Are you sure you love me?

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I heard a knock on my door. Mingi walked in and right behind him was Mariah.

"Tell her, NOW" I said angrily
"Mariah, the.. uhm... the kiss meant nothing and I have a girlfriend. I don't know what came over me but it never should have happened. He said sincerely. "Oh duh, I knew that, that's why I let it happen and that's why when she walked in the door I didn't stop it. I wanted you to break her heart so she would leave you and I could have you all to myself." She said smirking.

I had no idea what I was doing but my feet were moving faster than my brain. I walked up to her and punched her. I punched her straight in the nose. "Tell her, NOW, or I will" I said. "You're fired Mariah" Mingi said "What? You can't fire me!" "Yes I can, you tried to progress a relationship before speaking with Mr. Young and since you work for me. You're fired." He said

After she left Mingi looked at me with tears brimming his eyes. " Now I think I can work on moving forward in forgiving you, but it's gonna take a while. So until then, the date is off." I said turning away from him. "I understand, but just know I still love you" he said crying "LOVE? LOVE? ARE YOU SURE YOU LOVE ME, BECAUSE YOU DONT CHEAT ON PEOPLE YOU LOVE" I screamed as I dragged Joong by the hand back to my room.

We sat on the edge of the bed and it was silent, too silent for my liking. "Baby..." " Yes sweet pea, what is it?" He said looking me straight in the eyes " I don't wanna be here right now, can we go do something. Please?" I asked "Of course hunny, I wanted to ask you on a date but due to current events I didn't think this was the right time" he said shyly "Then it's a date" I said kissing his check as he blushed

I didn't change my clothes because I had only been in them for a few hours. I did however rebraid my hair and fix my makeup due to the crying. "Baby, you ready to go" I shouted throughout the house! "Yeah sweet pea lets go" he said as he placed his hand in mine and kissed my cheek. We walked hand in hand towards the front door. "Where are you guys going" Mingi asked " Joongie is taking me on a date to get me out of the house. When I get back we can talk, if you would like" I said giving him a half smile. I had time to think about it and the least we can do is talk. I really do love him and I want to see if we can work through this. " Yes I would like that. Be safe and have fun. I love you" I smiled and walked out the door with Joong.

Hongjoong ended up taking us to a miniature golf course. I was so excited. I was jumping up and down clapping like a little kid with a huge smile plastered on my face. He grabbed my hands and pulled me into him. He kissed me. It was so full of passion and love and so sweet. We pulled away to catch our breath. "I love you so much sweet pea" "I love you too" he pecked my lips again and we walked into the booth to pay.

We ended up playing 4 games and now it was getting dark. We were on our last hole and so far I was kicking his butt. I have won ever single game so far and I'm about 6 points ahead on this game. If I make this hole in one shot I win. I lined up my putter and went to swing but lost my balance. This hole was surrounded by water so you can probably imagine what happened next. Yes exactly I lost my balance and fell backwards into the water. Thankfully it was only knee deep so I was fine, but I was soaked.

I jumped up and looked at Joong and could tell he was doing everything in his power to not laugh at me. I reached for his and and when he grabbed it I pulled him into the water as well. We were now both soaked just staring at each other. After a few seconds we both broke out into a fit of laughter. The manger ended up coming out and told us that we needed to get out because the water wasn't the cleanest and we were probably going to get sick.

After climbing out we walked to the car "I didn't even get to kick your ass on that last round" I said pouting "hey pouty pants, you kicked my ass on three round and even tho we didn't finish you still won the last game, dork" he said flicking my forehead. " Heyyyyy that hurt" I said as I started to fake cry "awe sweet pea I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you" I just started laughing "HEY, YOU FAKER" He said running to me and swung me over his shoulder, he started running in circles making me laugh hard. "Babbbyyyy put me downnnnnn" I said giggling "okay as you wish baby girl" he said as he smacked my ass and sat me down. I immediately hid my face in his chest "ohhhh does someone like it when I do that" he said smirking, I shook my head "it makes me have dirty thoughts and now I'm flustered. " Well do you wanna go home, shower and have some fun?" He said while brushing stings of hair out of my face " mhmmm" I said blushing

We jumped into car not worrying about us being soaked. We raced home and busted through the front door. Mingi was sitting there waiting for me "Why are you guys soaked" he said confused "Oh we fell into the pond at the mini golf course, we are gonna go shower and then I'll come talk to you okay?" I said as Joong picked me up and threw me over his shoulder again. I giggled hard and he took off running.

You can imagine what happened next hehe

After our shower I slipped into some of his comfy clothes and made my way back to the living room. Mingi still sat there waiting.

"Do you love me" I said standing there. "Of course I do" he said standing up and walking towards me, I put my hand up ushering him to stop and he did. "What is it gonna take to prove how sorry I am?" He asked "Time" is all I could say. "I love you but you hurt me, hurt me worse than my parents ever did" I said. I went to walk away and he grabbed me by my hand "I will prove to you everyday just how sorry I am, I promise" he said as he kissed my cheek. I just gave him a weak smile and turned around walking towards my room.

I really hope he does, because I don't know how much longer I can hold up this front, he hurt me but I miss him. I just can't let him get off that easily, he shatteredy heart. Now he must piece it back together.

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