Clumsy Clumsy Girl

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This morning I woke up in a mood and the sleeping Woo wrapped around my waist was my target. I quickly got out of his grasp and straddled his waist. I leaned down and went straight for his neck, kissing and licking all over. He started to stir and groans left his lips. I attacked him harder leaving sweet little love bites all over. Once I hit his sweet spot he let out a whimper. I smirked and did it again and again. He immediately flipped us over and hovered over me.

"And what exactly do you think you are doing baby girl?" He asked with hunger in his eyes. "Mhmmm I don't know exactly. You are my target and I think I  won!" I said smirking. " And why exactly do you think you have won?" He said smiling. "I don't know maybe because of the position we are in and because of the way your neck looks!" I said kissing his lips. His eyes got wide and he jumped up running to the bathroom. "Y/N, I swear I'm gonna seek my revenge, maybe not now, but when you least expect it" he said coming back attacking my lips.

*You know what happened next*

I got back into comfy clothes and made my way out the door after giving Woo a kiss goodbye. After shutting the door I made eye contact with Yeosang. He sped up to me capturing my lips with his. He pushed me up against the wall and started kissing down my neck. "I haven't had a chance to see you since we got you back, I thought we had lost you forever. I missed you so much, I love you y/n," he said looking me in the eyes. " I missed you and love you too sweet boy" I said kissing his lips again. "Can I take you out? Like right now. I saw this cute little roller rink a short ways down the road and I'd love to take you" he said smiling. " Let me get dressed and we can go" I said winking.

I walked to my room and slid on a pair of shorts, a crop top and my thigh high converse. I threw my hair up in a pony tail and did some light makeup. I made my way out the door after one last look in the mirror. I hated my appearance but I never let anyone know it.

I met up with Yeo again and we made our way to the roller rink. It was a short distance so we walked there. Once we made it we paid for the tickets and skates and made our way to the bench to put them on. We made it to the floor and instantly fell on my butt. Yeo let out a laugh and offered me his hand. We skated around for a few hours and decided to stop to get some food. We decided on nachos to share. They were so good honestly. I didn't expect roller rink nachos to be good but they were.

We decided to skate for a little bit longer, Yeo was trying to teach me a move where while you're skating you jump up and turn to face the other way before landing. I tried one time and that's all it took. I fell, I fell straight on my knee. All of my weight went down on it. I felt it crack and screamed out in pain.

Yeo rushed to me. "Can you walk sweet girl?" He asked "No, it hurts so bad and I heard it crack. I think I need to go to the hospital" I said in between sobs. "Okay let's go. I got you sweet girl" he said picking me up. After returning our skates he carried me out. He carried me all the way to the closest hospital which was like a 10 to 15 minute walk. I told him multiple times to call someone but he refused.

"I need a wheelchair please" he said as we walked through the doors. Soon enough a nurse brought one over asking what happened. Yeo told them everything and they immediately wheeled me back to get an X-ray. Once they finished they put us in a room and that's when Yeo called someone.

Hey man what's up?

Hey man I'm at the hospital with y/n, we went roller blading and she fell on her knee, we just got done with X-rays but I figured I'd let you know.

Shit, okay, just let me know what happens and bring her home as soon as you're done there.

Will do man.

*Call Ended*

The doctor came in moments later and told me that I did in fact crack my kneecap. He told us they would be putting a hard brace on it and I would have to use a one legged scooter for the next 6 to 8 weeks. I sighed out of frustration. "My clumsy Clumsy girl. Isn't this the 8th time you've been hurt or sick, silly girl?" he said kissing my forehead. " Yeah I've literally gotten sick or hurt on every single one of the dates you guys have taken me on" I said laughing.

After 2 long hours we all finally left the hospital we called for a can but San insisted on coming to get us. Once we arrived back at the house the boys bombarded me with questions. I answered all that I could and then told them that I was tired and wanted to go to bed. I wheeled myself to my room, I walked in and fell to my bed I was so exhausted from the hospital trip that I immediately passed out.

Why must I be so clumsy and always hurt myself. If I'm not careful the boys are gonna get tired of me real fast. The last thing I want is to lose them because I can't stay balanced on my own two feet.

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