Chapter Forty-eight

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2 weeks have gone by since Y/N came out of the coma, and these 14 days have been nothing less than a whirlwind of emotions.

The day she gained consciousness, we decided to name our unborn baby Taeyang, Kim Taeyang Jones, which means Sun.

Even though the little one was taken away from us before they could step into this world, one thing we knew for sure was that they'll always be the Sunshine in our lives, always brightening up our days just with a thought of them, and fill us up with warmth always.

Y/N was healing, but not completely. We'd started therapy, not only for her but for me as well. While I was going for psychodynamic therapy, Y/N was going for both psychodynamic and physical therapy.

Even though her fractures and paralysis had healed, the doctors suggested that it'd be better if she went for therapy for at least a few months.

It has been hard on her, but she was trying her best, with all her loved ones by her side all the time. The boys had also become very close to her over the past 2 weeks, always being around and taking care of her, making sure she had everything she needed at all times.

She was also spending a lot of time with her father. They'd become a lot closer to each other, and I was so happy about that.

After everything Y/N had to go through from such a young age up until now, she deserves every kind of happiness life could offer her and then some.

But along with the good things, very shocking things also happened, ones we never thought would happen.

5 days back, there was a court hearing for Mark, Chaewon and Y/N's excuse of a mother.

It was hard for her to face her tormentors again, but with all of us being there for her, she did it.

The whole of BTS was present at the court, and thankfully, PD Nim and Sejin Nim made sure the news of it didn't go out, so there wasn't any paparazzi at all, neither while we were going into the court, nor while we were leaving from there.

Mark, Chaewon, and Y/N's birth giver, all tried their best to deny all the allegations on them but failed at last.

Just as we thought it would be over, our lawyer called up a witness we were shocked to see there.

It was one of Y/N's step-siblings, the eldest of them. Neither of us quite understood what he was doing up there. Don't even get me started about the shock and confusion on Mr Jones' face.

The lawyer first asked him to introduce himself, and that is when we all -- well except for Y/N's father, Bang PD, and Ayesha's parents of course -- got to know that his name was SuJin.

After some questioning back and forth, SuJin spoke about what he'd heard his mother speak on the phone and then confessed to him and his siblings that everything he'd heard was true.

Apparently, it wasn't only Chaewon, Mark, and Y/N's mother who were involved in all of this, but so was SuJin's mother.

To say that Mr Jones was shocked, and fuming with anger would be quite an understatement.

When she was brought by the cops into the confession box, she confessed that she indeed was involved in all of it. She also confessed that she was Chaewon's mother and Y/N's mother's cousin.

After that, the court hearing went on, and not long after, Chaewon, Mark, and Scarlett -- what I'd learnt was Y/N's mother's name -- were given life imprisonment for all their crimes, and Nari, who was SuJin's mother, was given 30 years of imprisonment, with no chance of parole for any of them.

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