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When you finally managed to get Nameless Child back, you rushed off back into the studio.  Randy was on the phone talking to someone, and police officers were running around trying to get out of the building in the most unfashioned way possible.  You kept trying to get their attention to tell them that there were two killers outside, but no one was paying attention to you.  So you made your way over to Randal.

"Even I agree: we're involved," Randy told the person on the other line.

"Who are you talking to," you asked.

"Sidney," he replied.  "No, I'm not talking to you, I'm talking to (y/n).  Yes, they're with me.  No, they are trustworthy.  No, I trust them with my life."

"I'm just going to go return Nameless Child real quick," you told him.

You walked off in an effort to find Tom, only to see him talking to Jennifer and the girl playing Sidney.  Then Tom saw you approaching.

"Hey, we're all going to Jennifer's place.  I'll just pick up the ankle biter tomorrow."

And with that, he walked off before you could pass of the kid.  You looked down at them, still calm as fuck.  You were honestly debating just handing them over to the police for child abandonment.  You looked over to see where Randy was so you could tell him the new plan, only to see he was gone too.

You were now left alone with an infant in a movie studio.  It honestly felt eerie.  You just decided to go home at this point.  You would have to keep the kid on your lap since you didn't have a proper booster seat.  But Darry was most likely at your place, and he seemed like the kind of guy to like kids.  Or, at least keep them entertained while you contacted CPS.

After the car ride (the kid fell asleep on the ride), you arrived to an empty home.  No Randy, no Darry.  Just you, Nameless Child, and Burnt Marshmallow.  But Marshmallow seemed... on edge.  Like he was watching someone just out of your view.  Then you heard the phone in the kitchen start ringing.

You grabbed one of the blankets in the living room, and threw it across the kitchen table like a baby mat.  You set Nameless Child down so you could watch them while on the phone, and you went to answer whoever was calling you.

"Hello," you asked.

"(y/n)?!  Thank god!"

"Dewey?  What happened, is everything okay?  Is Randy and Darry with you?"

"Randy's with me, he's telling me Darry's at his apartment.  And everything is not okay... the chick playing Candy was found dead in the dressing department, and Tom... Tom fucking blew up!"

"WHAT," you screamed.  "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!?!"

And with that, Nameless Child awoke.  And they didn't just wake up, they began screaming and crying because you hurt their ears.  You heard the phone get jostled around, signaling to you that Dewey had called from his personal phone.

"(y/n), we have a problem," Randy told you.  "Tom's dead, and don't you still have his kid?"

"Yep.  They're crying on our kitchen table right now," you answered.

"Oh shit... ah fuck... what are you going to do?"

You sighed and looked up.  That's when you saw the front door opening.  Assuming it was Darry or a friend, you didn't think much of it.

"Hey, someone's at the door.  I'll figure out what to do with the kid.  I'll talk to you soon."

"Okay.  I promised Darry I'd stay at his place for the night because he was worried about me.  I'll see you tomorrow."

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