answered, putting it on speaker so you could focus on the road.

"(y/n)," Randy's voice shouted.  "Where are you?!"

"I'm on my way, don't worry," you told him.

"Roman got delayed, and we don't think he knows just how many people are coming!  We're going to try and surprise him!  Hurry," he demanded.

"Alright, settle down.  I'm almost there."

"And come alone, I think Roman wants some... one on one time with you."

Billy's face darkened with that statement.  Like hell he was letting someone like Roman get any time alone with you.  He was suddenly very glad he came along.

Suddenly, his mind was plagued of dark thoughts of his own.  Suffocating Roman while you and Stu stood and watched.  He'd cut into the bastard and it'd spray you both with blood... it'd be a beautiful sight.  Both of his soulmates decorated with the shiny red substance of life, while the prick he so despised silently screamed as his insides slid out...

He couldn't help but grin as his mind ran wild, his fantasy getting darker and gorier with each second.  He also knew he'd never be able to tell you about all of these... desires.

He figured it was better to approach you like a small wounded animal.  And it was working.  He tried to be nice.  He did his best to stay calm.  He tried to protect you from bigger and scarier dangers.  He treated you like you were fragile.  And slowly but surely, you were warming up to him.  So if he told you about his current daydream, it'd scare you off real damn quick.

Stu... Stu was just doing whatever he was doing, and somehow you were getting comfortable around him.  And that honestly made Billy jealous.  Why were you so comfortable around Stu, but not him?  He was your soulmate too, but he had to treat you like something small and fragile to get you to sit this close to him.  But Stu could act as rambunctious as always, and somehow it was charming you. 

Although, he did know he had a one up on Stu.  While you took his eye back in Woodsboro... you also dropped a TV set on Stu and electrocuted him.  You partially blinded Billy, sure, but you almost straight up killed the other man.  And while Billy's eye looked pale, Stu was forever cursed with dull eyes and scars that stretched across his face and neck.

Maybe that's why you were so comfortable with Stu.  You knew you could outsmart him and put him right back on death's doorstep.

As your car pulled into the driveway marked with the address you had been given, you and Billy were both shocked to see just how big Roman's home was.  It wasn't a house, it was a mansion.  When you and Sidney heard part of his conversation with the pig, you thought he'd be a starving artist type of a man, and live in a studio apartment or shack of a home or something.  Not this.

"Jesus tap dancing christ..." Billy muttered.

Now he hated Roman even more.  This one way grudge was getting stronger than the minute.

As you pulled closer to the mansion and parked, you were somewhat surprised by the lack of life.  There weren't many lights on inside, and you couldn't see anyone moving.  The only way you could tell people were here was the cars parked along the driveway and front lawn.

You knew Randy said you were going to try and surprise the birthday boy, you figured there'd be a bit more than this.  This was slightly unnerving.

'Please don't go,' Billy silently begged.

But he didn't dare vocalize this.  He didn't want to come across as weak, and he knew you were still too stubborn to listen.

He ducked down and hid while you exited and made your way to the front double doors.  But when you tugged on thedoor handles, both of them were locked.  You couldn't exactly peer in the window and flag someone down, because the curtains were closed.  Most likely because of the surprise thing.

Maybe there was a backdoor that was unlocked?  You began making your way around the side of the house, and Billy stared in confusion.  Why didn't you just give up once you realized the door was locked?  Was it because of how insistent Randy had been over the phone?

You did find a backdoor, and as you approached... you let out a shriek, quickly followed by covering your mouth and ducking behind a bush so that whoever did this wouldn't find you thanks to the scream.

Thanks to the fact that the doors were mostly glass, you were able to see that Sidney, Randy, Dewey, Gale, and the surviving actors and actresses tied up and thrown to the ground.

Suddenly, someone in that mask you hated so dearly went running by.  They ran up to the door and looked around, but they weren't able to see you from where you hid.

As the killer walked back from whence they came, everyone inside cowered and tried to scooch away from them.  Even Dewey, who should have a gun on him.  But even he was rendered useless at the moment. 

Me thinks you've finally come into contact with the newest copycat.

A/n: my chest hurts :')

Plus, found some fandoms I might write about.  We got X-Men Apocalypse, the FNaF movie because my childhood and love of horror was founded upon that bear.

Not to mention some fandoms even I forgot about, such as Stranger Things, and fuckin Henry Danger.  I wanna use that last one to piss off a friend, but she's been helping me after my surgery yesterday, so I might take mercy on her.  But I'm not sure yet, seeing as making other people miserable cheers me up.

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