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Warning: Miscarriage. I mean it. We will deal with it in some detail, if you're sensitive to it skip the New Year's Eve Party.
Relating to the miscarriage warning for Blood (possibly unrealistic amounts of blood idk) and mention of abortion.


I can't save us, my Atlantis, we fall
We built this town on shaky ground
I can't save us, my Atlantis, oh, no
We built it up to pull it down
- Atlantis by Seafret

31st of December 1977

The guest list for Walburga's New Year's Eve party is extensive. Many pureblood families are invited, but mostly the ones with daughters of a similar age to Regulus.

Walburga introduces Regulus to each one of them and their fathers.

He thinks, someone might have asked about Orion some time ago, and Walburga said, he wanted to take a trip to his sister's family a few days ago and hasn't returned as of yet.

Narcissa is sitting on a sofa all evening, idly swirling water in a glass. She looks paler than usual. She has tried to hide it with make-up, but Regulus can read her exhaustion. She looks like she is in pain.

Regulus is able to excuse himself before Walburga can introduce him to his next possible bride (a 13-year-old cousin of Lucius, who escorted her to this), and walks over to Narcissa.

"Cissy? Are you okay?" he whispers down to her.

She looks up and then slowly stands up. She grasps his arm. She tries to force her neutral look on her face.

"Yes," she says shortly, "I'm only... it's the stress. I'm tired and..."

She stops speaking and then her fingernails dig deeply into his arm. Her hand spasms around him. Regulus stares at her. Her eyes are slowly widened.


"Sorry," she breathes and drinks from her water, "It's just... cramps."

She lets go of him and tries to right herself. Then the next wave of pain hits her, and she grabs for his arm again.

"Should I call Lucius?"


Regulus looks around the room and the party guests. No one pays them attention, yet.

"Shall I get you out of here?"

"Yes, please," her voice is thin.

Regulus nods and swiftly waves Kreacher to them.

"Kreacher, please inform my mother that Narcissa has a headache, and I will escort her upstairs to lie down. She wishes not to be disturbed by anyone, okay?"

"Yes, Master. Right away, Master. Does Miss Cissy need tea or more water?"

"No. Just tell them."

Kreacher bows and walks off.

Regulus and Narcissa slip out of the room and get to the staircase.

After the first few steps, Narcissa almost falls. She clutches the banister and lets out the tiniest sound of pain. When they are almost on top of the stairs, Narcissa is hit by more pain, and she sobs and slides down on one of the steps.

"Cissy," Regulus sits down next to her and puts his hand against her forehead, her entire body is burning hot.

Then Regulus sees it. Her dress has ridden up and Regulus can see the inside of her thigh. The tights she is wearing are soaked in red.

"Cissy, you're bleeding," Regulus hisses, "Fuck. Let me call Lucius, or a Healer."

"No," she presses her legs together and then clutches his jacket, "No, don't call anyone, Reggie, please. Just get me to a room, please."

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