Part 19: Happily Ever After

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2.5 Years Later At Camp Nou Stadium:

Since the Ballon D'or, a lot of things have happened. Club wise we have won the Champions League back-to-back, La Liga back-to-back. We won the Euros and beat France comfortably 4-0. It's been so successful club and national levels. Alexia and I have been unstoppable on the field. It feels good.

Alexia and I have been nothing short of amazing. Our love continues to grow. It's just unbelievable. I don't know how I could love someone more everyday but she's the exception. She's literally my life partner.

The team and I are on the field of a packed Camp Nou, to show off our trophies we won during the season. It's honestly amazing. Everyone on the team makes a speech and then I'm last. I grab the microphone from Alexia and begin my speech.

"Quina temporada! Hem guanyat aquests trofeus per a tu. Els aficionats. Sense el vostre suport no seríem on som avui. Voldria donar les gràcies a tots els que han vingut per aquí. El meu equip és la meva família i no hauria pogut triar-ne un de millor." I say in Catalan. The crowd starts applauding and cheering. (What a season! We won these trophies for you. The fans. Without your support we wouldn't be where we are today. I would like to thank everyone who has come out here. My team is my family and I couldn't have picked a better one.)

I start shaking and sweating.

Calm down, Megan. It's not a big deal you're about to do this in front of thousands of fans and teammates.

I take a deep breath, "M'agradaria donar les gràcies a l'única persona que va capturar el meu cor. Alexia Putellas. La reina. He estat governant al costat del seu regne durant els últims tres anys i han estat els tres millors que he viscut mai." (I would like to thank the one person who was captured my heart. Alexia Putellas. The Queen. I have been ruling beside her kingdom for the past three years and it's been the best three years I have ever experienced.)

I see Alexia in tears. They are running down her face. It makes me start tearing up.

No don't cry now. You can cry when you get to the moment.

"T'estimo molt, Alexia. No hi ha ningú més amb qui m'agradaria passar la meva vida." I say to her as she is trying to stop her tears.  (I love you so much, Alexia. There's no one else that would I like to spend my life with.)

Here it goes.

I walk over to her and take out a small box.

I get down on one knee.

Alexia gasps as does everyone at the stadium.

Patri and Mapi are just smiling with tears running down their faces.

"La meva reina. M'encantaria governar el teu regne no com a princesa, sinó com a reina." I say as open the box up and it's a diamond ring fit for a Queen. (My Queen. I would love to rule your kingdom not as a princess, but as a Queen.)

"Et casaràs amb mi, la meva reina?" I say to her with tears running down my cheek. (Will you marry me, my Queen?)

Alexia is now sobbing.

She speaks and says.....

"Sí! Anem a governar el meu regne com a reines." (Yes! Let's rule my kingdom as Queens.)

The crowd goes nuts and so do my teammates.

I give the microphone to someone.

Alexia puts her hand in front of me as I put the ring on her finger.

"T'estimo, la meva reina. Ara i per sempre." (I love you, My Queen. Now and Forever.)  I tell her as she continues sobbing.

She grabs my head and pulls me into a kiss that's fit for a Queen. We kiss for a while, but we don't care. Nobody seems to mind.

The crowd cheers loudly and my teammates starts sobbing their hearts out.

I can't believe it. I'm going to be married to Alexia Putellas. This is fucking amazing.

Our story is just beginning. The pages will be filled with our adventures. Our lives. Our ups and downs. Our Love.

We will live as Queens.

We will be forever.

We will be one.

We will have our...

Happily Ever After.


Thank you all! This book is now finished!


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