Part 1: Making A Decision

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I'm currently talking to my dad, Pasqual, and my mom, Sarah, discussing what decision I should make. "I don't care who you choose honey, it's up to you. I'll be happy either way." Mom said. Then Dad says, "Whoever you choose, I'll always be your number one supporter."

I'm massive football fan. I knew I wanted to be a football player when I first saw a football. I play striker for Manchester City and debuted at just 15. After three years of playing for City, I have scored 65 goals and assisted 49. I'm a crowd favorite and that's how I earned my nickname, The Princess. I love that nickname. I play my heart out no matter what, even if my team is down by 3 or winning by 5, I have the passion and love for the game that'll keep me going.

Even though I love playing for City, I'm not liked by my teammates or coach. My teammates give me looks of jealousy and disdain. My coach looks at me like I'm a nuisance and talks to me like I did something wrong every day in training and during games. It's like they are both just waiting for me to make a mistake and get rid of me.

My real passion is to play for FC Barcelona and play next to my hero and crush, Alexia Putellas. I thought Alexia was not only perfect whenever she played, but also in appearance as well. I haven't told my parents that I'm a lesbian because I'm afraid of what they would say. Anyways, I sometimes imagine La Reina and The Princess playing side by side and conquering world football together.

My mom wasn't the biggest fan of football, but she respected my decision and supported me no matter what. While my dad was a die hard Barcelona fan, since he was born in Catalonia. My dad is my biggest supporter and would be so passionate whenever he went to my games. I could swear I could hear him from the stands whenever I was playing.

"I know, but I don't want people to hate me for this. I will feel bad for who I don't choose." I said concerned. "Listen to me, Megan, don't feel bad. It's your decision not theirs. If they hate you for it, then they can go fuck off." Mom says with conviction. My dad looks at her with a smile and nods. I then give them hugs and say thank you. "We love you, Megan, with all of our hearts." They both say.

I get a call and everyone knows who it might be so I leave my parents and go outside. "Hello?" I say with a slight tremble. "Hola, ¿es Megan Cardona? Soy Jorge Vilda, el entrenador de la Selección Española Femenina." (Hello, is this Megan Cardona? I'm Jorge Vilda, the coach of the Spanish Womens National Team.) I respond nervously, "Sí, esta es Megan." (Yes this Megan.) "Perfecto, queria preguntarte si querias jugar con Espana para el proximo parón internacional dentro de un mes?" (Perfect, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to play for Spain for the next international break in a month?)  "¡Sí! Me encantaría jugar para España." I respond. (Yes! I would love to play for Spain.)  Jorge says, "Impresionante. Anunciaré la selección nacional en un par de días. Espero verte entonces." (Awesome. I'll announce the national team in a couple of days. I hope to see you then.)  "¡Esperar! ¿Está bien si hablo inglés cuando estoy con el equipo?" (Wait! Is it ok if I speak English when I'm with the team?.) I say before he hangs up. Jorge then responds in English, "Of course, Megan. They don't mind, they are used to playing with multiple nationalities with their club teams, so it shouldn't be a problem."  I say to him, "Ok thank you so much coach for this opportunity. I won't let you down."  Jorge responds, "I know you won't, they don't call you, "La Princesa" (The Princess), for nothing." I felt pride when he called me, La Princesa, in Spanish. It filled me with pride that I get to play for my birth nation.  "Ok, thank you coach. See you at camp." He then responds with, "See you too, Megan. Goodbye." "Goodbye." I said. He hangs up the call.

When I was about to go inside my house, I get another call and I know who this is. "Hello?" I said. "Hi, I'm Sarina Wiegman, coach for the Lionesses, is this Megan Cardona?" Sarina asks. "Yes, this is Megan. How may I help you, coach?" I say. I'm here to ask you if you want to represent England at the international break?" She asked. "I'm sorry, ma'am but I have already decided to play for Spain." I mentally facepalm, "Why the hell did I say that? I should've just said No."

Sarina then responds with slight annoyance and I hear anger in her voice, "Well, I'm very disappointed with your decision to not play for us. I hope you know that you'll regret this decision. Goodbye." She just hangs up on me without letting me respond. I look at my phone with a puzzling look and ask myself, "What does she mean I'll regret my decision?" I said hoping to at least get some sense of the quote. I shake my head to dispel those thoughts for now.

As I walk in to the house as my dad is jumping up and down in anticipation, while my mom is looking at him without trying to laugh. "Come on honey, who was it? Who did you choose?" She looks at him smiling and say, "I'm playing for Spain." All the sudden my dad runs and picks me up and gives me a bear hug while crying in Catalunyan, "Estic molt content! El meu nadó juga a Espanya. Estic molt content per tu, amor!" (I'm so happy! My baby is playing for Spain. I'm so happy for you, honey!) "Estimo al teu pare. Ho vaig fer per tu. No hauria pogut fer tot això sense tu." (I love you, Dad. I did it for you. I couldn't have done all of this without you.) I say while crying too. Mom comes to us and hugs me as well with tear in her eyes, "My baby is playing for Spain. I'm so happy for you." "I love you too, Mom."

"You do know, you'll be playing alongside Alexis Putellas. " My dad teases me. He knows I'm a massive fan of hers but my parents don't know that I'm a lesbian and have a massive crush on her. My face turns red like a tomato and I try to speak but I can't. "Honey, why did you tease her like that? You know she has posters of her in her room." My mom says.

I then decide this is the time to tell them that I'm a lesbian. "Mom, Dad. I have something to say." I said to them nervously. They give me questioning looks. "I'm a lesbian. I like girls. I just wanted you guys to know that. I hope I'm not a disappointment." I say with tears rolling down my face. My parents haven't said anything to me, so now I'm full on sobbing.

"See, I knew it, Sarah! She's a lesbian! Give me a twenty right now!" My dad exclaims. My mom then sighs and gives a twenty to him.

I look at them confused and crying. My mom and dad give me a group hug. "We don't care if you're a lesbian, sweetie. You love who you love. There's no need to put a label on love." My mom says. I then fully break down in their arms.

"I get a free twenty. You don't have to worry about your love life. So it's a win-win." My dad says. We then all laugh and talk about what the future holds for me.

I then say my goodbyes to my parents as I get ready to go to bed. I then scream into my pillow in happiness. I then flip around and look up at the ceiling and say, "Everything is perfect." I then fall asleep since I have practice and training tomorrow with City. However, what I didn't know is that this decision would not only affect my life but my career as well.

So how was it? Updates will be very inconsistent.

Love you all!

The Princess: Megan CardonaWhere stories live. Discover now