Tonight is the Night I Die

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Read the warnings. Read them. I'm serious about them.
It's a very important chapter tho.

Chapter Warnings...
references to self-harm,
some instances of self-harm (nothing graphic like burning or cutting)
eating disorder as form of self-harm and self-punishment
mentioned/referenced suicide or attempted suicide
toxic ex-boyfriend
toxic use of self-harm to influence ppl


Lonely, another day
Drowning, please save me
I am struggling
In my own daydream
I know I can't live much longer
Hear the angels sing
Tonight is the night I die
Tonight is the Night I Die – Palaye Royal

It feels like drowning, seeing James at the other end of the courtyard.

The news of Regulus Black being a Death Eater swapped through the castle in shallow waves. More and more students stare at him in the hallways. He almost expects a teacher or the headmaster to call him somewhere and expel him because they can't have open Death Eaters at school. He hopes this would happen.

It doesn't.

If anything, it makes him them trust less. What kind of Headmaster recruits students for his war but lets known Death Eaters like him roam this school?

Maybe Voldemort would do them a favour in defeating Dumbledore.

"Nameless grief took Achilles when he learned about the death of his beloved friend. Night fell in front of his eyes. He dragged both hands through black dust, spreading it over himself, and raked his fingers through his hair, pulling and plucking it off his head. Golden strands fell on the ground and the body. It was as if he had lost all sense. The cries for his lost lover rushed through the air so horribly, even his mother Thetis in the depths of the sea could hear. She rose above to comfort her beloved son. But there was only one comfort Achilles craved: bloody revenge on Hector, the murderer of his most beloved."

Evan is telling Barty a new story. They're sitting outside during the break. A small, blue flame in a jar is standing between Regulus and the couple. Barty is secretly holding Evan's hand.

"When Achilles saw his dearest friend lying there, mangled by spears, he threw himself on the body with hot tears. He was sprawled over Patroclus all day and night, not stirring even when his mother came with new armour for his revenge. He carried his body to his tent where he lay him down beside him where he used to sleep in life."

Regulus is looking at James and Sirius. He tunes Evan out.

James is leaning against a wall, staring into nothingness. Sirius and his friends are crowded around him. They are not talking with him. They are talking to each other, sometimes glancing at James, asking him a question, and looking away when he won't answer.

Regulus wants to go over there. He needs to go to him and hug him until he is okay again.

His presence would make it worse. He knows it would make it worse. He is the reason James is like that.

He is staring for too long.

Sirius notices it. He looks up and looks at him. He seems surprised for a moment, Regulus isn't sure about what, and then his look turns to anger. He turns away from him and grabs Remus' hand.

"But Achilles said 'neither food nor drink shall glide down my throat, as long as my friend lies mangled in my tent. I only crave murder and blood and the rattling of the dying.'"

Barty hits his arm. "Regulus, are you listening?"

Regulus tears his eyes away from James. "Sure, Achilles, Patroclus. He goes mad and kills Hector. I know."

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