Never Let Me Go

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Same Warning about self-harm as in the previous chapter


And the arms of the ocean are carrying me
And all this devotion was rushing out of me
And the crashes are heaven for a sinner like me
But the arms of the ocean delivered me
- Never let me go by Florence + The Machine

James has quidditch practice on Thursday, and Regulus on Friday. So, on those days either one of them is half an hour late for their study date – Regulus never expected James to come after his practice or for him to wait there until he came after his practice, yet, they met once a day religiously.

James is late today, more than the 30 minutes Quidditch cuts into their plans.

Maybe Sirius' wishes got to him, and he decided to indulge him. That would throw an unexpected wrench into his plans.

Or maybe... and this seems more likely, seeing how stubborn James is in general, the little heart-to-heart they've had the day before scared him away.

Regulus hates being vulnerable. He hates telling people what it looks like inside of him – he usually never tells anyone. He barely ever tells himself.

But he has told James. And James has put it upon himself to be his little sunshine drug, his warmth and his peace.

Maybe he has decided he doesn't want to be all that, do all that. Regulus doesn't expect him to – he isn't even sure if he wants him to.

He simply wants to keep him away from Sirius. He never wanted to open himself up to someone.

But it feels so good when James cares for him. It feels good when he worries about him. James is always so very good to him.

He doesn't deserve it and he knows it. He is aiming to destroy that boy to take revenge on Sirius.

Regulus blinks at his own thoughts

What is he doing? Of course, he deserves it! James has taken away Sirius from him! He deserves to be worried about by someone. And maybe James deserves to be the one worrying.

The thing is this hasn't been about James as a person. It has been about Sirius and Regulus. About Sirius leaving him.

James is supposed to be a random figure in his plan he can use to take revenge on Sirius.

But somehow James has slowly invaded every corner of his brain and his consciousness. He has become the centre of his moves, and his plans are almost forgotten when he smiles at him.

As if summoned by his thoughts, James appears.

"Hey Reggie, sorry I'm late."

"At the risk of repeating myself: Don't call me that."

"I will wear you down one of these days, you'll see," he says with a smirk.

"Unlikely," Regulus looks up at him.

James has a paper bag with him. He pushes it over to him.

"Happy belated Birthday."

Regulus looks at the bag with a frown and pulls it to him. He uses his pencil to open it and peek inside. It is a piece of cake.

"I know you don't like chocolate – which only reaffirms my believe that you are not entirely human –" James pokes his shoulder, "So I've asked the house elves to make you some lemon cake."

"Sorry, you've asked the house elves?"

"Yes," James shrugs, "We hang out in the kitchen all the time, got a pretty good relationship with most of them."

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