21 - End

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- Mentions of being tortured

- Mentions of being kidnapped

Chris's POV:

I watched as Y/n laid down on the bed in the medical room. "Are you both just going to keep watching me or is there another reason that you are here?" I hear Y/n say. I laughed slightly. "You just went through over a week of being tortured and kidnapped. We are just trying to make sure that you are okay." Hyunjin says. I nodded my head in agreement. I see Y/n roll her eyes at us. "Bullshit. I'm injured not stupid." She responds. "Don't worry about it for now. Just focus on getting better. You heard what the doctor said." I told her. "Yes, I know. I'm stuck in this room for the next week at the minimum. I can't go on any missions for at least two weeks and finally, I have to do physical therapy for a bit." Y/n groaned. I hear Hyunjin hum. "Good, you actually paid attention for once." He teased her. Y/n goes to say something, but I heard a knock on the door. "Who is it?" I asked. The door opens and I see Han and Felix walk into the room. "Calm yourself Chris. We are here to see our child." Felix tells me. I was about to question what he meant, but I remembered that he and Han called Y/n their child. "Which means you two need to leave." Han says. Han goes and lays next to her on the bed, and they start talking amongst themselves. "Felix, before you join them, can we talk to you?" Hyunjin asked. Han and Y/n looked over at the three of us. "Yeah. Why don't you two go out there and I'll be out there in a second." Felix mentions. I look over at Hyunjin and nodded my head. We both headed outside the room a second later.

Felix's POV:

"What do you think they want?" Y/n asks me. I shrug my shoulders. "With them? No one knows." I respond. "Well, go see what they want before they get annoyed that they had to wait." Han says. I nodded my head before going over and kissing the top of Y/n's forehead and kissing Han's cheek. "I'll be back in a few. Don't get into trouble." I tell the two of them. I watch as the both of them start talking about something before I left the room. When I walked out, I saw Chris and Hyunjin standing there. "What do you two want?" I asked them. "We are going to confess to Y/n tomorrow." Hyunjin states. "Oh shit, the two of you finally going to confess?" I say in shock. "Yes, but we need your help." Chris says. I looked at him. "Why don't you ask Jungwon or I.N about helping you?" I questioned them. "We already asked both of them. They agreed to help, but we need a few more people to help us out." Hyunjin elaborates. I nodded my head. "What do you need me to do?" I asked. Hyunjin and Chris look at each other before talking. "We need you and Han to keep Y/n occupied for the day. Jungwon and I.N are going to help us set up a spot for us to ask her." Chris answers. "Even though she's supposed to stay in the medical room, the doctor said as long as she stays in a wheelchair, we can take her out of the room." Hyunjin adds on. "We'll do it."

The next day

Y/n's POV:

I was sitting on the bed in the medical room with Han and Felix. Felix had brought me my sketchpad and some of my colored pencils. "So how much longer are you stuck in this room and bed for?" Han asked me. I paused from my sketching and looked up at him. "Hmm." I hummed out. "At least another week." I responded to his question. "That sucks." Felix said. I nodded my head before paying attention to my drawing. "What are you drawing?" Felix asked. "Just some roses. I really don't have motivation to draw something more elaborate." I explained. I took one of the red colored pencils and did some shading on the roses I just drew. "They are really pretty." Han tells me. I went to thank him, but before I could talk to Han, I hear a knock on the door. "Who are you? What do you want?" I asked as I finished the drawing. Felix walks over to the door and opens it. "Is that any way to greet your cousin?" I hear I.N say. I scoffed at him. "I see you every day. I think I can greet you in any way I want." I say while looking up. I saw a wheelchair in the room. "Why is there a wheelchair?" I questioned the three in the room. "I asked the doctor if I was able to take you out to the garden so you could get some fresh air. Unless you want to be stuck in this room for another week?" Jeongin says. I tear the paper out the sketchbook and hold onto it. "No, no. I'd like to leave this room." I answered quickly. "That's what I thought." I.N said to me. "We are going to help you into the chair, okay?" Han mentions to me. I nodded my head. A few seconds later, both Han and Felix help me into the wheelchair. "We'll see you later Y/n." Felix tells me before leaving the room. Innie pushes me out of the medical room and towards the garden. "I forgot that there was a garden here." I admit as we are on the way to the garden. "It's really pretty. Hyunjin tries to keep it up and clean." My cousin tells me. It was silent the rest of the way there. When we arrived at the garden, I saw Hyunjin and Chris standing there. "What's happening here?" I asked Jeongin. He just laughs. "You'll see soon enough." He said before yelling over to Chris and Hyunjin. "Guess who I brought." He spoke. "Yang Jeongin shut up." I say while rolling my eyes. I hear laughing after that. "We got her from here I.N. Thanks for bringing her out here." Chris says. I looked over at my cousin and stick my tongue out at him. "I'll see you later Y/n." Innie says before leaving. Hyunjin goes behind me and starts to push me over towards a blanket that was laid out in the garden.  "This is pretty." I mumbled out. "Yeah, it is." Hyunjin says from behind me. We make it over to the blanket a moment later. "What are we doing out here?" I asked them. I watched as they both look at each other. "Alright spill. What do the two of you want?" I questioned. "Is it that obvious?" Chris asks me. "Maybe just a little bit." I say while laughing. "Should we tell you right now or do you want to wait?" Hyunjin asks me. "Just tell me now." I say. "We love you." Hyunjin blurts out. There's a moment of silence before I spoke up. "Took you long enough." I teased them. The two of them visibly get nervous at my response. "I love you guys too." I tell them with a smile. "Good, because we aren't going to let you go now." Chris says before kissing my cheek. Hyunjin does the same right after. "Good. I wouldn't want it any differently." 

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