Part 13: Champions League Semi-Final 2nd Leg

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1 Month Later In The Ethiad Tunnel:

In the league, it's been more of the same. We've won all of our games so far, and Madrid dropped some points. So we are one point ahead of them. We only have a handful of games left until the last game for us. I've been putting in goals and some assists. For my debut season so far, I'm the top goal scorer with 25 goals in 15 games. Alexia has the most assists in the league. Patri and Mapi have been exceptional as well.

Talking about Alexia, we still haven't made us official but we have been getting more and more close together. We want to take the next step but we haven't been able to find the right time for it. I know what Leah said but I'm getting fucking impatient.

The team and I are currently in Manchester for the second leg of the Champions League semi-final. I wasn't able to play the first leg because I felt like shit. We did drew them 1-1. I feel terrible for not playing, but you can't play when you're sick. I'm going to starting though for second leg. It's going to be nice to be back, but I don't think the club or team would give me the same feelings back.

The team and I are currently standing next to the Man City players. I'm front of the line, but on my way up I was giving death glares by my former teammates. I just looked at them and chuckled. I didn't care anymore. Obviously they still do. We are then told to walk to the field. As we are all lined up, the starters are being announced. When the stadium announcer said my name, I of course received boos, but I also received some cheers and standing ovations. I smile and wave to the crowd.

We are now in our starting positions to start the game and the whistle blows to start the game.

42nd Minute:

It's 3-0 us and I've scored 2 goals and Alexia has scored 1. So we clearly have the advantage with it being 4-1 us. I'm going through Man City's midfield when my tackled from behind by Chloe Kelly. I've had rough tackles before but this one was the most painful I have experienced. I fall to the ground instantly, scream in pain, and I hold my ankle.

The girls run over to Chloe but it's Mapi and Patri that get up in her face and start yelling at her and pushing her. "What the fuck was that horseshit?" Mapi yelled. "You could've broke her ankle!" Patri yells. "Maybe that was the point, she was a coward for what she did!" Chloe yells back at them. Mapi was about to throw a punch until the team restrained her and the ref comes over to give Mapi and Patri a yellow. The ref gave Chloe a red card, which shocked her, but my teammates were happy about that. Her teammates try to argue with the ref but her decision is final. Chloe walks off the field, but gets stopped by her coach and yells at her.

I'm crying with tears running down my face. Alexia comes over to me, kneels down to me and holds my hand to provide some comfort at least. "It is bad Alexia?" I ask her sobbing. "It's fine, la meva princesa. You're going to be ok." I nod at her. Our medical staff run to me to check on me. "I'm going to touch you're leg tell me where it hurts the most." One of the staff tells me. She touches my leg and say it's fine. She goes lower, still nothing. However, when she touches my ankle I tighten my hand that's around Alexia's and say right there. She nods and with the help of the other staff members, they begin to at least try to get a picture of what's wrong.

It feels so long being on the floor with them touching my ankle and me crying. "Ok, Megan, nothing appears broken but we have to go the medial center here at the stadium to get a more in-depth look." She tells me. "Can you try to walk or do you need the stretcher?" She asks me. "I'll try to walk." I tell her. With the help of Alexia and the medical staff I get up. Alexia kisses my forehead and says to me, "You'll be ok. I'll kick their ass for you." I nod then hobble over to sideline to get subbed off. Jon tells me, "You did great , Megan. You'll be fine." I nod to him and go the medical center with the medics.

Sometime later:

I got news that nothing major or serious happened to my ankle. It's just going to bruise and be in pain for at least a couple days.

Thank fucking God.

I'm in the locker room, changed in regular clothes waiting for the girls to enter the room. After waiting a while, the girls come in cheering and hollering. "WE ARE GOING TO THE FINAL!!!" They say. I cheer as well and celebrate with them. Mapi comes up to me and says, "You should've seen Alexia when you got off the pitch." I look at her confused. "I don't think I've seen her so fucking mad and play her ass off like that in a while." Patri tells me. "Why what happened?" I ask them. "Let's just say that Alexia scored 3 more goals when you were gone." Mapi tells me. I stood there shocked.

Wow. She did that for me? Damn.

Alexia walks in and instead of celebrating with everyone else she sees me and hugs me. She kisses my forehead and cheeks, "I'm so happy you're ok, la meva princesa. I don't know what I would do if you're injury was worse." She tells me. "It's ok Alexia. I'm fine, I'm here, I'm ok." I tell her reassuring her. "So I heard you scored some goals for me?" I tease her. She blushes and looks away.

I pull her head back to me,  give her a kiss on her forehead, and whisper to her ear, "That's got to be the hottest thing a person has ever done for me. I bet you looked fucking hot."

I pull away from her ear and look at face to see her blushing everywhere on her face. She breaks our hug, gets her regular clothes, and runs into the showers. I laugh my ass off at that.

"What did you say to her?" Mapi asks me and Patri gives me a confused look. "You don't want to know." I tell her as we all laugh.

At the hotel: (It gets kinda spicy, but no smut)

We all celebrate our win at the hotel and my night is finished with me in Alexia's arms like what happened after the Spanish game. We've been doing this every night and I fucking love it. "I can't believe I'm going to be going to my first champions league final." I tell Alexia. "I can't believe it too. You've made such a huge impact for us." She tells me. I smile and cuddle more into her.

She pulls her head close to my ear and whispers, "The night we make our relationship official, I'm going to make you pay for all this teasing you're doing. I'm going to rip off your clothes and give you pleasure you have never thought you could."

God help me.

She continues, "I'm going to make you officially  la meva princess. I'm going to show you why they call me "La Reina." You won't be able to go to training for the next two days because you'll be that sore and tired. You got that?" She asks me as she puts one hand on one of my ass cheeks and squeezes it. I blush like a fucking tomato.

Fuck me. I can't believe she just told me that.

I respond, "Yes, Alexia." She squeezes my ass again but with both hands. "Yes who?" She asks me edging me on. "Yes, La Reina." I tell her. She then gives my ass an affirmation squeeze and says, "Good, princesa."

Oh my god.

She then pulls her head away from mine and lays her head back on the pillow and starts to fall asleep with her hands still on my ass. It takes me a while to calm down but I do and I fall asleep thinking about what's going to happen when that night comes.

Lesbian Goddess. Please give me strength for that night and hope I don't die. AMEN.


What a spicy way to end off a chapter right?


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