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When the sun shines, we shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
Said I'll always be your friend
Took an oath, I'ma stick it out 'til the end
Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we'll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
- Umbrella by Rihanna

30th of March 1983

Regulus and Remus are sitting in the studio. The finished manuscript of their book lies in front of them. Thousands of rewritings and re-readings led them here.

It's done.
It's finished.

"Okay, but what if-"

"No, it's finished," Regulus interrupts Remus. "At least, this version of it."

"Do you think it's good enough?"

"Not my decision to make. But yes. Time to give it out of our hands."

Remus sighs deeply and places the manuscript in the thick envelope in front of him.

"Imagine: Us, published authors," Remus whispers and grins.

Regulus hums, smiling, and takes the envelope from him. He goes up to the window and binds the package to Remus' owl. The bird has no trouble getting into the air and carrying the manuscript to a publishing house for consideration.

"Regulus," Remus says after the owl disappeared, "James is worried about you."

"And? Being worried about me is a main-aspect of his personality."

"More than usual."

Regulus sighs and sits down on the ground with Remus again.

"He says, you don't eat."

"I eat. He just puts too many spices into the food."

Remus gives him a look.

"I eat. I'm just not very hungry recently. I'm fine."

"Didn't you have this thing where you don't lie?"

"It was a phase. Really, I'm good. My life is great. I have friends, I have Sirius, and I have Jamie. Look around, it's perfect."

Remus nods slowly. "You can be sad even if it's perfect."

"I'm not sad."

"Are you sure?"


"And you want to marry James?"

"More than anything."

"He says you refuse to plan anything. Every time he tries to talk about the wedding, you block the conversation."

Regulus sighs. "Salazar, date one of them, date all of them."

"You knew what you were getting into."

"I want to marry him. I want to have the perfect wedding. I just had other things on my mind."

Remus hums and then nods towards his arm. "You're scratching."

Regulus looks down and forces his hand away from his arm. "He doesn't want me to wear the bandages anymore. It's still a weird feeling. ... When I look at it I want to throw up or cut it out. I can't concentrate on things like weddings like this. But I'll get it under control."

"You know, Marls started talking to a mind healer-"

"Good for her. I'll get it under control."

"On your own?"

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