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When you got home, you were still in a daze.  The numbness hadn't gone away, despite you knowing how wrong it was for you to be feeling like this.  

Randy had gone to see Darry, and open up to him about everything.  Including coming clean about his current involvement with the two killers.  He had left a note on the table for you, asking for you to wish him luck with this endeavor.  The note also mentioned that Sidney was going to the police station with Kincade, but after the human shield incident, Billy wanted to rip her throat out.  Suffice to say no one really cared about that footnote.

Billy caught Stu up on the entire situation, and you were pissed to discover that Stu knew about the Roman being dangerous situation as well.

And now you wanted to rip someone's throat out.

"What?!  We were trying to keep you safe," Stu defended.  "Besides, we didn't expect you to get so attached to some other guy you'd go to his exclusive birthday party at his personal mansion!"

"How was I supposed to know he was dangerous if you wouldn't tell me," you shouted right back.

"I honestly preferred it when they were quiet," Billy grumbled.

You weren't going to address that comment, although it did earn a mighty backhand right on the cheek from Stu.  

"Don't you dare get us back on the silent treatment," he said threateningly. 

Billy groaned and started rubbing his face in annoyance, choosing to ignore the lingering pain on the left side of his face that would inevitably bruise. 

"Look, me not talking doesn't matter!  You two could've prevented so many fucking deaths!  What is wrong with you both?!"

"Guess murderers are just shitty people," Billy said sarcastically.  "Did you seriously expect us to have a miraculous change of heart just because a few years passed?"

"Well, we are dads now... but that's besides the point!  We were expecting you to trust us," Stu told you.  "You know, your soulmates?!"

"If murderers never change, then why would I put my blind faith in you," you fired back.

Both men froze at that.  Billy seemed even angrier than before, now ready to jump right in on this fight now that you've used his words against it.  But Stu was looking at the ceiling, thinking.

"That's... that's fair logic," he mumbled.  "You walked us right into that one, dude."

"Don't defend this or I swear to god --"

All Stu had to do was glance at Billy boy's right cheek and raise his hand.  It was a silent threat, but one that carried a good amount of weight. 

Luckily for everyone involved (and the baby sleeping peacefully upstairs), Randy managed to break the tension by returning home.  He seemed sullen and somber, like someone had just ripped his heart out of his chest.  And by all accounts... Darry had.

He was grateful that Randal had been honest, and trusted him enough to be open about the situation with killers in his home... but that meant his dear Randy was actively helping hide the men who had caused an event literally referred to as a massacre.  He needed space and time to think.  Over a matter of a few weeks, he had already fallen head over heels for the nerd.  But now, did he want to risk getting hurt or killed himself?  And did he want to get tangled up in this confusing and conflicting situation?

And as if Randy's night couldn't get any worse, he had gotten a call from Dewey on the way home, telling him that he didn't want to talk to him, or you.  He was going to propose to Gale, move back close to where his sister laid to rest, and try and start a family.  And no good father would let anyone associated with killers near his family.  Dewey was no different.

If anything, Dewey was more worried.  He didn't want any hypothetical wife or kids meeting Tatum too early, and he couldn't handle another loss like that.

And while Randy understood... it still hurt.  He was losing his surrogate older brother.  And then there was the extra punch in the gut of having to be the one to tell you.  He watched as your eyes filled up with tears, and as your face fell.  This was especially painful for you, considering this was the second time something like this was happening. 

"I know this looks bad," Randy said, trying to hide his own feelings on the matter.  "But remember, I did the exact same thing.  I came around.  I'm sure Dewey will too.  It's Dewey."

You didn't point out the flaw in that logic.  You figured Randy was also trying to convince himself with that point.

Randy had been a scared kid, in shock, and he had to come around for his own safety.  Dewey wouldn't have that involuntary push, he was of sound mind, and he was thinking quite rationally considering the scenario.

But, there was one silver lining in all this.  Sidney was staying with Kincade.  So now it was just your little, fucked up, not technically related family.  

Lets at least hope no more killers or copycats or god knows what comes along to ruin what's left.

A/n: and that's a wrap on book three.  I'M ALMOST DONE HELL YEAH!!

And for the people agreeing that my friend's request about the Angel guy is strange and probably fucked up... ya'll are gonna hate me.


And I'm wondering if I should keep doing what I'm doing with story covers, or if I should get thematic with the skeleton and music stuff.

But all that aside, see you at the final book!  It shouldn't be hard to find, I'll add it to the list and I literally called it 'The Finale', so...

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