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Notes: This is Korean, This is a phone call, This is texting

I.N's POV:

It was a couple hours since Hyunjin and Chris had gotten back. I had been avoiding them trying to figure out what I was going to say. I had talked to both Y/n and Jungwon earlier and I was going to go over to their base in a couple of days. I decided I wasn't going to wait anymore and stormed out of my room. I get in front of their door and start to knock aggressively on it. "One of you better open this fucking door right now before I break it down." I yell. After me continuing to knock on the door I see Hyunjin in front of me. "You wouldn't." He says plainly. "You really want to try me right now because I will burn down your door." I said to him. "Okay, okay. What do you want I.N?" Chris says as he walks over to both of us. "You need to leave Y/n alone. Whatever the two of you are doing or planning needs to stop now. I will not have you terrorizing my family. They are the only two-" I start before I take a deep breath. I see them both look at each other before looking back at me. "You should know once we set our eyes on something we go for it. Well instead of something, it's someone, and that's Y/n. There's no way that you can convince us not to pursue her." Chris tells me. I look at the both of them. I could tell that they were sincere about it. "Fucking hell!" I shout before hitting their door. Hyunjin grabs my arms to stop me from hitting the door. "Go to be Jeongin. We can talk about this a different day." Chris tells me. I pull myself out of Hyunjin's grasp and turn to leave. "Let it be known that you stop whatever you both are doing if she says no. Understood?" I tell them. They nod their heads. "Aren't we supposed to be the bosses?" Chris asks sarcastically. "When it comes to my family, no."

2 days later

Y/n's POV:

I was sleeping in my room when I suddenly got woken up. "Y/n~." I hear someone say. I slowly open my eyes to see my cousin in front of me. "Innie!" I say excitedly while still being half asleep. He sits down on my bed before laying beside me and giving me a hug. "You okay?" He asked me. I knew exactly what he was talking about. I smiled. "I'm fine. They don't scare me." I tell him. I hear a knock on my door before Jungwon walks in. "I'm missing the party?" He asked. I move over on my bed so both my brother and cousin could lay with me. Jeongin was on my left and Jungwon on my right. "What are you going to do about them? I want to let you know that they told me they weren't going to let you go easily." I.N said. I smirked before I smiled. "Let them then. I would love to see where it goes." I said shrugging my shoulders. Jungwon looked at me surprised. "What do you mean?" He asked me. "It's obvious that they wanted more than us to join Battle Ground just for Innie and protection from the police. It's not hard to put two and two together with the way they were staring at me. I'm just saying that I won't give in so easily to what they are trying to accomplish. If Hwang and CB-" I say before I.N cuts me off. "Chris and Hyunjin." He says. I looked at him confused. "What?" I asked. "CB is Chris and Hwang is Hyunjin." My cousin says casually. "Okay. If Chris and Hyunjin want to have me then they have to try very hard. I won't give in that easily." I finish. "Just be careful. They won't give up." 

30 minutes later

???'s POV:

I.N walked into my room. "What's up I.N?" I asked him. It was just the two of us so I decided to be a little more formal. "She still doesn't know, right?" He asked me. I nodded my head. "Yup. I don't think she will for a while if we do this right." I tell him. "Also, Chris and Hyunjin have their eyes on her. That means you need to be extra careful with what you do." He warns me. "I know I.N, I'll be okay." 


Hii! I hope you all enjoy this story update

I turned 19 today! It's currently 3:43 am as I am typing this so it's my birthday~

I hope you all have great day/night <3

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