Twin Size Mattress

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"Mors ad muggle et amicis" - Death to Muggle and their friends (Latin)

When the flood water comes, it ain't gonna be clear
It's gonna look like mud
But I will help you swim
I will help you swim
I'm gonna help you swim
- Twin Size Mattress by The Front Bottoms

On Thursday, Regulus doesn't want to study. He sits restlessly in the library and can't concentrate on his assignment.

He's writing an essay for History of Magic about the "International Statue of Secrecy"

" By the seventeenth century, Wizard-Muggle relations were at their worst. Ever since the early fifteenth century, the persecution of witches and wizards gathered pace all over Europe, making many in the wizarding community feel, and justifiably so, that offering to aid their Muggle neighbours with their magic was tantamount to volunteering to fetch the firewood for one's own funeral pyre: many witches and wizards were locked up and sentenced to death on the charge of witchcraft."

Next to the entry in his textbook someone has written "Mors ad muggle et amicis"

The first thought that has popped into his head upon seeing the crude little note was "Yes. They deserve it" –they had murdered and hunted wizard kind for years, after all.

But the longer he stares at the words the less certain he gets. He understands the sentiment. But is it right to kill random muggles who have nothing to do with that? Is the extension of this thinking not the speeches Mulciber and his slowly growing group of admirers are holding?

It gives him a headache.

He doesn't want to think about it. His parents will certainly agree with all of this – so he is inclined to agree, too. He has to agree if they do. His friends are in love with the idea of being the forerunners of a revolution. He usually always agrees with them.

He can't say that the words and threats meet hard opposition in his mind.

But it makes him think of James.

James would hate this entire thing. He would tell Dumbledore and Slughorn what the students are doing. He would have comforted the little boy – at least would have checked up on him afterwards.

Regulus hasn't seen the mudblood boy since last Monday. He hasn't even noticed not seeing him, but now, when he tries to remember whether he has witnessed him having problems, he realises he hasn't seen him at all.

His head is heavy and noisy. He drops his quill and rubs his cold hands together.

He doesn't want to think about this.

He wants James to sweep through his brain and make him forget. James won't force him to think about this and confront it.

Confront, how different they are.

Regulus closes the book and takes his things.

James is at Quidditch practice still, so he waits near the pitch for him. James comes out of the changing rooms, laughing, he has one arm around McKinnon's shoulders.

Regulus stands leaned against a tree, he holds the History of Magic book, so he looks like he is simply studying outside.

He stares over at them, hoping James will notice him – he does. Of course, he does. Like he feels his gaze on him, James looks up and sees him. He makes up an excuse for his friends and walks back into the changing rooms. As soon as his team is halfway back to the castle, Regulus goes to the changing rooms as well.

As soon as he enters, he is pushed against a wall and kissed.

Regulus drops the History of Magic book and wraps his arms around James.

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