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You and Randy were getting ready to go to Roman's party. Randy was waiting impatiently for you by the door, wondering where the hell Marshmallow was.

As usual since the murderers unofficially moved in, Marshy was hoarding attention Billy (much to the dismay of Stu). And Marshmallow was upset that Billy was paying more attention to you than him.

"You're not going," Billy stated.

"I am. And don't bring up that 'don't trust Roman' bullshit," you demanded.

"Fine. You can't trust Roman," he told you.

"Give me a real reason not to."

As always, silence. Nothing that could warrant even the smallest amount of concern.

At this point, the argument with the killer had made it so that Randy and you were running late, so Randy left without you, and took Sidney with him. He knew this could take a minute for you to sort out, and he had given you the address. He knew you could handle yourself.

"Look, I'm going to Roman's whether you like it or not," you said. "And you don't get a choice in the matter."

"What happens if I just follow you?"

"I'll call the police."

"I'll tell them you were harboring criminals."

"No one's seen you with me other than Randy, and he'd plead in my defense. And you're a wanted killer, so why wouldn't you just lie?"

And with that, Billy hesitated. And you had successfully won the argument.

"Alright then. I'm leaving. I'd say 'Watch the house', but I don't want to find any bodies in the basement when I get back," you muttered.

Billy grumbled as you left the room, clearly annoyed.

He wanted to just grab you and keep you here by force. But by some miracle, you were finally coming around. He and Stu were finally growing on you. He didn't want to put that back. But, if you died at this party...

He looked up ready to do something stupid, only to realize that this plan was too little too late.

He wanted to tell you what was going on. He wanted to tell you everything. But he didn't want to ruin this job for you. He didn't want to seem like just an asshole trying to hold you back with some out of pocket claim. And so... he had shot himself in the foot. And now he was pissed off beyond description.

And so he quickly came up with a plan B.

This is why he always did the scheming, he could think of new plans and ideas on the fly like this.

So, he quickly followed after you.

You were already halfway down the street when you saw some movement in the side mirror of your car. You saw a murderer sprinting at top speed towards your car.

"What the fuck," you muttered, before quickly pulling over.

Billy threw open the passenger's side door, and practically dove into the car.

"What the hell are you doing," you asked angrily.

"I'm taking you home," he replied.

"Not happening, now stop talking about it," you demanded.

"Fine. Then I'm coming with you."

"Like hell you are! You're a wanted crimminal!"

"Look, someone needs to make sure you're safe!"

"What about Randy," you reminded him.

"You really think the geek freak can do anything," Billy snapped. "You shouldn't be going at all, but I can't stop you. But I need to be there to make sure you don't get hurt!"

"What do you even think is going to hurt me?!"

"Roman's a fucking killer, why wouldn't he kill you?!"

And right then, he knew he fucked up.

Billy's face fell and began rubbing his temples as though he had a headache. You just stared at him, concerned and confused. And honestly a bit angry, too.

"What do you mean by that," you asked quietly.

"What do you think it means?! Roman killed people," Billy shouted.

"Who did he kill?"

"I don't know."

"Then why are you calling him a killer?!"

"Someone had to inspire me and give me the tools to rip apart Sid's mom, right?!"

"What happened to the movie making you a psycho motive," you questioned.

"I said this! I can't remember when, but I've said it! Movies don't make psychos, movies make the psycho's more creative! Roman made the psycho," Billy told you.

"Say I believe you. Why didn't Roman kill me earlier? He's had plenty of chances," you stated.

"Because: the killer always saves the most important victims for last. Final girl trope? Jesus, I sound like the geek freak..."

"What about Randy and Sidney, hm? They're already at the party. You're suggesting I just leave them to die."

"Exactly! It was their choice, and therefore not our fucking problem! Let's just go home," Billy said, wearing a mock smile with anger brewing behind his eyes.


"No? What do you mean 'no'?!"

"I mean: I'm going to celebrate my friend's birthday. And should he turn out to be a killer, I at least need to help Randy and Sidney," you explained.

"Why are you so stubborn?!"

"God only knows," you breathed.

And with that, off you both went towards the address you were given. You really didn't believe that Roman could be a killer. He was too sweet, and he seemed like a big teddy bear. No red flags, no killer instincts, no nothing.

So... why would Billy use him for this? Maybe since it was his birthday, he was just an easy excuse?

But why would Billy even try this in the first place? For a hail-mary, this was honestly kinda weak... especially since he was a mass murderer. So what the hell was going on with him?


Also, why the hell did I remember the existence of X-Men Apocalypse? And why did I look to see how many fics it has? And why do I feel like most of the characters are underrated? Send help please.

Oh, and I'm also working on something for spooky season. Whether or not I pull it off is questionable, but I'm gonna try!

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