The Contract

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Today is the day, today is the day that I finally get to sit down with my boss and sign the contract. I'm driving around trying to find the building that my GPS is leading me too, I finally arrived and parked right in front of it. My eyes go wide as I see how large the building really is. It's hard to believe that I landed such a big opportunity and I have no idea what I'm getting myself into. He told me a brief amount of information on what I would be doing but I still don't know how I'm going to handle living and taking care of 8 guys.

I very frantically step out of my car grabbing all of my essentials that I need. Once I get inside I walk to the front desk, the woman at the desk asks me my name and proceeds to tell me that in order to move around the building freely I would have to get my ID set up before I could finish my meeting. Getting an ID set up consist of all of my information being put on the ID as well as a picture. Once I'm finished getting it set up the woman pages Mr. Young ,my boss, down to the first floor. She proceeds to tell me to step to the side and wait for him to come down and he would finish the meeting.

As I stand there with my hands folded waiting for Mr Young I start to get nervous. What if the boys don't like me, what if I can't do the job properly, what if I mess up. I just had a whole bunch of what ifs running through my brain and it made me super anxious. After a while I was dragged from my thoughts as Mr Young tapped me on the shoulder and told me to follow him. We made our way up to the fourth floor to his office.

"So y/n today we will be going over all of the information that entails this job as well as the do's and don'ts behind it. Before we do so I would like for you to meet the boys so they can get a feel for you. They have a big say in whether or not you get this job as well. If one of them feels uneasy or unsafe or just doesn't have a vibe with you then I'm sorry but that will also Intel on whether or not you get this job. I think it's very important for the boys to have a say in this as well, seeing as you will be living with them under their roof which will soon become yours." He said

Before I could even respond one by one all eight boys walked into the room. As they slowly piled into the room I noticed exactly who they were and I got super nervous. I've listened to their music before and watched some of their lives. I just honestly couldn't believe that I would be living in a house with Ateez.

After about an hour of sitting and talking with the boys we kind of got to know each other a little bit more. Meaning they got to know me more. The boys soon left and left me with Mr Young to finish going over everything. He asked me how I felt about the boys and I told him the truth, I listened to their music before and I've watched some of their lives so I knew a little bit about them and I felt completely comfortable around them. I told him that I normally don't feel comfortable around people for a while but for some reason with them it was as soon as I met them I felt comfortable.

He ended up leaving me and told me to stay in the room so he can go talk to the boys to see how they felt as well. After about 20 minutes he came back in and told me that the boys were comfortable with me and they felt that I was the right fit so it was time for us to finish going over the contract.

It took us about 2 hours to go over the full contract and for me to sign and date all of the pages. The dues were pretty simple taking care of the boys and cleaning the house, the things he told me already, the don'ts were a little bit more complex. Some of the don'ts were, don't take pictures of them without their consent, don't post anything online, I wasn't allowed to tell anyone where I lived or who I lived with and the biggest one was that I could not have a relationship with any of the boys unless it was discussed as a whole and spoken to him with first.

Honestly that was something that he probably didn't have to worry about I was here for a job nothing more nothing less or so I thought.

After everything was said and done he walked me to the dorm and showed me to my room. It was a pretty big room, there was a giant king size bed in the corner facing the door, a vanity on the opposite side of the room, a bookshelf in the corner and a large desk up against the wall next to my bed. It also had a large walk-in closet as well as a very well sized bathroom with a Jacuzzi bathtub, a his and her shower and a his and her sink. That's when I realized that the bathroom was connected to one of the boys' rooms as well.

"Excuse me Mr Young, I noticed that there was another door leading out of my bathroom to somewhere else do I share this bathroom with one of the boys?" I asked nervously. "Yes you actually share this bathroom with Seonghwa." He said shaking his head.

I told him okay and we continued on with the tour he showed me the living room the dining room the kitchen the game room and the movie room. It was a very large apartment and I didn't think it was that big until he showed me everything but to be completely honest I wasn't too surprised.

After a few minutes Mr Young left me to set up my room. After setting up I laid down on my bed and immediately fell asleep, it had been 5 years since I had slept in a bed and it was so relaxing that I just couldn't keep my eyes open any longer.

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