A Match Into Water II

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Warnings: Death and description of corpses. Specifically of children, a baby, but also death of parents.
Terrorism, explosions in public places.
Teenagers getting traumatised at every turn.


Make me a promise here tonight
Dreamless in early graves, I never want it to be this way
The chemicals will bring you home again
This is it, when it's done, we can say that
Oh my god, we're not gonna make it
- A Match Into Water by Pierce The Veil

Another week passes without a word from Regulus – James is close to having a heart attack by now.

Yes, Regulus has told him not to worry, repeatedly so. But Regulus has also written letters to ensure he wouldn't worry.

James is sure now: This is a silent cry for help. It is the most obvious sign that something is wrong Regulus can give.

"I think something is wrong with Regulus," James says to Sirius one afternoon, "I haven't heard a word from him in three weeks. Sirius, something is wrong."

"Maybe he's busy," Sirius mumbles from where he is working on the bike.

"Busy doing what?

"I don't know. Attending fancy balls? Maybe they went to France or Italy visiting relatives. Maybe Mother dearest tries to set him up with a bride and he spends the entire time taking strolls through gardens with young, elegant women while they're chaperoned by the entire family."

"He's 16," James hopes the sickness he feels at the thought doesn't translate into his voice.

Regulus and a bride – James would sooner set an entire wedding ablaze before letting that happen.

"He's heir to the house," He says with a shrug, "From all his duties this will scarcely be the worst one."

James stares at him, how he just keeps working on the bike like he just told him it might rain tomorrow.

"How can you be so chill about this?"

Sirius pauses then shrugs again, "There's nothing I can do, is there? Besides, I doubt something really bad is happening to Reggie. Even if you're right and his views changed, his overall personality did not. If there is anything he does better than me, it's adapting to situations. He will be quiet and complacent with everything they want from him. That's the entire problem with him."

"It's not a problem he tries to stay safe."

"No, the problem is, you never know what he's actually thinking. Who is he fucking with? Them or you?"

"Them," James says steadily.

"You believe that or you know that?"

"I know it."

A knock at the open door interrupts them.

James' dad Fleamont enters. James has seen very little of him over the holidays. Fleamont is busy with some invention, some potion, in his laboratory.

"Sirius, I've got a letter for you. It just arrived."

"Anything for me?" James asks quickly.

"No, sorry, it's from Gringotts"

Sirius cleans his hands and takes the letter from Fleamont. He tears it open and skims the letter. Then he pauses, blinks and reads again.

"What is it?" James asks.

"My uncle Alphard died."

"Oh, ... sorry to hear that."

"It's fine. I haven't seen him in years. ... But he left me money. Oh, mother will be horrified when she finds out."

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