Part 6: In The Queens' Castle

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At Alexia's House:

She opens the door to her house and I step inside. When I do, I see the famous Nala jumping and putting her paws on my legs, barking, and just going crazy. Alexia closes the door behind her and laughs. I bend down to pet Nala and say, "You must be Nala. Aren't you the most precious little thing in the world." She's shaking in excitement when I pet her. I start laughing and so does Alexia.

"Ok Nala, let Megan walk around the house and get used to everything." Alexia says. Nala immediately stops and goes to Alexia, who picks her up and tries to calm her down. I walk away from the duo and look around her house. It's perfect. I look at Alexia as she is sitting on her couch, watching TV with Nala in her lap.
She turns to look at me with that gorgeous smile and says, "So how do you like the Queens' Castle?" "It's perfect. I have no problems calling this place home." I say.

She smiles and nods at me saying, "Yeah, it is isn't it? However, I think it just got better with you here." Did Alexia just say that? Oh my god.

I blush but look away so she doesn't see my face. I look around for my luggage but I can't find them. "Alexia, where are my suitcases?" She responds, "They are in your room. Come on, I'll show you the room." She sits up and puts Nala down, much to her dismay. She walks past me and I follow her without trying to look at her backside, which I fail to do. She stops, turns her head noticing I'm looking at her.

"See something you like, princesa?" She flirtly said. I immediately blush and without thinking say, "Yes, I do. How about you?" Noticing her looking me up and down. She stares at me wide eyed not expecting me to flirt and blushes looking to the side. "This is your room. Tell me if you need anything. Dinner starts in 30 minutes." She says with a slight stutter. She walks by me and of course I look at her as she walks away.

I shake my head and say to myself, "God damn, what a woman."

I open the door and see the room. I got to say, it's nice. I see my suitcases and I start stretching my back. As I finish stretching my back, I say, "Showtime."

(If you know where that's from, you're the best ever)

10 minutes later.

"There all done." I say to nobody in the room. Everything is put away and I just smile. I realize I haven't called my parents yet. I call my dad and it didn't even get to the first ring. "Megan! I swear to God, I thought something was wrong." My dad said. I just chuckle and say, "No, Dad I'm alright. I just had a lot of stuff to do." "Trust me honey I know. You're on every sports channel right now." He says.

"Wow, I didn't know I was that popular or famous." I say awestruck. I guess the phone was on speaker and I heard my mom say, "Sweetheart, you're the next big thing. Of course you'd be on the news. By the way, I think that kit really fits you." "Your mom is right. You look like you belong in the Barcelona colors. I just can't believe la meva filla (my daughter), is playing for Barcelona." My dad says. "Neither can I." I say.

"So, who are you staying with on the team?" My mom asks. "I'm staying with Alexia Putellas." I say with a blush. "WHAT? YOU'RE STAYING WITH LA REINA?" My dad screams into the phone nearly blowing out my eardrum. "Yeah I know right? It feels a like dream." I say excitedly. "Well Megan, you're not dreaming. You are staying with your idol, playing for your favorite club, and playing the game you love." My mom says. "Your mothers right, carinyo (sweetie). You deserve this. You make us so proud and we couldn't ask for a better daughter." My dad says. "Thanks guys. I couldn't have done this without you." I say.

"So how is Alexia treating you honey?" My dad asks concerned. "As of right now, she's treating me with the utmost kindness and respect. She gave me one of her spare bedrooms to sleep in. Oh, she also has a lovely dog named Nala." I say. "That's great. I'm so happy she is treating you right. I like how she has a dog since you're a dog lover." Mom says. "You could say it's a match made in heaven." My dad says. I blush when he says that. "I know. It just feels right." I say to them.

I really want to tell my parents I have a crush on Alexia, but it's too early to tell them. Plus I'm 18 there's no way she would go after someone young as me.

We continue talking about what I did and how I feel about everything when I look at the clock on my nightstand and realize I have 5 minutes until dinner starts. "I have to go now. I'm going to have dinner with Alexia soon." I say blushing. "Ok. Call us frequently ok?" My dad asks. "Of course, Dad. There's nothing I won't keep from you when I'm here." I say. Except for my crush on Alexia. "No puc esperar a saber com et va, adéu!" (Can't wait to hear how you're doing, goodbye!)  "Adéu!" I say and hang up the phone. I sigh and leave my room.

I walk over to the kitchen to see Alexia cooking some pasta and meatballs. She has this look of concentration like she is playing on the field.

God even when she's making dinner, she looks gorgeous.

After we finish eating, we sit next to each other on the coach with Nala in her lap. She looks at me and asks, "So, how was your first time in front of the fans and Jon?" "Its beyond anything I can describe. The fans were awesome. I think I like Jon already." I say. "The fans love you. They know you're a Catalan through and through. They'll always have your back." She says. I nod. "Also one thing about Jon is he'll always take care of you. Even if you do bad. He sees the positives." She says as I just nod.

All of the sudden, Nala gets out of Alexia's lap and goes in mine. I start petting her and scratching behind her ears. "You know,  Nala rarely gets this friendly with a newcomer. She thinks you're special." I swear she whispers, "and so do I", but I'm not sure. Anyways I say to Nala, "You think I'm special? I think you're special too." I say to her as she barks in acknowledgment. Alexia and I laugh at her and  we continue some small talk and watching TV.

Alexia looks at her watch as it reads 10:30 and says, "It's time for bed. We have training tomorrow at 8:30. Got to have a good sleep before your first day." I nod and ask her, "Do you think the girls and staff will like me?" I don't want them to treat me like they did at City. I don't think I would deal with the heartbreak. "They'll love you. Especially Mapi and Patri. They love meeting new people. You'll probably see them first before you meet the rest of the girls. Besides before training, you will have to talk to the team and staff when you get to the locker room." She says with a reassuring smile. I nod excitedly. "Ok thanks Alexia for taking me in." I say standing up, Nala getting off my lap, putting my handout for a handshake, but then she does something unexpected.

She hugs me!


I hug her back and we hold the hug for a long time, not that I minded. We break apart from the hug blushing. "No problem, Megan. It's my pleasure. See you tomorrow morning, la meva princesa." (My princess) Alexia says with a smug smirk. Alright Alexia, two can play this game. "You too, la meva reina." (My Queen.) I say back to her. She looks at me with a blush and laughs and so do I.  We walk away from each other with her and I going into our rooms. I close my door and sigh in happiness. WHAT A DAY! I change into my pajamas and lay down in the bed.

Just when I was about to go to sleep, I hear something scratching my door and whining. I get up and open the door to see Nala looking up at me with her puppy eyes as if asking me, "Can I sleep with you?" "Alright, you can sleep in my room." I say to her as she walks in, jumps on my bed, and immediately lays down next to where I sleep. I laugh at her antics and close the door. 

I lay down on the bed with the biggest smile on my face. I start falling asleep when Nala gets up and puts her body on mine with her head on my chest. I smile and start petting her while looking at the ceiling.

I'm staying at my crushes house. I also get to train and meet the girls for the first time with Barcelona tomorrow. I can't wait! With those thoughts on my head, I finally sleep with a smile on my face.

How am I doing so far? Any comments would be appreciated.

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Love you all!!!!!

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