The Plan

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When I got up I checked my phone it was 9. I got up changed into a Mickey mouse crop top and shorts I curled my hair and put on light make up and sat on the bed watching K.C undercover of course on Disney. Knock knock I ran to the door "room service" "I didn't order room service" I said opening the door "aren't you Sam" he asked "yes I am but I" I started "and this is room 385 so this stays here" he said "but I didn't order it" I said "no I did I ordered it to your room" a male voice said behind me "and why would you do that" I asked putting my hand on my hip he rolled his eyes and walked past me. "Here's your tip and here's another 5 thanks for dealing with her" Justin said handing him the money "hey I'm right here" I said he laughed putting the cart in my room "excuse you that's my room" I said "then come in before I lock you out" he laughed I walked in and sat back on the bed. "Hungry" he asked "no" I said "Sam eat or I'll tell Toby your starving yourself" he said "but I'm not" I whined "then eat" he said "fine but you have to help me you order enough for five people jeez" I joked "alright" he said sitting next to me.
Fifteen minutes later
"Sam can we Ok please watch something ya know that's for our age group" Justin asked laughing "shut up I loooovvvveeee Disney" I giggled "whatever" he said sitting on the floor. Knock knock. "Justin door" I said "really why me" he asked "because I'm watching something that's not in my age group" I said "fine" he laughed getting up opening the door. "Who is it" I asked "me" it was Toby's voice I jumped up so I was standing on the bed. "Hey" he said standing at the edge of my bed I jumped on him strangling his waist with my legs hugging him tight "hi I've missed you sooo much" I said hugging him "I seen you yesterday" he laughed "I know but it feels like a year" I said getting off and standing on the floor "Aww well I miss you too" he said kissing my forehead. "Let's go for lunch then we can talk about a plan to get rid of Jackson we'll come back here and sleep it off" Toby said. "Alright let's get something to eat, get your shoes on" he demanded "fine" I said putting on my flower sandals and we took the elevator down to the lobby. "Hey Sam" Zane said "hey Zane this is my bestfriend Toby" I said "hey I'm Zane" he said to Toby "hi" Toby said "alright be back later" I said skipping out "should we go to Milys" Toby said "ah I'm n" Justin started "sure" I said hitting Justin. "Alright let's go" Toby said and we walk to Milys. "Hi I'm Jimmy I'll be your waiter follow me" he said guiding us to our table "so can I get you anything to drink" he asked smiling at me "sprite" I said simply "coke" Justin said sitting next to me "Pepsi" Toby said sitting across from me "alright be right back" he said winking at me I blushed looking down at my hands he was cute I guess he was tall green eyes and muscles. "Sam looks like someone likes you" Toby said I giggled looking down at my hands "are you blushing" Tobs asked "will you be quiet" I asked jokingly "alright here are your drinks 1 pepsi for the gentleman 1 coke for the other gentleman 1 sprite for the lady" he said handing me my cup it had a flower on it I smiled and sipped on it "thank you" I said "pleasures mine so do we know what we want" he asked braking eye contact with me and looking at Toby and Justin "eggs with bacon" Toby said "egg sandwich" Justin said "and for you miss" he asked "French toast" I said he smiled and nodded "coming right up" he said leaving. "Sam he likes you" Toby said when he left "yeah I think so too not bad though I'm expanding my limits I guess while were here" I giggled Justin looked mad. "Here you are eggs and bacon for the guy with the Pepsi egg sandwich for the guy with the coke and finally French toast for the lady with sprite" he said handing us our plates "thank you" I said he nodded then left. "Alright down to business what are we going to do about Jackson" Toby said "I'm not working for him that practically like being paid to kill someone" I said getting quiet "she's not doing this it like being paid to kill people she's to fragile" Justin said "really watch me I'll show you fragile" I said getting mad I don't care if it's true I don't wanna be called it "Sam Justins right on this one" Toby agreed "well now I'll just have to prove you both wrong won't I, why don't we meet with Jackson and I'll tell him what I want coming straight from me he'll know I'm not some puppet that he can make dance whenever he suddenly feels the need" I said putting French toast in my mouth "Sam not happening it's to risky" Justin said "you don't have to be my babysitter I can do things on my own" I said "last time you said that you ran off" Justin said "I was protecting myself from you, you were a liar you were going to trick me into being a killer you were a trader that's just as bad as leaving me for dead" I whisper yelled "Sam quit" Toby said eating his food "Justin has a point it's risky" Toby began before being interrupted by me "Tobs this is a risk I'm willing to take if I don't he can hurt the girls and no matter how much protection we give them he will find a way in and hurt them, so I'm doing this end of discussion" I said crossing my legs and eating my French toast. "Sam it's risky" Toby said "Tobs before you and Justin made all these huge choices to protect us, it's my turn this is a risk I'm willing to take" I said getting serious "alright we leave tomorrow at dawn" Toby said "are you serious we can't let her do that" Justin said "we are, either your with us when we do or your not it's your choice" Toby said "of course I'm with you, with what ever you do but" Justin started "then you'll be with me and Tobs when I tell Jackson what I'm doing" I said "fine finish eating then let's go" Justin said and we finished eating our breakfast. "Here's your bill" Jimmy said setting the bill down on the table I went to grab it but Justin smacked my hand "don't touch" he warned "fine can you let me out so I can go to the bathroom" he nodded getting up. I went to the bathroom and fixed my hair into a high pony tail washed my hands when I walked out I literally bumped into Jimmy who was coming out of the kitchen with a sprite that spilled on me. Twice at this restaurant "I'm so sorry" he said picking up the ice and putting it in the glass "it's my fault I didn't see you there" I said helping pick up ice "this is going to sound lame after I just spilled sprite on you but here" he said helping me up and handing me a piece of paper "thanks I'll look at it later since everyone is staring" I giggled "well hint hope to talk to you later" he said I smiled "maybe" I giggled "I have to go" I said he nodded. "What was that about and why are you covered in sprite" Toby asked "he spilled pop on me but I bumped into him coming out of the bathroom" I said "wow not your lucky restaurant" Justin said "what do you mean" Toby asked "last time we were here this girl had a thing for Justin and she dumped my sprite on me and my food" I said laughing nervously "that's not right" he said laughing "your not mad" I asked "no why would I" he asked "because you told me not to leave and I did" I said disappointed "did you get into a car" he asked "no" I said shaking my head "well then you had an equal advantage plus your loud" he said pulling me into a side hug "so you have lobby guy hitting on you" Toby started "his name is Zane" I said "Zane whatever and Jimmy likes you" he started again "Jimmy dose not like me" I said rolling my eyes "Sam what did he give you" Toby asked "a piece of paper" I said "a blank piece of paper"Toby asked raising his eyebrow. "I haven't read it but I'm guessing not" I said going into the hotel "hey Sam" Zane said getting the elevator open "hey Zane thanks" I said getting into the elevator with the guys. "I'm tired" Toby said "how it's only 11" I asked "I was driving all night to get here" he said in a pretend threaten voice "you can sleep in my room and I can just hang in Sam's room with her" Justin said "if it Ok with you" Toby asked looking at me he looks so tired I can tough it out for a couple hours "yeahs its fine get some sleep" I said kissing his cheek "alright" he said and Justin and I got off the elevator and went to my room "I'm taking a shower pick a movie I won't be long" I said going into the bathroom getting under the hot water. When I was done I dried my body and wrapped my towel around me my clothes were out in the living on the couch I peeked my head out to see where Justin was he wasnt there he probably went to talk to Toby I went out and picked a pink crop and black shorts and black undergarments. "You sure you don't want me" he whispered in my ear giving me a fright "no" I said feeling my face heat up "really then why are you in only a towel" he asked kissing my cheek and slowly making his way down my neck with an arm around my waist holding me there loosely I almost let out a moan when someone knocked at the door good saved by the door he groaned and left me to get the door I took this chance to grab my clothes and rush into the bathroom locking the door hurrying and getting changed and washing my face I can't let him have that effect on me I'm in this mess because of him and Tobs. When I got out he was on the couch on his phone I rolled my eyes when he looked up he looked disappointed "Aww I liked it better when you were in a towel" he said I smiled satisfied sitting on the couch when I remembered the paper Jimmy gave me I would be a bad person if I didnt text back right? I added the number into my phone like Toby said it was his number with my name on the front with a single flower.
hi who's this??
Sam girl you spilled sprite on
Of course the one and only Sam
I texted smiling "who's that" Justin asked sitting next to me. "Jimmy why" I asked he growled and went into the kitchen great grumpy Justin just what the world needs.
Hey I have to get back to work text u later for sure
Ok ttyl then
"I'll be back" I yelled leaving the room going to the lobby "hey zane" I said going to the desk "hey Sam what's up" he asked "need to know where the closest place to get donuts are" I asked "SA right up the street" he said "thanks" I said jogging to the store got four donuts and walked back under ten minutes. "Here you are genius" I said giving Zane a plain donut with sprinkles "thanks" he said and I took the elevator up. When I got in the room angry Justin was on the couch "Justin" I said night response "Justin" I said again he's ignoring me great I sat beside him he got you and left "Justin really" I said following him to the kitchen he walked past me to the bed when I kept following him he sat on the couch again "I got you a donut" I said he ignored me and put in ear buds I put the donuts on the table walked behind him and kissed his shoulder then slowly making my way up his neck when I got to a certain spot his breathing hitched and his breathing got shorter when he let out a moan he got up and went into the bathroom a moment later I heard the water run I smiled and jumped on the couch turning on Disney five minutes later the water turned off and moments later Justin came out in jeans "my clothes are in my room which Toby is sleeping in" he said I nodded biting my lower lip admiring his upper body. "Take a picture" he said walking closer I bit my look looking down in my hands he noticed crap he sat besides me just observing "why are you staring at me" I asked playing with my hands "because I can" he simply said "you still mad" I asked "no" he sighed "I got you a donut if you still wanted it if Jazz was mad for some silly reason then I'd buy her a donut and she would be fine so I just thought maybe that was a sibling Jean you share" I said getting up and walking to the kitchen "it is" he whispered in my ear and I jumped "how did I not hear you" I asked "your paranoia is blocking your hearing" he said "I'm not paranoid" I said "but you are" he said back "no I'm not" I said back "fine whatever you say just try something" he said I nodded "close your eyes and tell me what you hear" he said "nothing everythings quiet" I said simply "no try again outside the room" he said "still nothing" I said "alright pretend your in your room what do you hear" he asked "but I'm not in my room" I said "Pretend" he growled "alright fine" I listened and after a while I heard something "I hear the people across the hall" I said "alright good tell me what there saying" he said I nodded "there's a women and she's yelling at someone she's saying 'how could you how could you forget Amy at practice Amy's only 7 she didn't know what to do'" I repeated "great see what happened when paranoia isn't blocking your ears it works the same with eyes and fear you get so scared you see only what you want to" he said "really am I going to see a ghost" I said he glared at me "no your going to see people for who they really are look at me and tell me what you see" he said "are you sure you don't want to put a shirt on first" I said "no look at me tell me what you see" he said "I see a 5"9 guy in my room with tattoos everywhere and that has amazing abs" I said he shook his head "that's not what I meant I meant what do you see in me and I don't mean characteristics I mean who I am on the inside" he said I nodded and looked he was scared he has all these tattoos that covered his body I knew what kind of guy Justin was but he wasn't going to like it "alright you are a scared little boy with not a lot of sense in direction but when you want something your determined to have it" I said he looked shocked "your right I'm determined alright" he said "will you eat your donut it's chocolate with vanilla icing with sprinkles" I said "how did you get this made they're hard asses who won't do anything extra I've tried" he asked "you can't send a man to do a women's job" I laughed he smiled eating his donut getting icing and sprinkles on his face. "You have a little something right here" I said using my lip as an example "did I get it" he asked missing it "no right there" I said whiping it off with my finger. "Ugh sorry I'm ganna go in the living room" I said biting my lip out of habit "Sam" he said grabbing my arm setting his donut down pulling me closer "you should stop biting your lip" he said I nodded "Ok I will when you put a shirt on" I said simply "you really want me to put a shirt on" he came close whispering in my ear. "No but I don't wanna stood biting my lip just because you said so either" I said getting on the couch giving my attention to Disney. "Sam don't walk aw" he started but stopped in mid sentence "never mind" he said sitting next to me. "Alright" I said getting comfy. "Sammm" Justin whined "what" I whined "can you get my donut I left it on the table" he whined "nooo" I whined "pwease" he said "no" I said "pwease" he said again "your not going to shut up are you" I asked "nope" he said "fine" I said getting up getting his half eaten donut "here" I said handing it to him sitting down noticing he changed the channel "Justin flipping beiber if you don't turn it back" I threatened "it what" he teased "well if I don't get to watch what I want then you won't be able to either last chance" I threatened. "Nah I like football" he said I shrugged my shoulders and stood up going out of the room for a moment thinking of my next move I got it I walked back out there behind the couch this time. "Justin" I said in his ear quietly dragging my hand down the middle of his chest down to his abs felling his stomach tighten. "Sam what are you doing" he asked weakly. "You'll see" I said dragging my hand up slowly caressing his cheek "Sam don't start something you can't finish" he warned.
Justins POV
"What am I starting" she whispered in my ear with every touch this girl is driving me crazy. "Justin" she said teasingly in my ear "Sam stop now while we still have control" I warned she's driving me nuts "but I don't wanna stop you had your chance before" she teased before biting my ear "Sam" I warned she came around the couch so I could see her. "You seem tense" she said touching my abs "I'm not going to be able to stop the situation if this goes much farther Sam" I warned she shrugged her shoulders sitting on my lap "maybe I don't want you to be able to stop it" she whispered in my ear I was fighting all my urges to keep calm she will come to her senses soon. "Justin" she said kissing me lightly "Sam stop before I can't stop you don't like me" I said "but I do" she said biting my bottom lip gently before kissing me she wasn't going to give up before she got what she wanted I just wish I knew what that was. "Sam" I started but she cut me off "don't you dare warn me I know what I'm doing" she whispered biting her lip. She sounded so sure I can't keep control any more "don't bit your lip" I whispered before kissing her madly she pushed back pulling off here shirt reveling her black bra that's when I lost all control I bit her lip demanding for entrance but she didn't grant I pulled back "Sam quit being a tease" I growled "then don't be demanding" she ordered she kissed me hard biting my lip demanding for entrance I pulled back "I thought you said no demanding" I said she smiled and pulled me closer biting my lip again I granted entrance and our tounges fought some sort of battles that she was no doubt winning I undid her bra but when I did the door knocked she grabbed my hand with the watch on it and groaned "walk to the door slowly and then answer it by the way I'm asleep" she said kissing once more before getting up I got up walked slowly to the door before opening it. Toby shit. "Dude you better have a good reason to why your shirts off or I'm going to kick your ass" he said walking into the room to see Sam under the covers on the bes asleep when we walked in she got up and stretched "hey Tobs is it morning crap I need to get ready" she said in a hurry "slow your horses it's 7:45 pm there's no need to get ready you were asleep" he asked her "whats it look like" she said sarcastically "alright so that explains why he has no shirt on I sleep with no shirt on to" Toby said looking at me Sam mouthed 'play along' "yeah" I said "I'm going to head up to bed night" I said leaving the room shocked.
Sam's POV
When Justin left he was shocked it was funny. I went into the bathroom and Justins shirt was on the floor told Toby saw he would freak I picked it up folded it and put it down my shirt so Toby wouldn't notice it in my hand I went into the living room and Toby sat on the couch looking at the tv in Aww "what" I asked not getting it "you watched a different channel besides Disney" he said I laughed loudly "yeah right he probably changed it when I fell asleep" I said he nodded I went into the kitchen "Tobs" I said but he interrupted me "Sam, Justin left his phone in the couch sorry what were you saying" Toby said "there's a donut here for you" I said walking in the living room "yeah I love donuts" he said "I know I'll return his phone before he puts out an APB out on it" I said he nodded giving me the phone I slipped on my shoes "what room is he in" I asked "429" Toby said "alright be back soon" I said taking the elevator up when I got to room 429 he still didn't have a shirt on and I smiled "come in what's up" he said "well for starters you left your shirt on the bathroom floor are you trying to die then you left your phone in the couch" I said sitting on back of the couch "well thanks" he said reaching for the phone I pulled it back just as he went for it "don't ever trick me then change Disney Chanel" I said he nodded I grabbed his neck pulling him closer "ever" I whispered in his ear I kissed him lightly before going "Sam you know your a tease right" he said "I can when want to be otherwise I'm either dangerous or innocent bye see ya tomorrow" I giggled kissing his hard biting my lip before going to open the door but he slammed me softly against the door "stop biting your lip" he said kissing me poking my lip for entrance I pulled away "some other time I was returning what you left" I said he nodded kissing me again "goodnight Justin" I giggled before skipping to the elevator "night princess" he said before shutting the door I smiled until I got to my room. "Night Tobs" I said crawling into bed "night Sam" he said kissing my forehead I cuddled into Toby and falling asleep in his arms.
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