305 11 0


- Threats of killing

- Mentions of almost getting stabbed

- Mentions of getting stabbed

- Mentions of arson


- Korean is this

- A phone call is this

- Texting is this

Y/n's POV:

After I walked out of the cafe where Jeongin, Jungwon, Chris and Hyunjin still were, I ran to my car and opened the door. I took my phone out of my pocket and glanced at it seeing the messages from my brother and cousin that were being spammed. I ignored them and threw my phone on the passenger seat. I put my keys into the ignition and started the car. After a moment of that I started driving back to the base. I was shocked that one of the members of my little group was sent into to spy on us. All of us had been together for about 2 years fully, but some of us were in the group longer. I ran through the order that people joined the Most Wanted list and then when they joined us. Minho, Jungwon and I all had started the group together after we met him in a prison. Minho was 17 years old, Jungwon was 14 and I just turned 13. There was no doubt that he was shocked when he saw me and Jungwon, just barely at the teenager mark in a prison but he immediately took us in. When the three of us broke out, we stuck together. Seungmin and Han were the next to join our group. When the news started to talk about a fourth and fifth person being added to the Most Wanted list a little over a year later, Minho, Jungwon and I all sat down that night and talked about what we all should do. After a long conversation we agreed that we would try to find the two people and help them out. A few nights after that conversation, I had gone out to graffiti one of the few free walls around the house we were staying at, I heard footsteps behind me. It wasn't one person but two. A second before one of the two people was going to reach out and grab me, I grabbed my knife from my boot and stabbed the person's arm. When I looked up, I saw the two people that had their faces splattered all over the news. That night, three people became five and Seungmin plus Han joined us. For a long while it was quiet, until a few days before my 18th birthday. I had ended up in prison again for burning down someone's house. I was walking to the line for food when someone bumped into me. "The fuck dude?" I asked. It wasn't that I intended to say that aloud, but I did. I looked over at the dude I just bumped into. When I saw his face, I immediately knew it was the same person I had seen on the news back at home a few weeks ago. After getting to know him for a few days before Minho, Han, Seungmin and Jungwon came to get me break me out of the prison, he joined me to go back to the house. Since that day, Felix has been a part of the group. I was sat at a red light a few minutes from the house and was thinking about who it could've been. Which one of them that was inconsistent with something or just avoided subjects. I gasped when I realized who it was. 

Jungwon's POV:

I ran into the house and saw everyone in the living room. Jeongin ran in behind me because he wanted to be there so no one was killed. "Felix! You're in danger!" I yell at him. He looks up at me and sees Jeongin with me. He automatically stood up and his eyes widened. "She found out?!" Felix said shocked. I nodded my head. "Where is she then?" Seungmin asks us. "She left before we did. The only reason she found out about Felix was because my bosses showed up even though I didn't tell them where my cousins and I went.  I'm not sure if she knows 100% if it's Felix but still. She's going to lose her shit even more when she knows all of us knew. She already freaked out when she found out Jungwon and I knew." Jeongin explains. "Why were they there? What do they want with Y/n?" Minho asks seriously. I knew that Minho was very overprotective of all of us, but even more with my sister because she is the youngest of us all. "Chris and Hyunjin told me that Y/n caught their eyes. I could see them trying to get together with her. When I talked to her about it, she told me that if they want her, they have to fight for her. She wouldn't give in easily. She is just as much interested in them as they are in her." Jeongin says. "Okay so now we have to wa-" Han starts before we hear Y/n's car pull up to the house. A second later she was opening the door. "LEE FELIX!" She yells. "Oh shit, she found out." Felix says. I watch as very quickly I see a knife being thrown towards Felix. It landed in the wall next to him not far from his face. Y/n keeps walking forwards towards Felix. I grab her arm. "Don't." I say. Y/n looks at me before yanking her arm out of my grip. "You lied this whole fucking time? You worked with Innie and his gang? Why the fuck are you here?"


Here's the next chapter! I hope you all enjoyed

Have a great day/night <3

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