The Black

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Warnings: Death of families. Death of a parent. I am sorry.


You make me feel like I'm fucking drowning
You made my world come crashing down around me
Oh God I wish you'd just speak to me
Black is all that I see
Speak to me
You used to be all that I needed
- The Black by Asking Alexandria

3rd of October 1977

Since Alice's display in the library, the Gryffindors were a lot more amicable towards Regulus. He wouldn't quite call it friendly, but they don't need to be friendly. Regulus has only sat with them once since then, but it was all very calm and polite. It isn't surprising in the least that actions speak louder than words with the Gryffindors. Regulus hardly cares if he is honest. It makes James happy to see his friends and Regulus "getting on" and that is the only thing that interests Regulus about this.

Throughout September, it happened about three times that a student was taken out of class or asked to leave the hall during meals. It followed a conversation between the student, their Head of House and Dumbledore. The student would then not be seen for a few days. They travelled home for a funeral. Or sometimes, they were allowed to miss class while staying in the castle because there just wasn't anything to go back to.

Not even the Slytherins taunted the children dragging their small hands over their snotty faces while crying out for their parents and siblings.

Whenever this happened, there was talk among the students afterwards. At the latest when the Daily Prophet's list of new attacks was read over breakfast, everyone knew exactly what had happened.

On the 3rd of October, a Tuesday, James comes to the library early. Regulus, deep in conversation with Remus about the precise colour, length and style of a character's hair, looks up at him surprised.

"You're early."

James has Sirius in tow. They are both pale-faced and are still wearing the quidditch uniforms they wear even for practice.

"Pads," Remus whispers and touches his arm, "What happened? Did someone get injured during practice?"

Sirius shakes his head and then turns to rest his head against Remus' shoulder. He doesn't cry or say anything, he just leans there and stares ahead like he is lost.

Regulus turns to James.

"It's Marlene," he says, his voice thin and strained, "She was pulled out of practice by McGonagall. Sirius and I went with her to support her..." he needs several attempts to verbalise the last sentence, "Her entire family was..."

Under the table, Regulus reaches for James' arm, then slips his hand in James's.

"She will go home for a while. She has to take care of her grandma. She says, she will probably stay away for longer," Sirius mumbles, then looks up at Remus, "We should, gather the others and say good bye to her in the common room."

Remus nods and slowly takes his things.

"I know this happens all the time," James says quietly, "But it feels different when it hits one of us, doesn't it? Gods, that's an awful thing to say."

"It's not," Regulus says reflexively, then decides it will be the only thing he says to this.

"No, it's not," Sirius agrees with him. Regulus looks at him, trying to not let his surprise show on his face. He expected Sirius to disagree with him out of principle. "It makes you feel like it can hit anyone anywhere anytime. Us, too."

"I'll write my parents this evening," Remus says, "Tell them to take care of themselves. Say, I love them."

"Lily's done the same. I guess we'll write my parents, too, right Pads?" James mumbles. Sirius nods slowly. Regulus feels oddly misplaced in this conversation. He is almost relieved when Sirius, Remus and James finally take their leave.

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