Midnight Rain

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Warning: Weird racist speech I've literally taken from a transcript of the Landtag in Sachsen Anhalt. The original is by some right-wing AfD dude, I've just translated it, changed some words and added some more phrases how you would find them rather at American political rallies than in Germany.


My boy was a montage
A slow-motion, love potion
Jumping off things in the ocean
I broke his heart 'cause he was nice
He was sunshine, I was midnight rain
Midnight Rain by Taylor Swift

Regulus sits with James in a more secluded area of the library. They have agreed to sitting more hidden away and without James' friends from now on.

It is May, now, and Regulus needs to focus on studying, he doesn't get anything done if he has a meltdown over his family every other day just because he has to sit with the mud- muggleborns.

Regulus corrects his own thoughts. Muggleborn, muggleborn. Her name is Lily Evans.

James is with him. He often just watches him study and spends time with him. Because of the change of the season, James has the sleeves of his shirt rolled up or changes into t-shirts before coming to the library nowadays.

James has always been hot – Regulus has been dimly aware of this ever since James started playing quidditch for the Gryffindor team. But, as it turns out, Regulus has underestimated how much he enjoys staring at James and his biceps. He has a new, pretty fantasy that involves those arms holding him while wearing very little clothes.

He also has several new fantasies about being fucked by James in between lessons. But he tries not to think about that while he is studying.

James always touches him gently, or quietly talks about his day. Regulus listens but rarely engages in the conversation in favour of his assignments.

When James doesn't talk or just watches him, he helps him with his studies and assignments or – albeit rarely – works on his own homework.

"Sirius is getting all jealous over me spending so much time with you," James says, his hand rests next to Regulus's.

Regulus smiles slightly.

"He can't fathom what I'm seeing in you. I think, if he knew the whole truth, he would faint. Like actually faint."

"You sound way to excited about the prospect of your best friend fainting."

"Are you kidding? It would be hilarious. Better than that one prank when I turned his nail polish pink. You can't really prank him with that, he owned it," James shrugs, "Anyway, I guess, after recovering his consciousness he would start cursing us, though."

"Likely," Regulus nods, "And with your baffling lack of talent when it comes to lying, you're on borrowed time," He looks up into his eyes and bites his bottom lip, "So you should use it well."

James stares at him and shallows.

Regulus has discovered this new hobby recently: Making James as flustered as a 19th century virgin girl who is talking to a man for the first time in her life.

It is laughably easy.

James isn't prone to blushing, but he often has that look on his face like he is completely overwhelmed by Regulus' advances.

It is the funniest when Regulus says more or less innocent things, like he's just done, but looks at him intently, moves his foot against James' leg, and smirks. He can see James' brain working behind his eyes and immediately interpretating his words in a sexual way.

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