Chapter Six

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"If you guys don't mind, can I ask you all something?" I asked fidgeting with my fingers...."

Go ahead Noona." It was Jimin who replied.

"We don't even know each other much. I mean personally we don't. It's a different thing that I've known you guys for almost 7 years now. But wait that's not the point. I just wanted to know why did you guys even come there? Why did Namjoon take a stand for me? Why did Jungkook & Jimin cry for me? Why were Seokjin and Hoseok so worried about me getting hurt? Why did Taehyung & Yoongi give her a warning? Why do all this for someone you don't even know?" I blurted it all out. All the questions that's been running in my mind since the second they stepped there to my rescue.

"J, it's not the matter of why at all. I know that none of us know anything about you. But you are someone who Bang PD cares a lot about. You are the only family PD Nim has now. And Bang PD is like a father to us. So anyone whose important to him, is important to each one of us." Replied Namjoon. The way my nickname slipped out of his lips, God that sounded so freaking amazing.

"And moreover Y/n, even if you were not Bang PD's brother's daughter, we'd still want to know you. I don't know how to explain this but there's something about you that makes us want to have someone like you as a dear friend." Continued Seokjin giving me a smile.

"We would really like to get to know you Y/N. That is if you allow us to. We want to be that friend whom you can rely on whenever you want, no matter what hour of which day it is." Said Yoongi. Hearing Yoongi talk so much was a first for me. I've always known him as the quite and observant type.

"Noona I never had any elder sister. But the moment I saw you, I felt like I'm seeing my long lost sister." Spoke Jungkook with that little innocent look on his face & those big Bambi eyes.

"Not to brag or anything but I'm actually very good at reading people and the moment I saw you, I could tell that you're a really good person. Trust me when I say that we want to protect and treasure you." Said Taehyung. Someone saying I'm a good person is also a first for me.

"Y/N, I have an sister whose elder to me and everyone someone used to lay even a finger on her, I instantly used to have this feeling to protect her from the world & hide her from all the bad. Trust me, I'm not lying when I say I had the exact same feeling when I saw your condition and listened to all those awful things Chaewon spoke." Spoke Hoseok gently patting on my head.

I couldn't digest what all they said. They wanted to get to know me? Be my friend? Protect me? Treasure me? They cared for me? These 7 world famous artists cared about me?

And if I'm being honest, Jungkook was always like a little brother to me, even though I didn't know him personally.

They were the first people who genuinely wanted to be my friend & I couldn't be more happier.

"I... I never had any friends. I don't know how friendships work." I mumbled. I could feel my eyes getting teary.

"Noona you don't need to worry about anything. We'd be the lucky ones to be your first ever friends." Jimin said giving me that cute smile of his.

I thought about it for a while. How did I ever get this lucky? Was this my chance to finally be happy after all the shit life put me through?

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