New Friends

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After watching 5 episodes of sponge Bob.  "Sammy will you help me with my homework please" Jessie asked digging in her backpack. "You had homework and you didn't start it 2 hours ago" I asked raising and eyebrow at her. "We were watching sponge bob" she said sitting at the table. "OK let's get it done" I said sitting beside her. "Sammy can Marcus come over" she asked doing a math problem "sure" I said texting him. "Jessie!" I yelled from the kitchen "you want pizza" I yelled. "Yeah pepperoni please" she yelled back. Chaz texted me
wanna hang out
Sure but my place to dark for the park and my sis is here my address is *** **** ******
ugh OK be there in five
I smiled at the text "Jessie can chaz come over" I asked walking by her. "Only if Jazmyn can" she said. "She can't come over tonight it's almost nine" I said "no no no not tonight you air head tomorrow please" she said putting her hands together "sure but I want to talk to her mom first" I said giving her a serious look. "Fine" she said last tome this girl had a friend over the girls mom had no clue she was here never seen her again. "Imma go take the trash out k" I said walking out the back door. I put it into the trash and suddenly was smashed up against the house I screamed by surprise.  Justin. It was freaken Justin who had pushed me. "I know you heard me screaming your name but you ignored me tsk tsk tsk" he said waving his hand infront of my face then punched me in the stomach again and again and again I screamed again but he put his hand over my mouth. The screen door then opened.
Justin POV
when the screen door opened and Samantha just about froze I thou someone scary was going to walk out but no it was this little girl with brown shoulder length hair and pretty brown eyes she was so cute for a little girl who I'm guessing was only five or six she looked like a smaller version of Samantha. So Fu*king pretty. "What are you doing to my sister" she said with tears in her eyes. I felt so bad beating the crap out of Samantha every day and now I made little Samantha cry. Wow I evil. Samantha kicked me in the nards then ran and turned the little girl around. I was still crouching over when he came back she grabbed my hair and kneed me in the face a couple times. I was completely shocked. Then she came down close to me and whispered in my ear. "Justin you can beat the crap out of me whenever wherever but don't ever make my sister cry" she said and kneed me in the face once more. Then she walked towards her sister. "SAMMY you have owwies on your arms" the little girl said sammy hu OK name. "Im OK Jess let's go inside" Samantha said to Jess. "Sam who is he" Jess whined "Jessie beb he's no one OK" when Samantha said that it kinda of hurt my feelings. "Sammy pwese" Jessie whined again. "OK fine come here she said sitting on the ground and the little girl sitting next to her. "Jessica you no how when I sometimes tell you those bedtime stories about the prinsessa and the prince and about evil J" Samantha said Jessica nodded then smiled and jumped up"he's the prince isn't he" she said jumping up and running towards me I smiled "no beb not exactly beb he's evil J" when Samantha said that Jessica looked like she was going to cry and to be honest I got scared of what Samantha would do to me. "Jessica you asked who he was, Jessica this is justice beiber" she said pointing at me. "Hi" I said and Jessica looked scared she took a set of (what I'm guessing) fake glasses and put them on "I'm Jessica and your a Bully" she said and running behind Samantha she looked terrified.  "Sammy is beiber as in jazmyn beiber" she asked and now I was curious on guessing they knew my sister. "How do you two no my little sister" I yelled and ran up to Jessica and tears ran down her face I'm guessing I scared her again anger flashed through Samantha's eyes "maybe there in the same class you idiot and just maybe they were going to be friends" she said in a deadly voice man Jessica did give Samantha a lot of courage maybe even to much then I realized what she said were meaning pass tense I can't screw up another one of Jazmyn's friendships OK I had to fix this "listen Jessica" I said kneeling down so I was her hight "Jazmyn is nothing like me she is super nice" I said she nodded then pulled on the end of Samantha's shirt "can she still come over pwese she's my age" Samantha smiled what dis she mean my age "yeah I will talk to her mom if you get me the #" Samantha said Jessica nodded "Sam when are Marco and chaz ganna be here" Jessica asked "soon" Samantha said then it hit me chaz was coming over guessing in the hell did that happen. "Go in the house and finish up math then we can watch sponge Bob until they get here. When she got in the house Samantha turned towards me "listen you need to leave I know I'm going to get beaten the shit out of later but what ever go away" she said and walked into the house and left me outside in the dark by myself I was going to beat the crap out of her at school tomorrow.
Sam's POV
when we got in the house the bell rang I got up it was Marco "hey princess" he said hugging me "Hey" I said flinching due todays events Marco and Ava are the only two who really no anything about Ryan and Justin so when he saw me flinch he whispered in my ear "its been over 2 hours and your still flinching we need to talk about this after Jess goes to sleep" he said and hugged me again "MARCO YOU missed it evil J came and Sam beat him up" she said Marco looked at me disapprovingly and went back to talking to Jessie. "Sammy is the pizza almost here" she asked whining "yeah it should be here any minute"  I said and as if on cue the bell rang "I got it I got it" Jessie yelled and ran towards the door and I followed when she opened the door her shoulders slumped "did you bring the pizza" she asked and when I looked at who she was talking to I busted out laughing "Jessie this is chaz he is not a pizza delivery man" I said and she just sat on the floor "oh then I'm not moving until I get pizza" she said sitting criss cross on the floor. "Chaz this is Jessie my little sister she really likes food so you might have to wait until she talks to you since you posed as the delivery man" I said gigging "oh well then Jessie may I sit and wait with you" he asked her "whatever floats your boat" she said crabby. The door bell sounded again hopefully it was the pizza man. I ran to the door and opened it "here is your pepperoni pizza and your total comes to $10.54 cents" he said I handed him fifteen dollars "keep the change ugh I'm so happy I could hug you" I said excitedly "chill it's just pizza" he said "no my sister and a friend are on strike until they get pizza" I said then I hugged him tightly "oh my sorry I got ahead of myself sorry thanks by"
Ryan's POV
I don't think Samantha realized who I was she was excited over pizza and she hugged me secretly I was happy about it she's just so cute happy. I don't even no why we beat her up I just follow orders. "Bye" was all I heard before she turned in the house. "CHAZ, JESSIE pizza" I heard how the heck did chaz get there.
Sam's POV
CHAZ,JESSIE pizza come eat. Chaz ran in with Jessie on his shoulders "OK Chaz don't drop her" then Marco came in "oh ah Chaz this is Marco Marco this is Chaz" I said pointing at them they both gave me the who look "Marco this is my algebra buddie Chaz and Chaz this is my friend Marco now can we please eat some pizza" I said sitting by jessie.
*****1 hour later ***
"Sam we need to talk" Chaz said guiding me away with his hand on my back "look I'm sorry I never said anything when-" but I cut him off "no Chaz you no them guys are intimidating it doesn't bother me I know your a good guy" I said "but your so nice and lively here with Jess but at school you seem the exact opposite and they just saw you as a easy target and-" "Chaz it's fine,but its late so I'll see you tomorrow ok get some sleep" I said walking him towards the door. He nodded then left. "Sam" "Hey what's up Marco" I said "you guys going to the cabin this weekend" he asked "well you no we are Jessie wouldn't let me live it down if we didn't and you no how my parents are when they come home every weekend" I said "OK well get some rest" he said kissing my forehead and left out the door. ***3am**
"SAMMY SAMMY help he's coming" Jessie yelled running into my room. "Who is"
"evil J he's coming to get us" she yelled climbing on my bed. "He's not coming to get us I promise I'll beat him up" I said "promise" she asked teary eyed "I promise so just go to sleep OK" I said closing my eyes "Sammy can I sleep with you pwese just so I'm safe" she practically begged. "Sure but get some sleep" I said whispering. She crawled over me and got under my covers "thanks sissy" she said almost asleep. "Night " I whispered knowing she wouldn't answer I kissed her forehead and let sleep consume me.

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