Part 2: Had Enough

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The next day at training

When I arrived at the locker room for training, the TV was on and my teammates were looking at it. I heard on the TV: "Breaking News: It appears that football starlet, Megan Cardona, has chosen to represent Spain instead of England for the upcoming international break." My teammates turned around to look at me with more hatred than I have ever seen them give me and the left room to go outside to train. I was wondering to myself, "Why the hell are they mad at me? I just decided to play for another country." I hope that this doesn't affect the team in anyway. I mean it shouldn't right?

During training, my teammates would make unnecessary tackles that didn't really hurt but caused me some discomfort. Even the coach, Gareth Taylor, was being extra aggressive and rude to me. He would call me out for the little mistakes and make me run multiple laps around the pitch. I was in the box trying to look for a pass when all of the sudden, Ellie Roebuck purposely studded me in my ankle. It hurt like hell. The medical staff came in to help me and decided that it was fine, but it would bruise.

With this I finally snapped, "WHY FUCK ARE YOU GUYS TREATING MY SHIT? WHAT DID I EVEN DO TO YOU?" I say with anger and desperation. "You know what you did, you traitor! You chose to play for Spain except for England!" Alex Greenwood said with disdain.

"Why should it matter? I'm decided to play for Spain, because oh I don't know because I was born there? I would've like to play for England but I just felt like it wouldn't feel right!" I yell at her in her face.

Chloe Kelly pushes me and says, "You made this decision because your scared that you wouldn't start. You're not good enough. You've never been good enough. You're just a fucking Spanish bitch."

When she said this, all I saw was red and I started to fight her. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST CALL ME? YOU FUCKING BITCH!" Our teammates break us apart with most of them siding with Chloe.

"MEGAN, WHY THE HELL ARE YOU FIGHTING CHLOE? I WANT 10 LAPS NOW!!!" Gareth said, as if he just didn't hear what Chloe said. How am I in the wrong?

"YOU KNOW WHAT FUCK YOU ALL! AFTER ALL I HAVE DONE FOR THIS CLUB AND THIS IS HOW YOU TREAT ME? YOU KNOW WHAT GARETH?" I yelled at him, with a look of shock on his face and my teammates faces.

"Please, Megan, think about this we need you fo-" Gareth says with worry. "I don't care what you have to say. I've been treated like shit ever since I've been here. I'm done with it. You'll hear a call from my agent with my transfer request and I expect you find some clubs in that period. See you assholes never." I say and end it with a bow.

No one stops me as I leave the pitch and get to the locker room to change. As I'm changing, I feel a tap on my back and see it's Gareth again. I roll my eyes and say, "What the hell do you want? I'm done with this shit and I'm never coming back." "Megan please, Chloe didn't mean it. She didn't mean to cal-" He said pleading. "Shut up Gareth, of course she meant it. I "betrayed" England to play for Spain, right? Don't even think about trying to get me back because that'll never happen. Goodbye, Gareth." Venom lacing my voice. I get changed, purposely bump my shoulder with him, and leave the training ground to go to my car.

When I get into my car, I cry my heart out. "I can't believe they would do this to me just because I wouldn't play for England. Maybe Sarina was right." I leave the ground for the final time and ponder if I made the right decision.

So what's going to happen now for poor Megan?

Thanks for reading this chapter on to the next one.

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