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- Mature Content

- Talks of Stealing

- Mentions of being stabbed

Months Later

Y/n's POV:

"Yujin! I'm heading out!" I yell. I run my hands through my freshly dyed green hair. "Okay! Remember be safe! You have your knife?" She asked me while coming down the stairs. I take said knife out from my boot and showed it to her. She nods her head. "Good. Be back no later than 10, alright?" She says. "I'll be back before you know it." I tell her. She tosses me one of the keys to one of their many cars and I head out the door. I was going to head to the main part of Seoul and see what I could steal off of some people. Once I unlock the car door, I get into it and drive off.

Hyunjin's POV:

"Stop moving for two seconds and look at me." I hear Chris say. I looked at him and feel him fix the mask that was on my face. Once he fixed it, I could tell he was smiling under his mask. "Better now?" I asked. "Much." We continue walking before I feel something being taken out of my pocket. I looked down and was shocked to see it was Y/n. I looked back up, trying to pretend that I didn't see her before she moved away from me. I watch her go towards the alley way. I pulled Chris to the alley with me. "What?" He asks before I shush him. "Y/n just stole something out of my pocket." I said quietly. He looks at me with shock. "Are you sure?" He questions. "Give her like five minutes. She'll pass this alley way and we can pull her in." I state before taking off my mask and watching out the alley. Surely enough, when five minutes pass, there's Y/n trying to walk pass where we were standing. I tilt my head at her, and Chris pulls her from the street.

Y/n's POV:

I feel myself get pulled from the main street. When I look around, I see I'm in an alley. "Well, if it isn't Yang Y/n." I hear. I froze when I heard the voice. "After four months, we've found her." Another voice speaks up. I take a deep breath and look up. "Chris. Hyunjin." I say while staring at them. "I'm surprised you've been able to fly under the radar for so long." Chris says. I shrug my shoulders. "Works when you have connections. Unfortunately for you all, you don't know them." I snap back. They look at each other for a moment. "I'm sure that'll change soon." Hyunjin mentions. I bite my bottom lip, trying not to say anything that was going to get Yujin and her group an enemy. I feel my phone being taken out of my back pocket. "What the fuck man?" I say stepping forward. I go to grab it when Chris pushes me up against one of the brick walls. My wrists were pinned above my head by Chris. I scoffed before trying to get my wrists free. I watch Hyunjin unlock my phone and go through my contacts. "Let me fucking go Chris." I tell him. He pretends to think about it for a second. "No, I think I like this position." He says teasingly. I scoff. "Oh, look here Chris, I found some names." Hyunjin says aloud. They both stare at me. I kept trying to get out of his grip. "Who's names?" Chris asked his boyfriend. "Don't you dare." I warn. They look at each other for a moment before turning back to me. "I won't say names if you come with us willingly." Hyunjin says. I stayed quiet before Chris leans in closer to me. "Would you rather your friends deal with us, or would you rather come with us and talking about what has happened these last four months, little vixen?" He whispers. I feel a shiver go down my spine. Without either of them noticing, I get my leg up and kicked Chris. Once he stumbles back, I grab my knife out of my boot and stabbed Hyunjin's arm. My phone drops out of his hand, and I grab it. I smirked at the two of them. "Seems like I outsmarted the cats once more." I tell them. I notice Chris go over to Hyunjin and check his arm. I feel a little bit of guilt for it but shake it off. "I guess I'll be seeing you later boys. Bye." I say before running off in the crowd again."

35 minutes later

Chris's POV:

Hyunjin and I walked back into our base. "Han Jisung get your ass down here!" I yell into the base. I hear him run down the stairs before assessing what was happening. When he saw what happened he looked at us confused. "Why the fuck does Hyunjin have a stab wound?" Han asked. "Did you just say Hyunjin has a stab wound?!" I hear Minho ask. "Yeah he does. What happened you two?" Han questions us. "We ran into Y/n."

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