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When I got up there was a knock at the door Toby was still asleep I got up and went to the door. "Hello" I said to the girl standing there "these were sent to the desk for you" she said handing me sunflowers and a card "do you know who sent these" I asked "no I was just told to send them here" she said I nodded closing the door behind me I opened the card and pictures fell out. Of me and Justin making out last night, of me and Toby sleeping us at the restaurant there were ten pictures my heart started beating fast I opened the letter and read
Hey babe, I see your having fun with your male friend so who are you dating the guy your kissing and making out with or the guy your sleeping with I'm always watching you babe you'll see me soon love your daddy
I put dropped the letter and ran to the lobby to see Zane. "Do you work 24 hours or what" I asked he nodded "with occasional brakes" he joked "oh Ok so then can you tell me when the stuff was sent to my room" I asked tapping by fingers on the desk "not even ten minutes ago why" he asked "thanks gotta go" I said running back to the elevator and into the room I have to tell Toby everything. "Toby wake up" I said picking up the pictures "what is it" he asked I sat on the bed next to him. "I did something yesterday night" I said "what" he said looking concerned "I made out with Justin it started as just me teasing him because he changed the channel and yeah it was a juvenile thing to do but then it turned into make out session" I said "your telling me this why this I could have gone without knowing" he said "someone's watching us and I think it's Caleb" I said showing him the pictures and letter. "I'm glad you told me before showing me pictures get ready" he said I nodded changing into a purple crop top and black glittery shorts I put on light make up and curled my hair I sat on the couch. "Sam go wake up Justin" Toby said "Toby I think I might like him" I said quietly "then let him know, say yes when he asks you out" he said taking off his shirt "don't have anything to do with that, don't tell him we had the conversation, better yet please to bring it up" I said "Ok I won't go wake him you keep it Pg......13" he said laughing "alright be back" I giggled hugging him "alright go" he said kissing my head I jogged to the elevator with the photos and letter when I got to his room I knocked on the door but he didn't answer I went to the lobby to get a key from Zane "Zane can I get a key to Mr.beiber's room" I said "is there something wrong with your room" he asked getting a key card "nothing he just needs to wake up and I knocked but he didn't get up" I said "oh" he said handing me the key I jogged to the elevator and to his door I opened it set the key card, pictures, and letter on the table seeing him asleep in bed. "Justin" I whispered trying not to be rude but he didn't wake up "Justin" I tried again but he didn't wake up I got on his bed sitting on his waist "Justin get up" I whisered in his ear opened his eyes "Sam why are you on top of me" he asked "because I can" I said mimicking him from yesterday "what are you doing here" he asked "to wake you up" I said kissing the corner of his mouth pulling away trying to get up but he grabbed my waist making me stay "stay here you tease" he said pulling me closer to him kissing me "get up" I giggled getting out of his grip "Sam why" he asked getting up "go take a shower" I said pushing him in the bathroom I sat on the bed getting his phone taking a few selfies then playing a game on his phone till he came out in a towel I bit my lip admiring the view. "Like what you see" he asked "ya" I giggled "but you need to get some clothes on so I can talk to you without getting distracted" I said getting up and pushing him away he grabbed my hands bring them up to my chest "why are you always pushing me away" he asked coming close and I froze again. "Your not going to answer me" he asked kissing me lightly "go get dressed" I sqeeked out "as you wish princess" he said walking to grab his clothes going into the bathroom. I took a few more selfies after I was done I looked through the pictures there was a lot of Jessie and Jazzy and who I was guessing was his brother he didn't get to see a lot there was a lot of me before when Justins would beat me up I never realized he had pictures of me. "Hey what you looking at" he said taking his phone looking at the picture of me "why did you take that" I asked it was a simple photo of me taking a test I was biting my bottom lip trying to figure out a question "I didn't realize" he started "don't lie to me" I said he walked away "fine don't tell me but I have to show you something" I said getting the letter and photos sitting on the bed. "What are those" he asked sitting next to me "there pictures of us, me and Toby" I said quietly "oh God did Toby see these" he asked "hey calm down he knows what happened he fine" I said "let me read the letter" he said taking the letter "what did he mean the guy your sleeping with" he said looking completely through all the photos "why do you care" I asked getting up and going to the door "Sam" he started "just.... pack" I said opening the door but he beat me to it slamming it shut "I hope you know the neighbors might file a complaint because of that" I said rolling my eyes "Sam I care" he said pinning me against a wall "Justin pack" I said trying to push away "Sam kiss me" he said "why" I asked "no I'll be in my room see ya Justin" I said getting the door open and walking out. I need to talk to Toby. "Hey Tobs can we talk" I said sitting on the couch "sure what's going on" he said sitting next to me "Justin asked me to kiss him but I pushed him away, I asked him why'd he care if I slept with you, am I just being an uptight bitch or what..." I asked "Sam your just being bipolar at first you were making out with him now you won't even kiss him you understand his confusion" Toby said "but he's not my boyfriend" I conplained "that didn't stop you from making out with him earlier" he said "your right but I sometimes just get that don't do it feeling" I said "well ask him out" Toby said "no that's crazy" I said getting up "take it into consideration what could go wrong" Toby asked "he can say no,he can laugh in my face, r he could do both really there's quit a few outcomes" I said walking away "Sam it's obvious Justin likes you how he gets jealous when you around other guys" Toby said "alright enough of this conversation can we just pack I'm ready to tell Jackson he has to stop harassing us" I said "alright pack Justin should be just about done" he said I packed everything into my suitcase and watched Disney "alright we ready to go" Justin said "sure I'll just double cheek everything so we're not missing anything" I said Toby nodded "I'll be in Justins car Justin is driving" he said taking his suitcase "Sam" Tobs said getting my attention he just winked I smiled he shut the door behind him. "Sam" Justin started "no don't I was being a bipolar bitch sometimes I just need Toby to show me" I said walking towards the bed "Sam I shouldn't have asked you that I'm not" he started "Justin shut up" I said grabbing him by the neck pulling him close "you shouldn't have ask you should have done it" I said kissing him he snaked his arm around my waist bring me closer I pulled back biting much bottom lip "let's go before he comes up here" I said getting away "see I don't think you want me to leave because you keep biting your lip" Justin said pinning me against the bed frame and him "I was thinking thats what I do when I think" I said looking down making me laugh at his current state "what is funny" he asked "this" I said bringing my hand up his abs under his shirt "Sam I'm not in a mood to stop anything" he said "then don't start anything" I said biting his ear lightly "you really are bipolar aren't you" he asked I pulled back "yeah it's fun to be different now come on" I said grabbing his arm with one hand and my suitcase in the other and we walked to the lobby. "Sam I'm guessing you will be leaving m us today you will be missed" he said "as I will miss you to" I said "oh something came in for you" he said handing me another envelope "thank you I'll see you again" I said hugging him "Sam let's go" Toby said I nodded running to the car "bye Zane" I waved getting in the passenger seat "alright let's go" I said going on my instagram Justin drove for five minutes we drove to an airport to his jet "let's hurry we can be there by night" Justin said. When we got on the jet Toby sat in the seat infront of mine Justin sat next to me after five minutes Toby looked asleep and so did Justin I got the envelope and opened it there were pictures of Toby taking off his shirt, shirtless Toby hugging me, me sitting on a partially asleep Justin, me kissing Justin, us in my hotel room kissing. I dropped the pictures and read the letter.
Hey babe, ha did I surprise you because I already sent a envelope today this just goes to show I don't take a cooling off period I need to keep a close eye on you your getting to friendly with those guys acting like a little slut, so who exactly are you dating hunky Justin or cutie pie Toby or is it sweet talking Jimmy. I have tried figuring it out like Jimmy he is a very smooth talker and Justin he's strong so you might feel safe but honestly I think Toby has the best chance with you considering you run to him with everything; to comfort you, cuddle him, depend on him to much you always were excited to see him especially when you were in elementary you would hold his hand and hug him, and yes I had people watch you take pictures because you were always so damn cute but it would have been wrong if I had acted on my ergs you being so young anyways there wasn't any point to this envelope just a reminder that I'm always watching.
Love daddy
By the time I was done reading I noticed I was out of my seat and pacing then two arms wrapped around me I looked up and saw Toby. "You Ok now" he asked sitting in my seat pulling me in his lap when I didn't response he asked again "Sam babe what's wrong" he asked I noticed Justins fists were balled and turning white I got up and handed the letter to Toby and the pictures to Justin and moved towards the bench and brought my knees up to my body once they were done they traded. Once Toby was done he came and sat next to me. "It's true isn't it" I asked "what's true" he asked "I run to you with everything don't I, I depend on you way to much" I said he grabbed me pulling me on his lap holding me close "if you ever stop depending on me, needing me, God if you ever stopped cuddling with me I might go crazy" he said whispering in my ear while squeezing me "I love you so much Sammy.... you will always be my bestfriend" he whispered I nodded. I saw Justin look up from the letter looking at us he set the letter down and angrily walked into the bathroom. "Sam I think you should go talk to him I'll be out here" he said sitting in his spot putting in earbuds I nodded. I walked over and knocked on the bathroom door and it opened and Justin was sitting on the toilet without a shirt on he was using his nails to hurt his stomach when he saw me he hurried and put his shirt on "what the hell are you doing in here" he yelled "what the hell are you doing" I yelled making my way over to him but he stood up "I'm leaveing" he said trying to leave "sit down" I growled pushing him back on the toilet seat lid. "Take off your shirt" I said angry "you know any other time and I would have bu-" he started "take it off" I paused "or I will" I threatened "yeah Ok" he said with sarcasm I went over and pulled off his shirt and saw his whole under arms were filled with scars. "W..when" I sqeeked "excuse me" he said "when did you do this" I asked "......." "Justin answer my damn question" I yelled "alright fine... the day I hurt you" he said "Ok you didnt really narrow it down that just leaves 8th grade-11th when exactly" I said "that day when Charles was walking you to your locker for the second time" he said quietly I remember that day.
It was mid January and I was at school twenty minutes before the bell so I got all my books out and all my necessary papers when two guys from the football team (Charles and Jeff) were goofing around and Charles bumped into me making me spill everything on the ground Jeff laughed as I bent down to pick up everything Charles did also once we were done he handed me my papers smiling like a goof "S s sorry" he stuttered I nodded and started to walk away "what's your name" he asked following me "Sam" I said walking faster "well Sam" he said grabbing my shoulder making me stop and face him "your very beautiful" he said and I blushed like an idiot "thank you" I said giggling "may I walk with you to first period" he asked I nodded "if you want" I said and started walking to algebra "see ya soon Sam" he said I smiled and nodded he walked me to every hour that day.
Day two*
"Hey Sam" Charles said at my locker "hi" I waved opening it to get my books when I got everything out he took everything out of my arms "what are you doing" I asked "carrying your stuff to first class" he said and started walking "you coming or should I carry you to" he asked I blushed and started walking to algebra. 7th class. "Hey Sam you should come to our practice tonight" Charles said "sure" I said smiling "it's after school so should I pick you up from 7th or are you going to meet me there" he asked "I'll meet you there" I giggled he nodded and walked away. After class I went to my locker and put everything away since Jessie was only three I didn't have to worry about her and I skipped to the field to see a bunch of guys running around I sat on the bleachers and watched most of the practice until I got my phone out and started playing games on my phone until someone slipped it out of my hands I looked up and it was Charles "hey good practice'' I said "really were you even watching because your eyes were glue to this the whole time" he said smiling "I watched most of it, it's just....I'm not a real sporty person" I said shrugging my shoulders "I noticed" he laughed "can I have my phone back" I asked leaning for it "if you can get it" he laughed I jumped but couldn't reach it "please" I asked "since you said please and your going to give me hug then I guess" he said hugging me and I briefly hugged back "Ok enough your sweaty go take a shower and give me my phone back" I said grabbing it "will you be here when I get out" he asked "do you want me to be" i asked he nodded "then I will" i said he smiled and jogged into the showers along with that evil Justin I sat back down on the bleachers and waited. "Hey your still here" Charles said coming out in his regular clothes "yup" I said "I don't think we should hang around each other any more so bye" he said walking away "wait why" I asked grabbing his arm making him face me "you should ask Justin why" he said walking past me then I saw Justin come out of the showers. "What the hell did you say to Charles" I said stomping my feet "hey to you to" he said smiling "don't play games beiber why can't you leave me alone" I asked "he wasn't the right guy for you" he said simply "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO DECIDE THAT" I yelled "Sam just shut up" he said "no" I said "why couldn't you just keep your big mouth shut beiber" I yelled "because my friend was getting involved with a bitch and I had to stop it" he yelled tears ran down my eyes and I jumped in my car and cried.
End of flashback*
"Wait something doesn't make since you called me a bitch so you go and do this to yourself" I asked "Sam I was lying and couldn't think of anything to say so I said that I was really just jealous" he said playing with his jeans "oh but that doesn't make since why you would go and do this" I said pointing at his scars "I was mad at myself for making you cry" he said "so why are you doing it now" I said "because I realized everything your father said was true no one stands a chance against Toby for you" he said putting his head down "oh wow you are an idiot" I said looking at him "that makes me feel a lot better" he said "well first of all his name is Caleb and he knows nothing about me and Toby and I are just really good bestfriends I'm basically his sister I've told you this what were you thinking" I asked "it's just reading the letter seeing the pictures then seeing him hold you it just seemed a little more then just bestfriends" he said "look at me" I said he just kept his gaze on the ground
"Justin" I tried but he didn't look at me I sat on his lap and made him look at me. "Stop worrying about everything else and focus on what you wanna do" I said he nodded then kissed me I was taken back but kissed back he poked his tongue at my lip asking for entrance I let him in and we fought a battle his arms moved from my waist to under my shirt as he played with the bra laces "maybe some other time" I giggled "Samm" he whined "what" I said pulling back "pwease" he said moving his hands under my bra cups "n n no" I said pulling back "fine" he pouted I felt bad but I seriously wanna get him back for changing my channel back at the hotel I wanna tease him and not get lost in the moment I knew what to do. I stood up kissing him he obediently followed I walked to the door and unlocked it while kissing him I pushed him down on the toilet kissing him "what's going on with you" he asked "shu" I whispered in his ear kissing his neck nibbling on his skin he let a moan escape I smiled happy he didn't have control "why do I think your enjoying this more then me" he asked "shu stop talking" I said bring his lips back to mine I kissed his jaw making my way to his cheek then his ear stopping to nibble and bite it gently he moaned again I made my way down his neck sucking on his neck making him moan louder he was getting very excited and I was trying not to laugh one more I grabbed his neck and pulled him closer kissing his neck biting him I brought my hands to his chest playing with his nip making him moan loud I fastly get up and run to a seat in the back of the plain away from Toby when Justin came out glaring at me he sat down across from me "now we're even for changing Disney" I giggled as he sat next to me "don't ever do that again" he said I rolled my eyes "don't ever change Disney then" I said he shook his head disapprovingly and went to sit back in his old seat and I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

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