How It All Started

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I've been through hardship, I grew up in a very abusive household, it happened since I was a young age, but then it stopped, it stopped the day that my parents died. They were on their way to pick me up from school and a drunk driver side swiped them and knock them into the river. By the time the paramedics got to them they were no longer breathing. I didn't know how to handle it at first, life was rough yes but they were still my parents. I didn't really know what to do since I was already 18. That led to me living in my car. I can't say too much more because it'll ruin it, so I'll stop here and end with this.

Hi my name is y/n and this is the story of how I went from living in my car to living with eight crazy boys who I adored with every fiber of my being.

I woke up to the crackling sound thunder. I slowly pulled back the blanket that I had propped up against my window to look at the sky. I honestly don't know why I did that, I absolutely hate thunderstorms. I quickly covered back up my window once I saw the bright flashes of the lightning. I checked my phone to see that it was 8:00 in the morning. I turned on my car and turned up the music hoping that it would drown out the sounds of what was going on outside. Lo and behold it didn't, I tried to ignore it by scrolling through my phone looking at jobs, checking social media, and watching tik toks.

Once I was finally able to ignore the sounds that were coming from outside of my car I got a notification in my email about a job. I quickly opened the email to see that it was nothing but a scam, it was something about working from home for Disney and all I had to do was set up a laptop and a phone that they would supply and help people book their trips. There was no way on this Earth that I would trust that, so I quickly deleted the email.

An hour had passed and the rain had subsided to nothing but a small drizzle I pulled all the blankets down from my windows and the sun visor as well and folded them up nicely and sat them in my backseat, I stepped out of my car to go to my trunk to grab some clothes for the day and my toiletry bag. I grabbed my phone, charger, and my wallet from the front seat. I locked up my car and quickly made my way inside the rest stop that I was parked at.

After freshening up in the bathroom I got dressed and made my way back to my car, halfway there I decided that it would be best if I just walked throughout the city hoping that I would be able to find a job. After looking for countless hours I decided to stop and grab some coffee and a muffin.

After my order was finished and they called my name, I made my way back outside to finish searching hoping that I would find something today. I don't know how much longer I can survive living in my car I've been doing it for 5 years now and it's driving me insane. As I was walking I bumped into someone and spilled my coffee all over there very nice suit.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry, I did not see you there." I said as I handed him some napkins. "Oh no problem Miss I didn't see you walking either I was too busy working on my phone" he said as he slowly looked up from the new stain on his clothes. "I really should have been watching where I was going I'm so sorry I ruined your suit" I said as I slowly looked at my feet picking up my fingers. "No ma'am I promise that it's fine I have plenty more it's no big deal, but if you really want to make it up to me I have a proposition for you" he said as he looked at me. "And that would be" I said as I slowly brought my gaze back up to his eyes. I was really nervous about what he might be proposing but I'm hoping that it was nothing inappropriate because I was already uncomfortable enough. "I'm sorry that was probably the wrong way to go about it I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable I should have said I had a job proposition for you" he said with a small smile. "Okay and what would your job proposition be, because I am in desperate need for a job and I will pretty much do anything." I said with a slight giggle.

He ended up asking me to sit down so we went back to the coffee shop and I ordered a new drink. We sat down and had a conversation about the job. Pretty much he wanted me to move in with eight boys and take care of them. Meaning cleaning the house, cooking them food, doing their laundry and helping with anything else that they needed help with. And in return I would get a company credit card, a free room, and a new wardrobe. He said it would also include me going with them to and from everything that they do on a daily basis.

"So what do you say?" He said with a smile. "Honestly, how bad could it be?" I said giggling again.

We ended up setting up a date for me to meet him to look at the contract and sign all the paperwork that goes along with it. He told me once we had all of that situated that I would finally get to meet the boys. I have no idea who they are or what they're like but hopefully soon I will find out.

And that is how I finally landed the job that would change my life forever.

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