Don't Fall Asleep on the Helm

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I lost my heart, my home is the ocean.
The waves underneath will soon be my home.
I will fall asleep.
I'll close my eyes and dream of days when I wasn't all alone
All that I know is gone
(Take what is left of me now)
All that I know is gone
(Take what is left of me)
Fall deeper and deeper, the sirens are singing your songs.
I'll miss my breath, there's no more left.
I'll miss the sound of the wind at my back.
The depths have a number, they call you by name.
Fall asleep, Davy Jones calls you.
So fall asleep, fall asleep and dream.
- Don't Fall Asleep at the Helm by Sleeping With Sirens

The next day Regulus sits in a more secluded area in the library. He is brooding over his books, trying to write an essay for McGonagall.

James and his friends are always complaining about Slughorn, but that man is genuinely laid-back about homework and assignments in contrast to McGonagall.

James should be here soon, his Quidditch practice should be over any minute. When James comes here from practice, he never drags his friends with him.

Regulus looks forward to that.

To not see the friends.

Of course, while still thinking about this, Remus Lupin appears in front of him.

"Hey Regulus."

Regulus looks up to acknowledge him.

"Have you seen James?" he asks uncertainly.

"He's at practice."

"Practice is over."

"Yes, he should be here any minute then. To see me."

"Yes, I'm aware... and now I'm even more aware and I don't want to be."

"Take your complaints up with him."

Lupin sighs, "I actually want to talk to you, specifically."

"Aren't I lucky," Regulus rolls his eyes.

"Can I sit?"

"I can hardly stop you, can I?"

Lupin sits down across from him. He sighs deeply, "So... you are James' boyfriend."

"We're not boyfriends. We're none of your business."

Lupin looks at him surprised, "You are like this with each other and you're not even boyfriends yet? Oh, Reggie, I feel sorry for what's in store for you."

"Don't call me Reggie."

Lupin smiles and looks at him for a minute, "James doesn't do half things, you know? Secret not-boyfriend shit and all that. If he likes someone, he likes them with his whole heart."


"And he likes you."

Regulus looks at him, waiting for him to go on.

"So, don't hurt him, will you?"

Regulus gnaws on his bottom lip for a moment, "I try not to."


They sit across from each other in silence for a minute or two.

"Anything else?" Regulus asks impatiently.

Lupin smacks his lips together, he looks uncomfortable – well, more uncomfortable than what seems to be his general state of living – "It's been brought to my attention that I should not have said what I've said about you and Sirius and James."

Regulus raises one eyebrow.

"I mean, it's a touchy subject for Sirius, too. I guess, I'm just used to being allowed to comment on it. I'm the only one who is allowed to talk about it, really."

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