Chapter Twenty

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It's been 2 weeks since everything that has happened in the hospital and I've been a mess, not just emotionally, but also mentally.

Namjoon was discharged the 3 days later, after a thorough check up. Instead of going back to Ilsan, his parents decided to stay with him for a few weeks.

I was kept on the hospital for a day and was given an IV drip as I had passed out due to exhaustion and weakness. I was discharged the next day.

Before everything went down, Namjoon used to share a dorm with Jimin, but the day he was discharged, he refused to go back there.

His exact words were, "That's the exact same place where I slept with Chaewon, which was the reason for Y/N to be so hurt and I can't stand to stay in a place which hurted the person I love."

I couldn't understand why was he so concerned about me now, when he didn't hesitate to sleep with someone behind my back. And not just some random person, but a certain someone who billed me and said some very hurtful words right to my face.

I was originally gonna move to Busan from Seoul, to stay away from Namjoon, and to ensure that I don't cause anymore ruckus for anyone, but I stayed back, not for Namjoon, but everyone else, including his parents.


Flashback: 2 weeks ago~

After that day in Namjoon's hospital room and myself getting discharged, I isolated myself in my apartment for 2 whole days, with my phone switched off.

According to everyone, I was taking some much needed time alone to heal myself, but the truth was something else.

As of tonight, I'm leaving for Busan. As promised to Namjoon, I planned to go away from him and everyone. Even if that'll hurt me, all that matters is that atleast no one would be hurt anymore because of me.

So here I am, standing infront of Namjoon's hospital room, to say my good-bye to everyone, including Sejin Nim and Appa.

As I knocked and entered his room, I was surprised to see Namjoon's parents sitting there, along with his siblings, the boys, Sejin Nim and Appa.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." I spoke as soon as I was inside.

"Not at all sweetheart." Replied Appa with a warm smile.

My heart started aching seeing that smile of his that is filled with nothing but warmth, knowing that I'm gonna leave him behind as well and go away from everyone, even from him.

What I came here for, needs to be said as soon as possible, because I know for a fact that if I stay here for longer than planned, I'm going to be a crying mess. So I cleared my throat and started speaking.

"I won't take much of any of your time. I'm just here to say goodbye." I said and gave them a small sad smile.

"I'm leaving tonight. To where? That's not important. What's important is that I will make sure I don't cause any more pain to anyone.

I'm very sorry for everything I've done. If it wasn't for me, Namjoon would never have taken that step and y'all wouldn't have to be here sitting in a hospital room, or Mr. and Mrs. Kim wouldn't have to be here, leaving all their work in back in Ilsan, and neither would Namjoon's siblings have to be here, leaving their studies.

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