
562 14 7

Warnings: Racist speeches. Bullying, humiliation and threats of violence against children.

Translations for this chapter:
Victoria purae - Victory of the pure (Latin)
Virtus sumus - Power are we (Latin)


Ocean blue eyes looking in mine
I feel like I might sink and drown and die
You're so gorgeous
I can't say anything to your face
And I'm so furious
At you for making me feel this way
- Gorgeous by Taylor Swift

Saturday through Monday for every meal, Regulus' eyes were glued to the Gryffindor table without a break. Sure, this is no new behaviour, but he does look with a different purpose.

He simply wants to stare at James. When he looks at him, and he catches him staring and shares a secret smile, Regulus can almost taste his lips again. He can feel air rushing into his lungs again.

Barty, who sits across from him at breakfast on Monday, moves his head between Regulus and James, "Regulus, you're staring."

Regulus rolls his eyes and stabs the eggs on his plate with his fork.

"So, how's the plan going?" Evan asks, "Are we done with this soon?"

Regulus takes a mouthful of eggs, so he doesn't have to answer.

"We don't have to worry about you, do we?" Barty asks, "Not that you end up like your brother."

Regulus looks past Barty at his brother. He is laughing and leaning into his boyfriend, who smiles fondly down at him.

"Yes," Regulus says, "That would be unfortunate."

"The lots of them are affiliating with Mudbloods, Regulus."

"I know. But James himself is pure. Also, let that be my problem. I have it under control, alright? It's all going according to plan."

Evan nods, "We're just worried about you, Regulus. You're our best friend, we can't let you throw yourself into ruin, like your brother has, just for a pretty face."

"It's not that," Regulus shakes his head, "It's about Sirius, no one else. It's under control."

Barty and Evan share a look.

"It is," Regulus insists, "But maybe the two of you could help me and get other people's gossip off my back. I don't like them talking about me."

"Then be more fucking discreet. You're sitting at a table with them in the library – everyone can go there and see you."

"Well, make it known that I'm there to... lead James and Sirius back on the path of purity and values and that their friends just happen to always be with them. It's basically the truth, too. It won't mean much coming from me, but you can do some whispering."

Barty shakes his head and steals a sausage from Evan's plate, "The things we do for you, man."

"That's why we're friends. Would you rather have me sitting in the dorm all hours of the day? Don't know what to do with your time without me?"

They share another look. Barty winks and Evan smirks.

"Alright, you do your thing, we got your back," Evan says and points his fork at him, "But Black, you better not be snogging or shagging anyone from that table. We can only save your reputation so much."

"It's under control," Regulus repeats.

Nothing is under control.

The control is gone. James positively evicted the control with his mouth.

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