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Warnings: the Black Brother talking about their childhood so - child abuse, Walburga's parenting. We will mention Effie again.
Also, dark objects, indoctrination of teenagers, a brief description of someone getting tortured/hurt and almost dying (bit it's okay bc he's a Death Eater and it isn't even graphic).


There were floods
Tidal waves over us
So we folded our hands and prayed
Like a domino
These wildfires grow and grow
Until a brand new world takes shape
Fault lines tremble underneath my glass house
But I put it out of my mind
Long enough to call it courage
To live without a lifeline
- Earth by Sleeping at Last

On Sunday, Evan and Barty drag him back to the small pub on the outskirts of Hogsmeade. As expected, Mulciber, Avery, Snape and an ever-growing entourage are following them, too.

Narcissa stands in front of the pub. As usual, she is severely overdressed. She stands out against the backdrop of the old building like a beacon. She is a diamond put into a ring of old tin. Dressed in a white summer dress, her bright blond hair falling on her ivory shoulders, she reminds Regulus of the White Queen in Alice in Wonderland. Her lips are blood red. The impassive look on her face gives her the appearance of a corpse more than a queen.

She doesn't smile when they approach. She merely lifts a heavily bejewelled hand.

"Regulus, I am to take you, Mr Rosier, and Mr Crouch with me. The rest may enter and listen."

Regulus waits until the others are inside the building before speaking up. "Take us where?"

"Don't worry, you will be back in a few hours, in time to get back to the castle. Now, come, touch my arm."

She extends her left arm, she wears a white lace glove on that side. Once the three boys are attached to her, the world around them shifts out of focus.

With half of his mind, Regulus notes they are apparating. He tightens his hand around Narcissa's arm. He feels pressure pushing against him from all sides, forcing the air out of him and squeezing him hard.

It only lasts for a few seconds. Then they are standing still again. The world shifts back into focus.

Narcissa takes her hand back from the teenage boys. Evan and Barty are stumbling slightly, holding on to each other. Regulus quickly regains his countenance and looks around.

They are not in Scotland anymore. They are standing in front of a black iron gate. Behind it, a path winds through well-trimmed hedges all the way to the Malfoy Manor.

The gates open for Narcissa. She starts walking towards the manor without waiting for Evan and Barty to recover. The two follow her, shaking off the last bits of nausea. Regulus catches up to his cousin.

"Cissy, what is going on? Why did you bring us here?"

"He wants to meet your friend," she says tonelessly, "I was asked to bring you, he wants to speak with you."

Her tone doesn't change but her eyes narrow the tiniest bit. Regulus doesn't need to guess who he is. Regulus thinks Voldemort and his closest Death Eaters must have their own headquarters. Regulus has only ever seen him in Grimmauld Place or Malfoy Manor. Occasionally, he brings books from his private library having his proteges study them. Voldemort has watched him study a lot. He always sits and watches, his pet snake winding itself around him. Even when Regulus forces himself to be as detached as possible, the image of Voldemort sitting there, watching, makes him uneasy every time.

Regulus sees himself confronted with a new problem. He hasn't expected this visit. He hasn't expected to face the wizard today. He isn't prepared. Yesterday's conversation with Sirius is still bright and burning in his mind.

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