chapter 6: brother?

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Nelly pov

I woke up from the light that shone on me from outside. I don't want to get up from the comfort of the bed, I shuffled to the otherside of the bed looking at the clock my eyeballs almost fell out of my eyes.

"It's 10:07am I have English class by 11:00am..ohhh boy I can't be late on my first day" I jumped down from my bed falling down flat on my back and hitting my head hard on the floor, I looked down to see what fell me down and it was my blanket it must have tangled my legs while sleeping I miss cuddling my teddy. My eyes met the clock and it said 10:09.

I finished bathing, brushing my teeth and dressing up for school. Tori had told Zeke to buy me some clothing to wear and also the books I need today. I'm wearing a simple emoji black croptop, a black boyfriend jeans designed with butterfly and wearing my pure white air jordan shoes from yesterday, I weave the Left side of my hair all back and stopping before my left ear and letting the rest of my hair fall. I look cool and cute I know it. I am grateful for Tori saving my day.

The girls from yesterday already left with their boyfriends and now Tori and I are going to school together we are both late for class Tori's class started an hour ago and mine is starting in the next 20 minutes. And Tori is driving crazy fast.

"Tori i know we are late but I don't want to die because of school! Slow down"

"I don't usually drive myself to school Torak always does but he is tired and doesn't have class until 1:00pm" She said driving to the school parking lot.

"Sigh thank goodness we made it to school alive. Bye Tori see you at lunch" i said running towards the school entrance and to class.

When I reached the class I checked my phone for time 10:57 I took a deep breath adjusting my hair and opening the door the class is huge. Some people are already here also wolfs and two lycans the wolfs and lycans looks at me with disbelief. Know I wished I didn't weave one side of my hair so I can cover my face with it. I looked down at my feet and heading to a sit behind the class it's the only space I will be comfortable with.

The two lycans in the class are sitting in front of me, they seem to be exchanging links in their head. For some reason I know they were talking about me. I checked the time on my phone and it's 11:02 the teacher is late great, now what am I supposed to be doing while i wait. The lycans must have noticed my distressed cause they came to sit with me one lycan at my left side and the other my right.

"Hey, I'm Nicole" the lycan with light brown eyes said

"And I'm veleir" the gray eye lycan spoke but the doesn't look as excited as Nicole.

Are they trying to be friends with me or they have plans? I shake the thought from my head

"Am Nelly"

"We know" veleir simply exclaim

"How?" I ask with a confused look

"Actu-" before Nicole can say anything else the door opened and the scent of heaven filled my nose.

I immediately know who that is. I looked at him in his eyes and he did to his eyes looks like wonder, like a mystery. His gaze then move to the two lycans sitting beside me, he let out a low growl that no normal wolf or lycan will hear. As he made his way to our direction, veleir remained calm but Nicole isn't, I wonder what's going on in their head.

When he reached my sit he looked at me then he looked at veleir. Veleir has a smirk on his face he must have link something to Torak. Nic and veleir got the warning stare from Torak and they both leftto their sit. Toraks
Sat beside me our skin slightly brushing, my God do I love that feeling. Not to long the two males walked in one is Michael from the CBD and the other unknown but his a gray hair lycan.

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